the letter

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Dracos pov

I made my way to the great hall for dinner it was Monday wich ment mail day normally I wouldn't expect out bur after yesterday's instanct am sure word will have broke out to my family. As I walk threw the doors a thousands eyes greater Me. I sit down next to blaize

Blazie: am proud of you draco for overcoming your family jelloise you got my girl tho

I hit him Iver the head with the back of my hand

Draco: she's not your girl I snarled and thank you

We sat and ate as we wait for the owls to fly in. Ulysses flew her wings stretched wide her eyes a fire orange as she dropped down a letter and flew back ohf the window again

I open the envelope to see two diffrent letters inside .

Y/n: I know half of you hate me but may I sit down

The whole slthirn table looked st her with discussed eveyoen but blaize and this time last year I would have acted the same way I didn't want to cause a secne so I get up myself

Draco: we can sit on the g
Ravenclaww table if you like

To my supprise blazie followed us to the table and sat the other side of me

First letter

Dear draco
Am glad you have found happiness its all I've ever wanted for you. You will forever be mammys boy and you know that. I know recently you have been believing my acholic problem is cause of you hut it is not its cause of me and your farther . How could I let him treat you the way that he did I just stood by and watch evey hit you got I stood and watched I didn't shelter you I didn't take the hitting fir myself I let him take it out on you eventide and for that I have failed you. Am proud of you for pushing past your upbringing and letting love take its course. Me and your dad are getting a divorce am going to buy a new house were you can come and visit and ill try my best to be your mam again I never stopped but what I mean is I'll try my best to be better to be the mam you deserve I hope to meet y/n one day too am exited to see any new drawings you have done I've missed seeing them I love you dely my beloved draco love you alkways mam

Tears filled my eyes for months I'd blamed her alocpje problem on my self . For years I allways wondered what I did so wrong ti have parents that disliked me. The reality was she was just as scared of my dad then what I was we were both victims of his. I was exited to see her again. I'd missed my mam and she wanted to meet y/n wich was awesome

Second letter

How dare you after everything I have done for you . The blood sweat and tears that I have put into this family name all for you to go and ruin it with some slag. How dare you draco you are not worthy of the malfoy name. You were a dissapoiment the seconded you refused the dark Lord but now you are dead to me I have no son no more. And no wife ever apparly . Its your fault we have split your fault not only have you ruined our family name you have ruined my life my relationships I hope voltemort comes and kills you. Don't come crying when you need something.

Anger and sadness forfilled my body my own father wished me dead it shatted me heart but at the same time he stopped being my dad along time ago from a young age he use to hit me. Be more kike me draco . Do this drsco don't do that draco and it allways followers with some abusive gesture. my whole life i decacated to him doing what he asked acting how he wanted me to i start to choocie stuff for myself and he hopes i die .

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