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Jungkook whined and closed his eyes tightly with a pout when sunlight disturbed his peacefull sleep.

"Mm.... You meanie sun, you do this every time...dont love me huh...go shu...shu..and let me sleeppp...." Jungkook scolded the sun but gasped by a sudden pull which made him open his eyes immediately to see Taehyungie hugging him by waist while her face snuggled up to his neck. Her hot breath on his sensitive neck made his breath uneven.

" Jungkook how can you forget you are married now. Now let's wake up before she nghh..." Jungkook  was busy scolded himself but stopped in the middle and moans out when he feels her cold hand roaming around on his warm body. Taehyungie unknowingly squeezed on his waist while hugging making Jungkook hold her hand on his waist with closed eyes while breathing heavily. Being waist one of his sensitive parts in his body he couldn't control his moans which he was controlling his level best not to voice out. Her touch on his body gives him an unknown electrifying feeling which he was unaware till now.

Jungkook tries to escape from her iron hold around him which results in pulling him even closer to her making him stop breathing for a seconds. Not even air can pass through between them,their bodies were attached to each other.Battling with his heart he finally decided to wake her up cause she's looking so cute like a bear hugging her mama bear.

"Tae...taehyungie wake up...." With shaky voice Jungkook call her. He bit his lower  lips not to voice out his moan when her lips brushed against his neck.

"Ple..please na...wake up...." Jungkook whimpered to her ear making other groan in disturbance and move out her face from her newly found comfort place which was his neck. Jungkook almost whimpered  hearing her deep groan while his heart were running a marathon.

Taehyungie open her eyes to see her beautiful wifey who was all red and trying hard not to make eye contact with her. A small smile formed on her lips seeing such a cute beautiful site.

"Hey..." Taehyungie said in her morning deep voice which made Jungkook gulp and slowly look at her.

"He..hey..." He whispered back making other chuckle hearing his cute baby voice. He pouts and whines hiding his face to her chest snuggling to her warmth.

Taehyungie smile and hugged his small body more to her while her hand still inside his shirt. For cuddling few more minutes she decided to break the comfortable silence between them.

"Had a good sleep?  Hm..." She asked while smoothly caressing on his waist which made Jungkook push himself more to her by holding her collar tightly in his both fist and nod his head rapidly up to her neck.

"Look at me, Angel"

Jungkook smile on hearing it from her and slowly look up at her with a shy smile.

"Goo..good morning..." Jungkook said making eye contact with her but what surprised her was that when he gave a little peck on her cheek.

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