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The van was totaled as it ran into a big rock. All the campers were catching their breath as will as checking for any injuries.

Ben: Ow.

Tyler: Ugh, my head.

Tyler gets up from the fool of the van as he rubs the back of his head.

Darius: Is everyone okay?

Tyler: "Is everyone okay?" Mate I just hit the back of my head on this stupid van, is everyone okay.

Yaz lets out a chuckle for getting out of the van.

Sammy: Yaz, wait! Wait!

Sammy gets out of the van as she runs over to where Yaz is at.

Sammy: Yasmina!

Back at the van, everyone was getting out as Brooklynn helped Tyler out.

Tyler: Ugh, I have a headache now.

Brooklynn sits Tyler next to the van as he slides down and takes a seat with his eyes closed facing the sun. With Sammy, she was still trying to talk to Yaz.

Yaz: We're not okay!

Sammy: Yaz—

Yaz: We're in the middle of a jungle with monsters dinosaurs out there, and you... You...

Brooklynn: Destroyed our only way to get help and lied about it! I told you guys!

Darius: So, you did take Brooklynn's phone? Why? What were you doing?

Brooklynn: Probably trying to erase my video of her taking those samples from the Sinoceratops. And you knew about the Indominus Rex because you were snooping around Dr. Wu's office when I ran into you. I knew it!

Sammy: I didn't mean to destroy the phone. I fell on it when the zipline came down and—

Ben: But you did steal it? You had it that whole time and didn't tell us?

Darius: Hold up. What were you doing in Dr. Wu's office, Brooklynn?

Brooklynn: I... It doesn't matter.

Tyler: Most likely trying to get a video for her followers

Brooklynn: I didn't break our way to call for help and then lie about it! This is not my fault! This is her fault! She—

Sammy: I'm here to spy!

Everyone looks over at Sammy.

Sammy: For a company called Mantah Corp.

Darius: Mantah Corp? They're a bioengineering company big rivals with Masrani. They tried to make dinosaurs, too, but Wu beat them to it.

Ben: You doomed us all for some lousy company?

Sammy: Our ranch was in trouble, so my—

Tyler: Fuck your ranch!

Everyone: Huh?

Everyone looked over at Tyler as he got up from the ground and made his way toward Sammy.

Tyler: Because of your stupid action, to steal our only way to get off this island. You killed us all, you son of—

Tyler goes to hit Sammy but Kenji and Darius stopped him.

Darius: Wow, wow, c'mom man calm down.

Kenji: Yeah man, you know it's not right to hit a woman.

Tyler: Man I don't care, I fight for equal rights. I don't care what you are, I will hit you the same way I hit anything else.

After calming down Tyler went back to the van as he sat in the back of it. Sammy then went over to Yaz.

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