Mall with the Gamers

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) POV

After a bit of waiting, I see the elevator open, and out came the girls

They all came out nicely dressed, and I'm not gonna lie.....they were hella attractive.....damn, Demi humans got my heart in a chokehold


(Y/n): wow, you guys look great...

They say thank you and we make our way to the mall

(King crimson)

Me make it to the mall, and enter

(Y/n): ok, so what do y'all want to do first?

They think for a bit

Fubuki: how about we go clothes shopping?

Korone: that sounds like fun!

Okayu: sure

Mio: i wouldn't mind

(Y/n): clothes shopping it is then!

We make our way to the clothing shops

We enter one, and it sells the usual clothes too

The girls scatter, telling me to sit near the changing rooms, which I'm not really complaining, I'm not a shopping person anyway

After a bit, korone comes over, bringing a cute pink outfit

Korone: hey (Y/n)! What do you think of this?

She shows me said cute pink outfit

(Y/n): It looks cute, you should go try it on

Korone: ok! Wait here for me to come out, or I'm going to take your yubis!

She runs to the changing room....wait she said she's going to take my fingers?

What the hell? That's scary as hell!

Shortly later, korone shows up again, wearing the pink outfit

Korone: what do you think?

(Y/n) look......adorable......

Korone blushes at my response

Korone:(blushing) really?!......I think I'm going to take this one hehe~

She goes to the changing room to take it off, her face a bit red and her tail wagging

Later, Okayu arrives

Okayu: hey (Y/n), what do you think of this?~

She shows me a outfit that looks......quite revealing.......why would they sell this?


Okayu: come on~ you telling me you wouldn't want to see me wearing this~

(Y/n): sorry to break it to you Okayu but seduction like this doesn't really work on me

Okayu: *sigh* fine, your no fun

She leaves as both mio and fubuki come forth

Mio & fubuki: what do you think of these?

Mio has a very mature looking red outfit and fubuki has a cute white outfit

(Y/n): those look nice, you gonna try them on?

Fubuki: yep!

They enter the dressing room, then later they come out wearing the outfits

Mio:....what do you think?

(Y/n) all look stunning......

Mio gets red a bit and Fubuki also gets red but laughs

Fubuki:(blushing) Haha! I knew you'd like this

Mio:(blushing) hehe~

(Bros charisma is boundless 💀)

They walk back into the changing room, their tails wagging quite a lot

A while later, we all group back together and I pay for the clothes they wanted to buy

Korone: you know you don't have to do this right?

(Y/n): it's fine, I'm the one who invited you guys all out after all

Fubuki: well, thank you (Y/n)!

(Y/n): don't mention it!

(King crimson)

After buying the clothes, we decided to go eat

This place has everything, it's crazy

Okayu got a onigiri, fubuki got a burger, korone got a chocolate cornet, and mio just got some tea

They sat down and began eating/drinking

I sat next to mio, I also got tea because I'm not really hungry

Korone, fubuki, and Okayu are all talking and laughing

(Y/n): a lively bunch are they huh?

Mio: yep, there quite a hassle

(Y/n): heh, sure seems like it.....I'm glad they have someone to keep them in line and take care of them though.

Mio: really?.....thanks, someone has to take care of them right? Not like I mind doing so...hehe~

I can see her tail wagging from here...heh

(Y/n): yeah, it's always nice to see mature and nice people help others, it's lovely

Mio: stop, your flattering me hehe

I take a sip from my tea

(Y/n): Im serious, it's great to know they have a nice person to take care of them

I rustle her head gently

I then turn towards Okayu



I take bite from okayu's onigiri

Okayu: hey!

(Y/n): revenge!

Okayu: for what!?!

(Y/n): for trying to rizz me up!

Okayu: *sigh*.....jerk

Okayu POV

I puts my head down, trying to hide my blush

Okayu: and a indirect kiss too?......

My tail stands straight up

(Y/n) POV

(King crimson)

After the mall we did our group stream

It was great, all of us had fun playing party games like Mario party

......but the Hololive gamers were quite clingy to me, and well

Mumei did not appreciate it....


Don't worry their fine

This was fun, as I said in the beginning, I'm out of the loop, but I enjoyed this one, did y'all like this one too, hope y'all did. Bye Bye

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