5; theater

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Clay's black SUV turned into the parking lot of the movie theater local to their town.

"Arrived!" He said, alerting Nick and Sadie, who were distracted, showing each other memes in the back row.

They jumped out, still laughing about the last TikTok they had watched.

The group entered the movie theater, purchasing tickets to whatever Marvel movie was playing at the time.

"I'll meet you guys at the seats; gotta take a piss," Dream told them before running off.

"Why did he phrase it like that?" Sadie laughed, Nick shaking his head with disappointment.

They stood in line for the concessions counter, hearing the occasional whispers or camera click. To be expected.

A high school-looking boy with long, greasy hair was running the counter, clearly not giving a flying frick about his job.

He turned to Nick and Sadie, whose turn it was in line. The boy almost sneered at them, as it seemed he did with every customer.

"What can I getcha?" the boy said with a sigh, leaning on the counter.

They ordered their drinks and popcorn, the boy and his co-worker fixing it up for them.

When their concessions were made and packaged, the boy sat them down on the counter, accepting Sadie's card (she insisted she paid Nick back for lunch).

"You're set," he said with another sigh. "My friend over there," he pointed at the co-worker who helped him earlier and was now working with other customers. "She said you guys were a cute couple, 'er something."

Nick and Sadie simultaneously blushed and looked away from each other like little kids in elementary school when kids accused them of having a crush.

"Um, thanks, heh," Nick awkwardly choked out.

The boy waved them off, telling them people were waiting.

The pair worked through the halls looking for their theater, still awkwardly chuckling about what he said.

"So, Sappy? We make a good couple?" Sadie teased.

"A good couple of friends," he mumbled aloud. Sadie breathed out a laugh, although secretly, she thought he sounded bitter. Why did it matter, though? He was right.

"Ok, we're on row F," Nick whispered as they stepped up the dark theater stairs. They located Clay in his seat and plopped down next to him, handing the man his food.

The movie began shortly, causing everyone in the theater to go silent in anticipation.

About halfway through the superhero movie, a major jump scare came out of nowhere, making Nick and Sadie do the classic 'scream and hold onto each other' trope.

Instead of being awkward, they just looked at each other and laughed, the movie still blaring. The two slowly moved away from each other, sliding back into their seats- however, their hands both remained on the middle armrest, slightly touching. Sadie noticed this and felt her stomach flutter. She decided it was just sweet and went on watching the movie.

The credits rolled after the flick ended, and many people stayed behind the watch the post-credit scenes. Once that was over, the trio left the showing room and eventually the building as a whole after taking pictures with fans.

The light was almost completely drained from the atmosphere when they stepped into the parking lot; different beams and shades of color appeared in the sky now.

"Wow, what a sunset."

"It's amazing," Sadie turned to watch Nick as he was mesmerized by the sky. This didn't go unnoticed by Dream, who watched as the girl stared at Nick rather than the colors of the sunset. Clay breathed out a small laugh, letting the two continue their walk to the car. He decided to leave things be. As far as he knew, it was just a look of admiration; but Dream had looked at someone he liked like that before, so he could never be too sure.

On their drive home, the three tired friends played soft Billie Eilish over the aux.

When the trio arrived home, they settled on the couch, turning on a show. Sadie felt comfortable enough to get closer to Nick. They were all under huge blankets sitting up on the couch. She slightly nuzzled up to his side. He looked down at the girl- who was focused on the TV- and smiled. He enjoyed that their friendship was becoming real again. This is how they were when they were kids. They always got close to each other, platonically, of course. He really missed his best friend. He didn't regret

reaching out one bit. Sapnap was just surprised she actually agreed to come up for a month, but for whatever reason she did, he thanked whatever was in the sky that he had a chance to reconnect with his best friend- one of the only people who stuck by him when he needed it most throughout his teenage years.

The hour-long episode concluded, the theme song playing through the speakers at a low volume. Sapnap was about to say something- however, he saw his two friends asleep. Dream was sprawled out on the other end of the couch, and Sadie was now fully leaning on Nick, passed out.

He decided to let Clay stay on the couch- he slept there occasionally anyways. Slowly and quietly, Sapnap picked a blanket-covered Sadie up off the couch, bridal style, and did his best to bring her up the stairs.

Somehow, he succeeded, placing the girl on her bed, throwing the covers over her, and flipping the lamp off. He watched her sleep for a little bit,  catching his breath in the process. Nick wasn't trying to be creepy- he was simply just thinking and admiring the fact that one of his best friends was here.

He softly shut the door, turning to face a grinning Clay in the hall. Sapnap nearly jumped in shock.

"DUDE!" Nick whisper-shouted very quietly. "Y-you were asleep. Why were you just standing out here?"

"You were watching Sadie sleep," he beamed, looking as if he knew something Nick didn't.

"C'mon man, let's get you to sleep. You're getting old, Dream." Nick tried pushing Clay toward the direction of the man's room, but he didn't budge.

"Do you like Sadie?" Dream asked, stroking his beard like a movie character.

"Dude, this isn't your Wattpad crap. She's just my friend and I was putting her in her bed. Now can you please leave me alone and let me go to bed? Me standing in her room does not equal me liking her, Jesus!"

Clay held his hands up, mockingly laughing quietly. "G'night, man," he said as he entered his room.

Nick stood for a second, rubbing his temples. He sighed and went to his room, getting into bed, and talking to Karl on Discord for a bit.


Karl :)

so, your friend sadie is staying over still?


yea man its a month long trip. anyways, dream thinks i like her cuz i was being nice lmao.

Karl :)

dream is just a funny lil guy

george told me you guys are joining his stream tmr- think i can hop into vc as well? i wanna meet said friend


yea i think you two would get along. shes super sweet and thoughtful like you. we're gonna do jackbox or sum. the more the merrier

Karl :)

looking forward to meeting her! :D


itll be fun

imma gts


Karl :)



With that, Sapnap shut off his phone, put it on the charger, and went to bed thinking about how much fun he was having this week.

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