02. he did deserve it

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     LORELAI WALKED OUT of the house when she heard the horn of the house. Olivia was waiting outside the door. She looked her up and down and grabbed her hand.

"We'll be back in two minutes, boys!" she shouted at the T-Birds before pushing Lori inside.

"What's wrong?" asked the brunette.

"We're going to make an entrance that no one will forget."

     Olivia opened Lori's closet. She didn't have as many clothes as her best friend. She mainly dressed in thrift stores or garage sales because she and her brother could not afford to buy anything else. Olivia still managed to find a dress and adjust it so that it highlights Lorelai's curves.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked as they were walking towards the school after they get out of the car.

"I am. Just follow my  lead." Olivia smiled at her.

     They were both wearing a vest that hid their outfit because Olivia wanted to show them at the last moment. Lorelai wasn't very comfortable being the center of attention but she was doing it for Olivia.

     Cynthia arrived and started walking near them. She was forced to wear a skirt because it was the rule but everyone knew she hated it so Richie couldn't help but comment about it.

"Oh, look, it's the belle of the ball!"

"Change your face, Richie, or I'll rearrange it." Cynthia threatened.

"Let her do it, Chato! Can't get uglier than what you've got now!" Olivia giggled.

     The twins started talking in Spanish and Cynthia came near Lorelai.

"Hi." she smiled. "Feeling better than yesterday?"

"Yes, thanks to you." the brunette replied. "I think talking with you kind of helped me."

"Cool." Cynthia nodded.

     Olivia put a hand on Lori's shoulder.

"You ready?"

"Not really." she replied.

     Olivia laughed and lowered her friend's cardigan to reveal her outfit. Lorelai took it off completely as Olivia imitated her. Richie tried to hide his sister but she grabbed her best friend's hand before throwing her own cardigan over her shoulder. Lorelai did the same and they walked up the sidewalk together. It was obvious Lorelai wasn't as comfortable as her friend but she did try to seem confident. Olivia was wearing a tight red skirt and a button-up shirt with a yellow scarf. Lorelai's colors were more subdued, she wore pastel green and white. Her dress was tight on her chest but the bottom was flared veil.

     Everyone was staring at them. The boys especially were looking at them longingly and whistling as they walked past them. Olivia didn't pay attention but Lorelai had never been looked at that way and honestly it was kind of freaking her out.

     The girls separated once inside the high school as they had different classes. Lorelai rushed to sit in the last row and silently took out her things, taking care to avoid people's eyes. It wasn't easy since many of them were staring and laughing at her.

      The period seemed to move into an unbearably slow pace. Lori was bouncing her pen on her notebook, staring desperately at the clock hoping to see the hand quicken. When finally it was time for lunch, she stuffed her things into her bag and stormed out of the room.

     She went to the football field because Olivia and the T-Birds sometimes ate on the bleachers. When she arrived, Olivia wasn't there so she sat down with Cynthia and the boys.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍, 𝐜𝐲𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐚 𝐳𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now