Chapter 21 - The Mask of Hikari

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Hikari, although showing some dissatisfaction at what she had just heard, replied with understanding, "It's alright. I know you did it for the greater good... What matters is that we are one step closer to saving the world!"

The king, with an imposing voice, drew the attention of those present in the throne room and directed his words to the trio formed by Hiro, Hikari, and Ace: "Hiro, Hikari, and little one, the Kingdom of the Elves is at your service! When you depart for the great battle, our army will accompany you and fight by your side with courage and loyalty!"

Hiro, surprised yet honored, asked cautiously, "Are you sure about this? We really appreciate the offer, but we don't want to put the kingdom in danger."

The king, maintaining his determined expression, replied confidently, "I have never been so sure in my life. I know you will face a daunting task, but we believe in you, and the fate of our kingdom is tied to the victory of this battle. Therefore, we don't hesitate to offer our help."

Hikari, moved by the offer of support from her people, addressed her parents with gratitude in her eyes, "Thank you, we won't disappoint you. We will do everything in our power to protect the kingdom and the people we love."

Then, Hikari turned to Hiro, whose expression still reflected a mixture of surprise and hesitation. With a warm smile, she suggested, "How about I show you the kingdom while we are here for a while? This way, we can rest, and you will also get to know more about where I grew up. You don't mind, do you?"

Hiro, somewhat unsatisfied with the idea of resting while the world was in danger, but also flattered by Hikari's affectionate gaze, replied sincerely, "Well, I guess we can take this opportunity for me to get to know the Kingdom of the Elves better. As long as we leave immediately after this period to face the enemy."

The kings, sensing the mix of emotions in Hiro, couldn't help but smile. The king, now in a lighter atmosphere, joked, "Enjoy your youth and what our kingdom has to offer. Rest, explore, and above all, strengthen yourselves."

The queen, with tenderness in her eyes, added, "Hikari, we believe in you and all of you. We know this journey won't be easy, but we also know the potential you have to overcome any obstacle. There are no words to describe how proud we are."

Hikari thanked her parents, stood up, and asked Hiro and Ace to follow her. Both agreed and left the palace together. Before departing, Hiro bowed to the kings as a sign of respect and gratitude.

As they left the palace, Hiro suggested to Hikari that they needed more allies to face the great battle. He proposed talking to Arthur, as he was certain he would help them. Excited about the idea, Hikari agreed and asked Hiro to dictate the content of the letter that would be sent.

Hiro began dictating the text, and Hikari wrote the letter to Arthur: "Dear Arthur, We have discovered the plans of the Signs of Light. They are determined to dominate the world by restoring the so-called 13th sign, which is the Demon King. They are very close to achieving this goal, with only 3 sign stones left to complete the ritual. We would like to request your help, as well as the help of your kingdom, to stop this evil plan. Could we meet in Hi in 3 days time? Best regards, Hikari and Hiro"

Surprisingly, shortly after sending the letter, they received a response from Arthur: "Dear friends, I have been waiting for this message since you saved our village. Of course, we will be there to help! Best regards, Arthur"

Hikari and Hiro were relieved and thrilled with Arthur's positive response. Now, they knew they wouldn't be alone in their journey to face the Signs of Light and thwart their plans to revive the Demon King.

Hikari took something from her pocket and handed it to Hiro, saying, "Take this, keep it safe. The other Afrodite gave it to me before she died."

Seeing what Hikari handed him, Hiro was astonished, "Is this what I think it is? One of the sign stones!?"

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