① new resident

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[N] → (name)
[H/N] → (hero name)

a moving truck is parked at the outside front of the Wayne Manor. the movers were busy unloading boxes from the truck while an adolescent boy with a starstruck smile stood just outside the Manor; gazing at it in all its glory.

the teen being known as Duke Thomas, also known as Signal, the newest vigilante of Gotham City.

Duke is soon greeted and welcomed by Bruce Wayne and then Alfred Pennyworth at the foyer of the building. Duke insists on helping Alfred and the movers with offloading the truck, but is quickly dismissed.
with two young boys at the close by staircase, Bruce suggests for them to give Duke a tour around the Manor before leaving. the two children by the staircase was none other than Damian Wayne, a.k.a Robin, and [N] Wayne, a.k.a [H/N].

[N] has been sitting on the stairs, swiftly tapping one foot which seems to be out of irritation along with fiddling with a mobility cane in one hand. Damian observed Duke with a critical eye.
Duke took notice of Damian's unimpressed stare and, what appears to be [N]'s lack of attentiveness to the current situation. Duke tries to get out of the tour but is sent off by Alfred anyway.


"wow. It's one thing to visit, it's another to realise i'll be living here!" said Duke in awe, really taking a close look around the interior of the Manor as he followed Damian and [N]. Duke glances over at [N], unconsciously staring at his glazed over milky eyes.

they come to the family portrait which features Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, and Damian himself.

"the family. minus [N], Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Luke Fox, and Kate Kane. Father has been meaning to get the portrait updated." Damian clarifies.

Duke looks over at the portrait before asking, "do they all live here?"

"father, Pennyworth, [N] and i are the only permanent residents." Damian tells Duke.

"the others usually come in and out." [N] suddenly adds as he continuously taps his cane at the ground, catching Duke that he just decided to speak now out of the blue - [N] having been silent with his presence going unnoticed the whole time.

Damian then shows Duke to his new bedroom, the ballroom, and the kitchen.

"this is Pennyworth's domain. he'll decide if you have cooking privileges." Damian informs Duke about the kitchen.

"dad's also got a life time ban." [N] adds, Duke once again inadvertently staring at the young boy's eyes - gaze distant.

finally, Damian takes Duke to the Batcave, where Duke asks about the significance of the giant dinosaur.

"it eats all and any intruders." says [N], to which Duke responds with saying, "whoa! cool!"


they then make their way outside the Manor to the grounds area outside, where Damian warns Duke to be careful of booby traps littered all over. [N] then kicks off his shoes and Duke looks over at the boy in confusion with a questioning gaze.

"there you are." says Bruce as he finds them. "Damian, [N]. could you help Alfred for a moment?"

"welcome to the Manor. i suppose." Daiman tells Duke before making his way inside. he plans on grabbing [N] by his collar and dragging him along with him, but the [h/c] haired boy reacts quickly by grasping his wrist.

"hey! you can't just suddenly grab at me y'know!" [N] sternly tells Damian - the latter freeing himself from the former's grasp

Daiman rolls his eyes and tells [N], "there's no excuse for you in getting out of this and you know it. i'm not letting run away this time."

"what!? i never run away from the tasks i'm give--!"

"yes you do and you know it, no point in lying don't lie." Damian interjects and began sauntering off inside with [N] following after.

the two continue on bickering as they made their way inside the Manor - Bruce and Duke watching them before they disappear from sight.

"how was the tour?" Bruce asked Duke.

"i didn't realise the dinosaur in the Batcave could take out intruders!" Duke expresses his surprise, confusing Bruce.

Bruce then clarifies by explaining to Duke that the dinosaur is just a souvenir and [N] must have been having a bit of fun. Duke immediately assumes that Damian must have also been joking about the booby traps in the yard, but Bruce is quick to correct him.

"ah, that one is actually true. i finished installing the laser grid just a few weeks ago." Bruce explained sheepishly.

"laser grid?!" exclaimed Duke, baffled.

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