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Warning: Very ooc

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢

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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚢.....

It was a Monday two days after the party; you picked a few things from your locker before heading to your next class, that's until you were shoved pretty harshly on the shoulder, and unfortunately you dropped all of your stuff in the process. "Whoops." Toralei smiled wickedly, her two friends behind her snickered. "What do you want Toralei?" You grunted quickly picking up your stuff.

"Oh nothing, just heard a little rumor...." she said, trying to act casual but you could see the malicious glint. You looked at her confused, "Didn't you see on the Ghostly Gossip?"

"Uh, no?"

"Here I'll show you." Toralei got her phone out and showed you the earliest post of the Ghostly Gossip. You couldn't believe your eyes as your mouth dropped wide as your face heated up, it was you and Heath at the party last night, you were alone together making out in the restroom.

"Oh shit!" You snatched her phone, Toralei laughed at your reaction "I guess the cats out of the casket, now see how it feels being publicly humiliated." She scoffed before snatching her phone back and walked away with her sisters right behind her tail, "Stupid cat." You heavily sighed clenching your fists. You knew exactly who posted the blog, and you knew they were going to pay later.

You frowned to yourself before walking to lunch.


You stood awkwardly as your friends looked in shock at the latest post of the Ghostly Gossip.

"Wow Y/n, out of everyone never did I expect you to hook up with....Heath." One of your friends exclaimed in disbelief.

"I swear to you guys, I didn't hook up with him!"

"Doesn't look like that to me." Clawdeen smirked showing you the video of you and Heath. You felt embarrassed as all your friends watched it and laughed.

But soon they all stopped once a certain someone showed up besides your table. It was Heath who evidently heard the news and has came to confront you.

"Hey Y/n, hey ladies." He greeted with a confident smirk. You almost choked startled by his sudden appearance, Your friends started to giggle again, they didn't seem to bother masking it. "What do you want?" you asked, your cheeks growing warmer with each second. Heath smiled devilishly and said, "I just came to get what's mine." You spat out the water you were previously drinking.

All your beasties looked like they were going to burst in laughter, but Heath wasn't done. You opened your mouth to say something but before you could he already had taken your hands in his. 'What the hell is going on?' You thought as you felt your cheeks burned redder, his touch felt like electricity running through your body. "What's all this about Heath?" You asked, your voice faulting. Heath ignored your question and only brought your hands closer to his chest.

You were confused as hell as he did this. You had never seen Heath act like this before and didn't know what to do or even think. The ghouls watched you both in amusement as he continued, "I think I'm in love with you." he says firmly.

Your mouth was a gap, you couldn't believe what he just said, surly Heath was just being a goof, and this was nothing serious, I mean- he's in love with every ghoul in school. You rolled your eyes at him pulling your hands away from his. "Is this a joke? I know you don't mean it," you said hesitantly. "I bet you say that to every ghoul." You crossed your arms. Heath looked at you with surprise, then serious determination. "No, I mean it this time."

You raised a brow at him, "I've been fascinated with you way before the night we kis-" Before he could continue you cut him off. "Look Heath- I don't know- what we did that Saturday was just a- fling, I don't think this can work." You motioned to the both of you. He looked at you with disbelief as his face drooped in sadness. "But I thought there was something special between us," he whispered, his voice filled with hurt and confusion.

The slight tremble in his voice hinted at the vulnerability he rarely showed, making your heart ache.

Your eyes furrowed in response to his words, your mind grappling with the contradictory emotions swirling inside you. You didn't really know if he was being honest or not, but his wounded expression told a different story.

You took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts and make sense of the situation. The truth was, you had been caught off guard by your own feelings during that Saturday fling. There had been a connection, a spark that you couldn't deny.

But now, faced with the reality of it all, you were scared. Scared of getting hurt, scared of opening yourself up to someone, scared of the vulnerability that came with truly caring for another person. It was much easier to dismiss it as a fling, to protect yourself from potential pain that could come from pursuing something more.

It was clear that he had allowed himself to believe in something more, to hope for a relationship together. And now, you were tearing that hope away from him.

"I'm sorry Heath." You finally spoke, your voice filled with a mix of regret and uncertainty. "I didn't mean to lead you on or give you false hope. It's just....I'm scared."

Heaths expression softened slightly, "I understand your fear." He said softly, his voice tinged with sadness. "But sometimes, taking a chance on something special is worth the risk. What's wrong with playing with fire?"

His words resonated with you, stirring a glimmer of hope within your own heart. Never have you ever expected Heath to say those words (I mean really it's Heath, he doesn't have the brightest bulb sometimes). Maybe, just maybe, you had been too quick to dismiss the possibility of something real between the two of you. Perhaps it was time to let go of your fear and embrace the uncertainty, to see where this connection could lead.

A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you reached out and gently took Heaths warm hands in yours. "Okay," you whispered, your voice filled with newfound determination, "Let's give it a chance. Let's see where this takes us."

Heath's face lit up with a mixture of relief and joy, his grip on your hand tightening ever so slightly. In that moment, you both knew that the path ahead wouldn't be easy. There would be challenges and doubts along the way, but together, you were willing to face them.

As you looked into each other's eyes, a sense of hope and possibility filled the air. Maybe, just maybe, this fling could.

A/n // I'm sorry if Heath gets a bit ooc at the end hehe

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A/n // I'm sorry if Heath gets a bit ooc at the end hehe...anyways I hope you enjoyed this story and farewell!

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