Remember, Remember!

Start from the beginning

Levi feels drunk or delirious when his thoughts make him laugh. He flinches at his own shadow, runs away in a weird zig zag - runs away from what? Himself? As he frowns at the track he left in the sand, he remembers that he shouldn't be here. Someone is bound to get really angry. That someone wields an anger that hurts, deep in his bones.

That someone is The Child.

As if the thought has summoned her, she approaches from far across the sand, behind her a beautiful light, like a burning tree that touches the sky. She wears tattered clothing with a cloth headband, a sash belt, and leather sandals laced above her ankles. She is tiny, her eyes underneath her bangs shadowed. Does she even have eyes?

Tsk, stupid. This is no child. This is Ymir, their goddess. Levi Ackerman kneels, as is appropriate ... but she stops abruptly and turns her face away until he gets back up.

Ymir looks half starved, like the children in the underground that live in the most desolate of ruins. He feels a surge of pity for her, but that emotion frightens him. Only utter fools dare to pity the gods.

"Ackerman," she greets him. "So you have come again."

He nods, though a little unsure what occasion she is referring to... he does remember walking on the sand before, sometimes without permission and purpose, sometimes with, often feeling lost. Previously, he recalls, she has called him "not one of mine". But if not a subject of Ymir, whose subject then?

"I'm looking for Eren," Levi says slowly. It's true, but also not true, he knows exactly where Eren is. Bound tightly to a bed in a house that belongs to a doctor in Liberio, capital of Marley. It's like an anchor, that place, it holds him in place.

"The Founder is looking for you," she says in response and it's enough for Levi to lose that anchor of knowledge, to become adrift in time.

"I don't understand what I'm doing here," Levi blurts out. "What does he want? This shit needs to stop. He cannot keep dragging me here, he cannot give me cryptic shit for answers and expect me to know what to fucking do."

"You have to die," Ymir shrugs. "You are in the way."

Ha, is that all? He feels tempted to laugh. They are all dead, only he is still alive. What is the point of living if all the people you cared about are dust and bones? His life has no value.

"Whatever he has promised you," Levi narrows his eyes at her. "He is probably lying. He and that monkey scumbag brother of his are up to no good. Zeke has royal blood. The two of them can..."

"Oh, I know that," Ymir interrupts him rudely. "They will go to Paradis together and they will bring down the Walls to start the Rumbling. They will take revenge for me. Everyone will die. Everyone. And I will finally be free."

"You are one crazy bitch," Levi suddenly finds his breath short. "Everyone will die? You think that's justified?"

"They have done horrible things," her face contorts in anger, "horrible, horrible things. Not a single person deserves to live!"

The statement gives Levi pause. Maybe she is right. It is true that they have all done horrible things. But...

"The children have not," he objects, "all the children born into this world, they are free of sin."

"They are not!" She stomps her foot, the whole world shakes and Levi loses his balance, falling to his knees ungracefully. "Why are you even here, you are banned from this place," she begins to sob, retreating, "all of you, banned! You mean to kill him!"

This is My Last War (Attack on Titan // LeviHan) - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now