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(Three Years Ago)

"I thought I told you to stop following me?" Hunter waved his claws at the small red cardinal following him. He had met him on a walk through the woods and since then it's been following him around everywhere. Sure, He enjoyed the company but didn't like how it followed him everywhere he went. He wasn't sure why it stayed with him, He thought it would be scared of him. He was a wanted beast after all. But the bird was... Different. He seemed to like him.

The cardinal just made a small tweet, flying around the boy before resting in his hair. He just rolled his eyes and kept flying around Bonesburrow. It was a quite peaceful night, only a few townsfolk out tonight. No one noticed him flying around, probably too busy doing stuff to notice or it was just really dark out.

"So, do you have a name? Or are you just called cardinal?" He laughed slightly at his joke, the bird tweeting a few times. Yet this time it was different, he understood what it just said. He quickly stopped flying and looked up at the small bird nesting in his hair. "I think I understood that... I-Is that your name!? Can you say that again!?" The small cardinal flew down to his shoulder, tweeting once again and earning a laugh from the harpy. "Hah hah, weird. Wait, So can you say other things?" He continued flying around the town, the cardinal tweeting on his shoulder.

He learned quite a lot about Flapjack. His previous owner died, he has a little sister named Waffles, and he loved berries and nuts. He started to grow fond of the little bird. He was the first one to trust him, and Flapjack seemed to like him, And he liked Flapjack. He started to like his company, especially now that he can understand him. Much better than the awkward one-sided conversations he had with Flapjack.. They kept talking and walking through town before someone screamed from behind them. The Emerald Guard.

"Halt!" Hunter quickly turned around, seeing the masked, hooded figure behind him. "By order of Emperor Belos, you are under arrest" He pointed his staff at the harpy, and even though he couldn't see his face, Hunter knew he was giving him some kind of death stare. "Okay, listen whoever you are-" He put his claw on the other before it quickly got pulled away and aimed at his face. "Emerald guard, you uncultured swine" He rolled his eyes before flying up slightly and tapping the guy's staff with his foot. "Whatever weirdo. Anyways, I don't know who you are or what you want, But I ain't going back to that rotten piece of cheese, you're wasting your time"

The guard just growled, lowering his staff and pulling out a wanted poster. Written on it was "The Scarlet Beast. Wanted Dead or Alive. Reward: $100,000,000" "According to this, I either bring you back dead, or alive. I will not hesitate to take you back dead, Beast" The harpy looked at the cardinal on his shoulder before smirking and looking down at the guard. "Oh alright, I'll go... If you can catch me!" And just like that, the harpy flew off in a flash of yellow light. The guard stood there stunned before chasing after him, losing him quickly and groaning loudly.

The harpy sat on a high branch in a tree, watching the guard looking around before storming off. He laughed before flying out of the tree and heading back to his little house. Though it wasn't much of a house. It was actually just a blanket tied to 2 trees with a few pillows, blankets, and snacks underneath. It's not a good place for a 14-year-old to live, but he didn't have a choice. Not after his uncle lied to him, abused him, and cursed him. Plus, He's been in the same old place for 2 years now and hasn't died yet, so that's a plus. Though one day, he'd hope someone would give him a proper home...

He just sighed quietly, sitting under the blanket and grabbing a small pack of Hex Mix, and gave a few nuts to Flapjack while he ate the rest. He thought back to the guard and his wanted poster. He knew this wasn't the only interaction he would have with him.

And he was correct, There would be many more to come..

His Red Feathers (A Goldric AU Story)Where stories live. Discover now