She took a moment to take in her surrounding as she walked in confidently. 

"I am glad you could make it" he said slowly as he sat into his chair looking at his watch

"Me too" she said under her breath

"you've met Dara, she heads stallion communications and these are public relations and political experts from around the world"

Remi looked to timi's wife Dara who stood on one end of his table to the group of five people who stood on the other end of the room. 

"We have created a full Pr plan filled with strategies and tactics to help the campaign..." Dara started off

"Cinderella..." the Old man said after minutes of listening to the people in the room bombard Remi with information she was only allowed to take in and not question.

"sir..." Dara said as turned to give him her full attention

"The story as old as time, the prince and the pauper" the old man said unimpressed by his idea. He looked from one face to the other and " leave us alone"

Remi looked straight at him as everyone proceeded to leave the room. 

The room fell silent as he sat up in his chair

"you have questions?" he said 

"Nothing my husband hasn't already answered?"

"your husband?" he said with a mocking tone  "I need you to carry out a little experiment for me with your 'husband" he said with emphasis on the one word he had questioned

Remi took in a deep breathe as she waited for him to say what he had in mind

"On one condition" Remi said

"I am not your husband, Remi" he said "you do not get to make requests"

"I wasn't making a request...I was merely giving you the opportunity to strike a deal"

"hmmmm....." he sighed before leaning in into his chair


"how did the meeting go" his text came in as the car she was in with Ife pulled into the drive way of the wedding venue that was outside of the island. The most expensive venue nonetheless

"I think it went well" she texted back 

"How is your day....." she typed and erased it quickly as Ife adjusted in her seat. They weren't that friendly.

"Mr Talabi's office as notified us he would be at the venue in 30 minutes to an hour" Ife said as she scanned through her tablet.

They had changed her outfit at the palace after her meeting with Grandfather. She wore a tailored signature dress by Agnes Andrea an Iconic Nigerian fashion designer. It was an emerald green long dress  with a thigh slit that let her silver heels show with each step she took.

The car parked at the bottom of the stairs and the door was held open for her. Ife as well as one of the PR strategist, Ellen had changed into the aso ebi that was selected for the wedding to blend in more. 

Male escorts in suits helped them up the stairs. Remi looked up as she stepped up the last stairs to see the wedding banner. 

She snatched her hand from that of the person that helped her up the stairs as she stared at chima and his bride in the poster. 

She looked back at Ife who had a knowing expression to empathize with her.

"I am really sorry I was under instructions to keep it from you"

 "how...oh god" Remi stammered as she struggled to find words to express how she felt

"remi omg is that you" she hear a familiar high pitched voice yelled from behind. 

she watched Ife mouth the word 'sorry' as she stepped into the background before she turned to see three of her university class mates coming up the stairs. The snacky ones that always asserted on her difference in social class to theirs.

Remi took a deep breathe as she let her face break into a smile. "Hi"

"I am surprised to see you here" Owen said, the son of the first and only field marshal of Nigeria said as they arrived on the last flight of stairs where she stood.

"as am I " she said under her breathe

"Your dress...its amazing" His long term girlfriend Aramide said  surprisingly as she looked back after she had placed a kiss on Remi's cheeks  "have you been inside"

"I just arrived myself" Remi said " excuse me"

She walked in swiftly trying not to fall over as Ife and Ellen followed behind her. 

She panicked as she looked at the signs leading to the rest room. She needed space and each turn she took trying to avoid people that could recognise her from her old job or university made her tummy turn. 

She rushed into the toilet and leaned into the marble basins. The aura of the dark décor wasn't helping her manage her panic attack. She looked at herself in the mirror as she told herself not to freak out. 

It couldn't get any worse she lied to herself.

A maid walked in and Ife yelled "get out!" which surprisingly calmed Remi. It was just them in the restroom and she would like it to remain that way.

She turned to look at Remi with a wild smile that wasn't convincing. 

"How could he do this to me?" Remi said under her breathe before she answered herself. she was merely a pawn in his game and this was a strategy move for him.

How could he make her watch the man she loved marry someone else.

"give me a minute " Ife said before walking into one of the two bathroom stall

The door opened slowly and Remi's stomach tightened

"you really are here" Chima's mother said evilly "do you have no shame"

"I,iiii..." Remi stammered as she hoped for help as she rubbed against her engagement ring

"I, I ,I YOU WERENT EVEN INVITED. Were you planning to sabotage my son's wedding" She said as she stepped forward " are you dumb"

Ife slammed the door open and they both look towards her.

"He has arrived" she said softly with her signature smile.

"Excuse me" Remi said as she took a few steps to the side and made her way past her stunned stand.

"I will be with you shortly ma'am, I just need to sort something out quickly" Ife said as Remi was leaving the rest room.

Remi wanted to stop her from whatever she planned on doing or saying to the woman but the urge wasn't strong enough so she walked away hoping Ife did as much as she could within her power.

Marked ( Nigerian) #4Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora