1 - ''Space Girl, I Wanna Give You a Ring''

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Before the chapter starts, this chapter introduces all the characters, and introduces them with their pronouns. 1 - It's cringe af 2 - This one shows my pronouns directly. Fan using she/her, and Marshmallow using she/they. That's all!

Lightbulb was in science class, when it was announced they had a new student. When she walked in, she felt a connection. Like she had to be her friend. As soon as she walked in and introduced herself, Lightbulb waved to her excitedly, and offered her the seat next to her. The teacher obliged, and Test Tube sat next to the blonde-haired girl.

Be it, the seat belonged to Nickel, but he skipped class so often, the teacher forgot he was even in that class. Lightbulb knew it well, but no one else noticed, so no one mentioned it. Lightbulb immediately introduced herself like her life had depended on it in that moment.

"Hi! Im-" Lightbulb was cut off before she could say her name.

"Lightbulb, please quiet down. As much as you'd love to introduce yourself to Test Tube, we're still in the middle of class." The teacher said, at least partially calm. It was clear that she was sort of sick of Lightbulb talking loudly in the middle of class.

"Sorry, Ms." Lightbulb said, faking being actually sorry, before she tore a piece of paper out of her notebook and wrote it down. The note said, "hi! I'm lightbulb! my favourite colour is yellow! i'm trans, and use she/her pronouns. what about you? ps do you like my beads? i spent forever putting them in"

Test Tube read the note, and responded back. Her handwriting was much more neat than Lightbulb's was. The note said, "Hello! I am Test Tube, as you should already know. My favourite colour is green, followed by yellow. I also use she/her pronouns, but I've always been a girl. What is that even called? Also, you should start capitalising your sentences. P.S. Yeah! They look really cool!" It was true, Test Tube thought that her beads were really, well, Lightbulb.

Lightbulb passed a final note back while the teacher's back was facing the class, saying "that's called being 'cis' or 'cisgender'! also, no thanks, i don't think i will. saves more time. ps thanks!"

Test Tube read the note, and sighed, knowing that now that she'd chosen her seat there, there was no way that she was moving, and she was stuck with Lightbulb forever. She sorta went with her everywhere, as she didn't have any other friends, and was luckily in all her classes. At least, that she knew of.

"Hey! 'Tube! C'mere! You're gonna come with me and my friends to lunch!" Lightbulb shouted from across the room as soon as class ended. She ran up to Test Tube, and scared her, making her drop all her stuff onto the floor, and her glasses fell off her face.

"Oh, Golly!" Test Tube said, and tried to find her glasses off the floor.

"Dangit! Sorry Testy!" She dropped to the floor, and grabbed her glasses first, brushing her hair out of her face, and putting her glasses on for her. She felt... warm inside, after it. She brushed it off as the heat in the room, despite it being 95° (35° C) out, and the room being 60° (15° C) from AC.

She helped her grab the rest of her stuff off the floor, and grabbed her stuff back off the table. She threw it in the top of her locker - which was already a mess, mind you - and helped Test Tube figure out her next class after lunch. Turns out, Test Tube had all of her classes with Lightbulb. Test Tube sighed in a friendly annoyance, and Lightbulb fist-pumped.

She threw all of Test Tube's stuff in her locker, aggravating Test Tube, and dragging her by the wrist to the cafeteria.

"Yo! Painty! Faniel!-" Lightbulb called out, getting cut off once again.

"WHO TOLD YOU MY NAME WAS FANIEL!?" Fan called out, unable to notice the indistinguishable the girl next to Lightbulb, dressed in a green polo, with a white sweater vest over top.

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