As the gossip mill churns and speculations soar, we're left eagerly anticipating what the future holds for Alexandra Heroux. Will she trade the red carpet for the racetrack? Or will she continue to enchant us both on-screen and off?

Stay tuned for the latest updates as we delve into the enigmatic world of Hollywood's newest F1 sensation. There's no doubt that Alexandra's presence in the paddock has cast a spell on all of us, and we can't wait to see what she'll conquer next!


The dimly lit hotel room felt charged with tension as Florence and Alexandra prepared for the dinner celebration. The anticipation of the night's festivities mixed with a hint of worry as Florence's phone suddenly buzzed with a message. Alexandra couldn't help but notice her friend's expression change and her heart sank when she realized it was likely another gossip blog post.

"Is it true?" 

Gently, Florence hands over the phone, and as Alexandra reads the article, she feels the weight of the decisions she's been facing. She hands the phone back to her friend with a sigh, acknowledging that the reports are accurate.

"Yes," Lexi replied softly, turning to the mirror to apply some powder to her face, avoiding eye contact with her best friend, who looked heartbroken. 

 "Are you going to do it?"

With a frustrated sigh, Alexandra placed her makeup brush down on the vanity and turned to her friend. "I don't know,"  she murmured. "I haven't decided." 

"When were you going to tell me? Were you ever going to tell me?" Florence asked. "This blog says Toto asked you months ago." 

"He did," Alexandra replied coolly. "I didn't want to tell anyone until I'd made up my mind. Nobody knew. Not even Charles." she shrugged. "It's a big decision, Flo. And it's not one I want to rush into." she paused as she saw a flash of hurt cross her best friend's face. 

Of course, Florence wouldn't take this well. They'd lived together for the past four years, traveled together, and worked together. They were inseparable. If Lexi left Hollywood and moved to the busy lifestyle of F1, Florence would lose her best friend. She'd lose her lifeline. 

"Is it because of him?" 

"Charles?" Lexi asked in confusion. "No." irritation sparked in her eyes. Of course, typical of Florence to find something to blame, something to be angry with instead of accepting the truth. "Flo, if I do this, I'm doing it for myself. Not you, or Lewis, or Charles, or anyone else." 

"Not even for James?" 

Her words cut cold. 

Alexandra physically recoiled from the mention of her brother's name, having not heard it in two months. Florence knew better than anyone why Alexandra cut ties off with her own family. She knew why Lexi was terrified of her brother. Of having him associated with her. 

After what James did, his name was nothing more than an insult to Alexandra, and when it was her best friend throwing it out into the air of the hotel room, Lexi snapped. She stood quickly, knocking the chair over. 

"Get out." she hissed. 

Florence stepped back in shock, realizing instantly that her pettiness had crossed a line. "Fine." she snapped, grabbing her bag. "But don't come crying to me when your past comes back to haunt you, again! Just remember Lexi, they weren't there for you when your mum died, or when James had his accident. I was!" she turned on her heel and stormed out angrily. 

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