8; tweets

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Sadie awoke to the sound of loud... shouting? It sounded like shouting from downstairs- a man's voice. It was obviously one of the boys, but why? Were they playing a heated video game? Whatever the case, Sadie quickly threw on PJs and did her necessary things in the bathroom. She slowly peaked out her door, still hearing the heated conversation from downstairs. She softly worked her way downstairs, now recognizing Dream and Sapnap's voices- Sapnap being the angrier of the two.

"Dude... why does it matter? They're adults- they can do what they want, man," Sadie heard Clay say in an annoyed manner.

Sadie peaked around the corner, peering into the kitchen where the two tired-looking men stood. Sapnap was rubbing his forehead with his hand, his shoulders tense. Sap sighed loudly before looking back at Dream.

"I just- I dunno, man. It just feels off..." Nick sighed, much calmer than he had been. Sadie decided to reveal herself before she heard anything she didn't want to. She had a feeling they were talking about the Tweets that came out last night. The thought enraged her that she was being placed into this fake narrative of something that wasn't even her.

Sadie gently approached the two, who noticed her approaching. They quickly changed their demeanor and plastered on fake smiles. It was almost comedic how fast both of them knew to change their expressions.


"Mornin," the boys greeted her with a blush, knowing they'd have to break the news to her.

"So... I'm assuming you guys have seen the Tweets?"

Sapanp's eyebrows raised, and he crossed his arms, looking surprised and defensive. Sadie's brow flew up, shocked at his aggression toward the subject. Yes- what happened sucked, but it happened to her and Karl- not Nick. Sadie could only imagine he just cared about her image massively, which was sweet.

"So, you've seen them? I guess we should've known," Dream said, giving her a smile that read: I'll be here for you. It was a reassuring gesture. Sadie turned to Nick, whose eyebrows had now furrowed.

"You... you and Karl, huh?" Nick asked her, his gaze now lowering to the floor, his lips pursed.

"That's what I wanted to tell you guys... those pictures- they aren't me!" Sadie said in a determined tone. "I just met Karl, I-I don't feel that way. I don't know who Karl kissed when he went off to the bathroom, but it wasn't me."

Nick shifted his sight to meet Sadie's eyes. "But, it looks like you," Nick started, phone in hand, the screen showing the threads and pictures of last night's "events".




NEW! Pictures of Karl Jacobs with a friend of the Dream Team, Sadie Cooper.

Karl was seen last night with Sadie at a Florida tap house. Karl was seen kissing a brunette girl in the field connecting to the tap house. While it is not shown whether the girl is Cooper or not, her appearance resembles Cooper.



Attached to the tweet were two pictures of Karl kissing a girl with brunette hair. The girl's face was covered by Karl, but it definitely could've been mistaken to be Sadie.

"Yeah, I've seen the thread a ton of times..." Sadie sighed. Nick put his phone back into his pocket and settled onto a barstool next to Clay. Silence filled the air.

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