Chapter 1

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Leia MacTavish

"Oh, boys, you smell like depression and death." I say smirking as I see the boys approaching the doorstep, "You smell like roses!" Gaz hugs me tight, and I laugh, "That's because I shower."

"How's my sissy?" Soap then hugs me, and I hug him back tightly, because I never know if he's gonna survive out there. "Missed ya.", I kiss him on his dirty cheek and he smiles, "I told you I'll come back, I always do."

"Yep, that's what pops used to say... And he's not saying that anymore down below." I shrug my shoulders while Soap is shaking is head, "You devilish lass."

"Hi, Ghost!" you force a smile, but you get nothing in return, as per usual. "Hi Ghost, I cooked you a meal! And changed your fucking sheets!" I say while rolling my eyes, what an empty shell of a man.

"That meal sure tastes bitter, just like your attitude." he says quietly while entering the house, "Suprised they didn't kill you out there." I scoff as I gather their filthy boots.

"They don't have the balls to do that." he adjusts his balaclava and I roll my eyes, I'm so sick of this man. And I'm pretty sute he's sick of me too.

I take their boots into the bathroom and I start to scrub them. The mud, the blood, the filth. I hate it, I hate every bit of Johnny's so called job.
A job is a nine to five, this is a death wish.

"Lei, can I have a drink?" Gaz knocks on the bathroom door, "Sure, Gaz, there's some orange juice in the fridge." I mumble, "Thanks, Lei, you're the best."

I'm sure you're wondering what the hell are this boys doing in my house, so let me explain.

Pops and mom died  seven years ago while Johnny was on a mission, and after that, I was left alone. When he came back, we had an agreement, or more so an order.

From Price himself.

I'll be staying in a millitary's safe house, taking care of the boys, and they always bring Johnny back in return. These man have some dangerous enemies.
The truth is, I'm mostly on my own, the boys get only a week or two off after their missions, and the missions can last up to six months.

To pass my time, I work as a administrative clerk for the army. I make phone calls, schedule appointments, file and distribute paperwork and assist in day-to-day office functions, mostly from home.

"Was it good, boys?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen, "You're a God given, Lei." Gaz says while washing the dishes and I laugh. "Did you miss us?" Johnny asks, "Yes, very much. I can't wait to clean up after you."

"Oh, shut up." he laughs quietly, "Ghost, are you done?", Gaz asks while still washing the plates. "Yes." Ghost stands up from the table and walks away, to his room I suppose.

"What's his deal, again?" I roll my eyes, "Aren't you used to it?" Johnny looks at me, "I never saw that man smile, not even once. Honestly, I'll never get used to that.", "He actually jokes a lot, but I guess he's coming down from the high. He killed a lot of men in the past three months, Leia."

"He needs help, professional help." I shrug, I've known Ghost for seven years now, and we have never had a normal conversation. He stays mostly in his room, far away from our laughter.

Ghost is a lot.


"Ghost, can you give me your dirty clothes so I can do the washing?" I ask after knocking on his door, "Here." he hands me the clothes and I thank him, "Dinner is ready in five minutes, will you please come down?" I ask as politely as I can.

"I'm not hungry." he mumbles, "Please, Ghost?" I look up at him, but he is looking right through me. There's no emotion in his eyes whatsoever. "We have pizza rolls, you like that." I continue.

"Will you leave me alone?" he finally makes eye contact with me and I shiver, "Do you have to be a jerk to everyone that tries to be nice to you?" I roll my eyes at him.

"Yes, leave." he slamms the door into my face and I just stand there, defeated. I'm fucking trying, Ghost, I'm fucking trying to have any sympathy for you.

Wish I could tell him that. I turn around on my heel and start heading to the bathroom, I hope he chokes on the cold pizza rolls later this evening.

"Lei, are you okay?" Johnny walks in while I'm putting the clothes in the washer, "Yes, why?", "Me and Gaz are going out after dinner." he says and I nodd, "You should get some rest, you know." I mumble.

"Just a couple of drinks with Kia and her brother and we will head straight home." he smiles, "Is Ghost not coming?" I ask while standing up and turning on the washer.

"Nope, he says he's tired."Johnny says and I shrug my shoulders, "Fine."

I'm so tired. These boys are soul suckers for sure.

"Let's go eat."


"Jesus fucking Christ!" I curse, "What's wrong with you?" I ask as I rub my eyes, "Soap told me to get you." Ghost says coldly, "Do you not know how to fucking knock? Were you watching me sleep, you perv?" I roll my eyes at him.

"I was thinking about fucking you." he looks at me, "Oh, great." I whisper, my cheeks red, "But, I wouldn't  be able to get rid of you after that, so I didn't."

"You self-centred prick." take deep breaths Leia, do not kill the bastard. "Come down." he says sternly and I flip him off, "Fuck you Ghost!".

"Oh c'mon guys, enough!" Gaz yells from downstairs, "Jesus." I sit up ,"Will you please close the door?" I glare at Ghost, I swear I can see the smirk behind that mask.

"Are you ashamed, Leia?" his voice is so low... so, so low. "No, I just don't think that you deserve the privilege to see me half naked.", "How many has had the privilege?" he asks and I stare at him, shocked.

"Get out." I say, who the fuck does he think he is?, "So many, yeah?" he loves fucking with me.

With my emotions, my fears, my insecurities, from the fucking day one.

"So, so many Ghost, I don't even remember them all." I see him tense as I finish my sentence, "Bet they didn't even ask." he scoffs, but then finally walks away.

That crazy motherfucker.

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