Chapter 3 : Adaptation

Start from the beginning

Ying, and some of BBB elemental aka Daun, Tanah, & Air help clean the backyard and maybe just maybe make it look way better then before.

Yaya will be teaching Cahaya, Sai and Shielda about Japanese culture and the language. So they know what to do when they need it or when the time is yet to come

And lastly Petir, Angin & Api will be the one who clean inside the house.
(There is also Cattus but you know he is just a cat.....So yeah [:/ )

Morning to afternoon

Afternoon to evening

Evening to night

And night to morning again

There what all of them did for 1 more week here. Collect the information by the media and history, getting to know people here more, turn the rock into random food to save money, learning Japanese, try to get used to it with the new identity and fix the place from the outside.

"Guys, guys!" Maripos called everyone up at living room for something "guess what, I finally got a job. We don't need to worry about money anymore" Everyone was too stunt to speak, they don't need to worry about becoming homeless.

"What job did you get?"

"It is  police officer?"

"A delivery guy?"

"A guard?"

"A knight? "

"Teacher? "

"Food tester? "

"A chef? "

"A driver? "

"A fashion designer? "



"Nope, try to guess again" Maripos, who smile a little with the guesses they've made.

"Oh, I know. A coco milkshake"

"A zoo keeper?"

And just like that a little laugh can be heard from Maripos "Psst, alright I'll tell you guys" Maripos, tried to not laugh as best as possible, when he tries to answer them all "I got to be......."


So silent.....

"Congratulations, sir Maripos"

"Wow, that is a cool job you got there"

"Yay, detective. So cool"


"Hey, do you want to be hero?" A boy with blonde hair said to his new  friends.

"Then you better join U.A. High School, I will be there waiting for you and your other friends or your roommates" The boy said before leave.


So Kokoci tell me what exactly you need help from PPB .From Me...?why does this have anything to do with Boboiboy or Earth?......It is because of HIM?..... Or something else.

Well the true is your highness it all Maskmana idea.


Ok done already

So what your favorite food and drink?

My? Milo and nasi goreng cina.

Sorry this one is a bit shorter but really that's all for this chapter.

Try to guess who the mystery person is. He really is going to play a big role with Fang.

The next one will be fun to make because it will finally go to the main stories.


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