-"I know (Y/N)... It's just... Complicated, it's something I don't wanna talk about." You frowned but decided to let go for now, after all you weren't alone.

-"Fine, I'll stop since there's Prussia but I would like to talk to you after this." Prussia looked at you with an amused look and crossed his arms, looking at (B/F/N) with an eyebrow raised and a smirk, like if waiting to see what they would do. He seemed very... Calm, like if he knew a lot more things than it seemed.

(B/F/N) frowned nervously when you said this. Once they noticed Prussia's look they almost glared at him before sighing. They fiddled with their fingers as they gulped.

-"Hm... W-well... About that..." You raised an eyebrow.

-"What?" Your eyes darted to Prussia who seemed very amused by the situation but still kept quiet. You looked at (B/F/N) with an interrogating gaze. They sighed again.

-"We... Well we need to leave... We need to leave Great Britain..." When they said that your eyes widened.

-"What? Why?!" You exclaimed, confused. They looked at you seriously but still nervous.

-"For our safety. Mostly yours, and I know it's hard to believe but that's true... It's... It's hard to explain." You frowned and crossed your arms.

-"(B/F/N), I can understand if you want to leave, but at least tell me exactly why. For our safety, alright, but why do you think we're in danger? I don't care if it's 'hard to explain', I wanna know! You always keep hiding things from me!" You unconsciously raised your voice while saying this.

You knew they were right, something was wrong when you were with the British Empire or 13, but the fact they weren't willing to really explain to you was annoying you. It wouldn't be the first time. You tell them everything, but them, them, they always hide things from you! They flinched a bit when you raised your voice but kept looking at you.

-"(Y/N), I know, I'm sorry... But I'll explain later, I promise! I'll tell you when we'll be there."

-"There? There where?! (B/F/N), If we leave now, we have nowhere to go, it's just an excuse to not tell me!" You frowned and almost glared at them. They looked at you with a hint of guilt.

-"(Y/N). I'll... I'll tell you later, I promise. And for where to go, we'll..." They looked at their bags then at Prussia who was still silent while looking at the both of you with a smirk, he didn't seem bothered by everything that happened. It was like he knew you both already and knew what you've been through.

-"We'll go to Prussia's." When they said that, Prussia raised an eyebrow while smirking, however he didn't seem any surprised.

-"Well, well, you seem quite sure of your statement, what if I went to say no?" He told them while smirking, they looked back at him, once again, the both of them knew something you didn't.


After a while of awkward silence you finally started to walk with Prussia to Well... uhm Prussia. (Of course you weren't going to walk all the way, just a small part) while doing this you approached (B/F/N) and asked them quietly.

-"Have you met Prussia before?" You asked seriously, they looked at you.

-"No." They answered truthfully. You frowned.

-"Then do you mind explaining while you both seem to know something I don't?" You asked seriously. They looked at the ground while still walking. They stayed silent. You sighed

-"Fine then. Keep your secrets, I don't care." You glared at them and walked faster to make a distance between you both. If they were going to avoid answering, you were just gonna avoid them too. You were mad at them, if the things they said were so important, why couldn't they tell you!? If it concerned your safety even more!

You sighed out nervously, why couldn't they tell you? Didn't they trust you? You were willing to tell them everything but they just keep hiding things! A hand on your shoulder surprised you, you looked behind you to see it was Prussia.

-"Don't ruin your mood because of this, trust me, it's better this way." He told you simply, looking at you. You furrowed your eyebrows while looking at him.

-"You hide things too, it's obvious, so why should I trust you?" You asked him, he chuckled.

-"Well, trust me or not, but I didn't make any promises to you so I have the right to hide whatever I want. Plus, I let you come to my own country to keep you away from whatever danger there is. In this period of time, it's quite rare." He smiled at you. You looked away, he was right. And he was skilled with his words to not slip anything that he didn't want to. However, you got curious about something.

-"While thinking of it, what year are we in? I never got the occasion to know it. I just have a vague idea... Are we in the 17th century?" You asked him, he looked at the horizon.

-"No. We're in the 18th." You nodded and hummed. The 18th century... It would be the revolutionary period... You sighed, that was gonna be difficult.

Hours passed and you finally arrived to Prussia, (you guys entered him 😏) and it was very awkward.

(B/F/N) was still silent and avoided your gaze. They just approached you to give you your bag (they carried their bag and yours during the whole trip) and then they walked off.

Prussia smiled at you and talked with you about a few things before he too walked off, leaving you in the hall.

You looked around the space, you were too tired to even observe every detail of the beautiful building. You looked through the huge window, the sky was yellowish, the day was ending. You realised how panicked the British Empire will be when he'll search for you. But inside you, you knew it was the right thing. There was something wrong with him.

You sighed and walked in the direction of the chambers, the evening sunlight shines through the windows and illuminates your pace. You couldn't help but feel nervous about what will happen in the future. More countries knew you and you just ran away, what will their reactions be? And how much time are you gonna stay here?

Something tells you, that today, your life is taking a major turn.

It's not Real!...Or is it ?(YANDERE COUNTRYHUMANS X READER)Where stories live. Discover now