Part 14: will you?

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Today I'm planning on asking Scarlett to be my girlfriend. I was going to take her onto a roof top with really romantic dinner set out. Raya said she's going to help me get it all set up while Scarlett was in a meeting. It's been 2 weeks since we first did it that night and we've done it five times ever since. I just can't resist her.

Me and raya are currently on the roof top. You can see the whole of New York from here. It's beautiful. Raya had already set out the table and put up fairy lights.

I also set up a little movie thing for tonight to watch mama Mia and Greece as scar says she absolutely loves them movies

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I also set up a little movie thing for tonight to watch mama Mia and Greece as scar says she absolutely loves them movies. I've also got a speaker with a playlist full of love songs she loves.

It's currently 2pm and Scarlett gets home in an hour so I'm just going to sit in my studio until she gets home

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It's currently 2pm and Scarlett gets home in an hour so I'm just going to sit in my studio until she gets home. The date is going to be around 5pm ish and raya is going to be there getting us food and shit. I really hope Scarlett says yes because these past months since I met her I've been failing more in love.

I go down to my studio and work on my songs back to you and perfect. I'm really in the zone when working on songs. I also have some ideas for the picture for the album but I can't think of the name. Like it just won't come to me so I might ask Scarlett if she has any ideas because she might be more help than raya because she just keeps telling me that I have to name it not her. Anyway I think I've finished back to you. I just run over it once and I think it's done. I text raya and tell her I finished it. After than I picked my new book out call we were liars. Im on page 34 before I hear someone pull up.

Then I hear the door go. "Haz?" "Im in my study." I shout to her. She quickly arrives at my study door and runs into my arms. "mmm I missed you so much." She said hugging me. "Same. It's been boring without you but I want to take you on a date tonight." "really." "yeah. We need to go get ready cause it's at 5pm." She nodded.

We ran upstairs to hopped in the shower. We had one together to save time. After a lot of giggles and not much cleaning we are finally out of the shower. I dry mine and Scarlett hair and just straighten mine. I do my skincare and makeup while Scarlett is trying on the dress I bought her.

She came out the bathroom twirling around in showing me her dress. "Omg scar. You look perfect." I said to her seeing her in a red dress with a corset top and slit in the left leg. She giggled saying thank you before sitting down next to me doing her makeup.

Once I've finished I get in the bathroom and lock the door trying to calm my nerves. I slowly take deep breaths. I hop into my outfit. I'm wearing a black blazer with nothing underneath so I have to tape it to myself. Then I'm wearing a really short skirt underneath with high black boots. I walk out of the bathroom to see Scarlett gawking at me. "Wow." I just laugh at her. "Come on we gotta go."

We got in the car and headed to the to the place. I rested my hand on her thigh as she sang quietly to the song on the radio. We got there and my nerves had gotten worse but I manage to calm myself. I get out of the car heading to her side opening it door before helping her get out. We walk up to the roof and I watch her as she opens the door to it. Her face expression suddenly chances to a bright smile as she turns to me.

"Omg hazel this is beautiful." She says cupping my cheeks.

"Come on let's go and sit down." I said as she looked around in awe of everything she's laying her eyes on. I pull out her chair and motions for her to sit down.

I sit down in front of her and hold both her hands on the table. "Hazel I absolutely love this. What did I do to deserve it?" She asked. "Nothing I just wanted to do something nice for you since we've been spending so much time together." I said smiling at her. "Raya ordered us chicken wings because I know if I just gave you a menu or we went to some fancy restaurant you'd just ask for them anyway." I said laughing and she laughed with me. " this is so much better. You know as well I had such a boring and bad day at work so this is perfect." She said leaning over to kiss me.

"You know with the mini album I have coming out for you." I said and she nodded. "Well I wanted to ask you if you'd come and watch me preform the a concert for it as I'm not going to do a tour." "Hazel I'd love to go wherever you go. I'll come with you." "Are you serious." I asked smiling. "Of course. I don't think I could be away from you for that long."

We chatted for awhile. I decided that the letter I wrote for her I would give it to her tonight when I ask her so I have it in my pocket. I decided I'm just going to ask her and get it over and done with.

"Scarlett." I said making her look at me. I passed her the letter. As she opened it my nerves grew even more

(I'm going to put in what the letter says but you don't have to read it as you've read it before)

Dear Scarlett,
I am writing this letter as inspiration for an album that I'm doing on how I feel about you. Raya told me to do it so I have to. You know how bossy she is. Anyway I wanted to tell you how whenever you walk into a room I get butterflies and they never go away. I can not stop thinking about you and I stay up all night thinking about how much I like you. I think I'm falling in love with you and I can't help but wonder if you feel the same. Your smile is so contagious because whenever you smile it's like I have to. I love how beautiful you look and how I can get lost in your forest green eyes. Your perfect. I might never be enough for you and I know that but I'd like to try it with you. I want to just hold you in my arms and never let you go. I want to protect you from everything bad in the world and keep you all to myself although I know I can't do that because your with him. I don't think he deserves you because you deserve the world. I'm not saying you should break up with him but I am saying that I would give the world to be with you. Everything reminds me of how I am falling for you. I miss you every time I'm not with you. Every little thing you do I love. Like how you love to watch a Disney movie after a horror or when you try and make everyone around you happy instead of yourself. I want to get to know the real you and wake up to your beautiful face every morning. I know you may never read this letter because I don't think I have to courage to give it to you but I really do mean everything I've said. Your laugh drives me crazy and your raspy voice in the morning makes me all giddy inside. When you look at me I feel like it's just us in the world and no one else is around us. Your hugs are the best and so comforting so when you hug me I just want to stay there forever and melt in your hold. I want to do all those romantic cliche things with you like dancing and kissing in the rain or going to them fancy restaurants where we argue about who pays for food or cuddle in bed while we listen to the rain and watch a horror movie. I've never felt like this about anyone before and I genuinely think that your the only person I will ever want and I will never get over how much I love everything you do.

I watched her face while she read the letter. It felt like she really took her time reading it. Tears suddenly came to the brim of her eyes as she looked up at me. "Scarlett will you be my girlfriend?" I said to her smiling. "Yes yes yes!" She said she she git out of her seat to hug me. She started crying my arms. I quickly pulled her from out of my arms and look at her. I cupped her cheeks. "Hey why are you crying." I said laughing. "Your just perfect and that letter just made me emotional. Can I keep it?" "Of course but what are you going to do with it?" "Frame it." She said.

I kissed her passionately with love in my eyes. After I pulled away I rested are foreheads together. " do you want to just watch a movie instead and eat the wings on the bed." I asked hoping she'd say yes. "oh god yes." She says following me.

We quickly fell asleep in each others arms.

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