A Beginning

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"Calm down, everything's going to be fine!" Alice reassured her nervous best friend.

"Right.. you said that last time, and that was just my dad's room. This is a bit more dangerous than that!" Alice laughed at her best friends squeaking.

"Your way too stressed, maybe you should get a boyfriend." Alice teased her friend as she slipped by a camera, deactivating it and moving to a large door that was previously being monitored.

"Please if anyone needs a boyfriend, It's you. Maybe you'll finally stay out of trouble for more than five minutes for once." Her friend snorted, waving her flashlight around. Alice laughed and grabbed her friend's wandering hand, holding it steady.

"As if." Alice responded simply, sticking her tongue out in concentration as she pulled a bobby pin and screwdriver out of a pouch that she kept on her hip. "Keep the light steady." She ordered gently as her friend wavered.

"Uh.. Alice.. maybe you should stop now." Alice groaned and spun around to look at her friend, scowling.

"What n-" Alice froze at the stern face that stared back at her, the intimidating figure crossing his arms. "..Hi daddy..haha."

"I don't think that's going to work this time."

"Yes. Thank you for your input, Amata!"


"I cannot believe you! How could you do something so stupid?!" Alice cringed as her father yelled at her, looking awkwardly down at her feet. She heard James sigh and looked up, frowning at the tired expression on her father's face.

"It.. It was Butch's fault.." Alice defended her actions halfheartedly. James looked up at his daughter with a frown.

"Oh? It was Butch's fault was it? Butch was the one sneaking about the lower levels and lock picking the door that led to the water purifier?" James responded sarcastically, crossing his arms and shaking his head. Alice cringed again.

"He said I couldn't get close to the purifier if I tried, I wanted to prove him wrong." Alice whispered, looked at her feet with a dejected expression. James sighed and ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair.

"The Overseer-" Alice groaned.

"I know! I know, the Overseer is an ass and is threatening you again and doesn't like me influencing Amata. I know dad, you tell me every other day." Alice hopped off the chair and made her way to her room, grumbling to herself.

"The G.O.A.T. is tomorrow," James reminded his daughter, shaking his head as she waved back, the door sliding shut behind her with a hiss.


"Happy Birthday!"

Alice blinked at the bright light that assaulted her vision, momentarily going blind.

"Don't turn the light on so fast, you'll blind the poor girl!" Officer Gomez scolded. Alice cringed, 'too late' .

"Happy Birthday! We surprised you didn't we?" Amata giggled as her blurred figure slowly came into focus. Alice nodded dumbly, looking around the dining area that was decked out in some decorations, a cake sitting on the counter next to some party hats. Alice immediately grabbed them all and strapped one onto her head, slapping one onto Amata as well.

"Yay," Alice said blandly, removing her glasses and rubbing them on her jumpsuit before replacing them on the bridge of her nose. Amata shook her head and adjusted the party hat on her head before pulling out a small rectangular box.

"Alright.. guess what your present is!" Amata cheered, grinning at Alice. Alice glanced at the box and thought for a moment.

"Um.. Butch's head on a silver platter?" Alice guessed, tilting her head to the side. Amata looked disgusted for a moment before shaking her head.

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