Spencer laying on his side watching Olivia sleeping on her stomach with only a thin sheet covering the bottom half of her body as the mid-morning sun shone on her skin, through the curtains. Last night everyone went out for dinner and then to a club when they got home Spencer and Olivia spent hours making love, "how long have you been awake", Olivia said groggily. "Dillon sent a picture of him and Corey making breakfast", Spencer said, Corey was enjoying his weekend with Dillon but he didn't know that his parents were spending the weekend together, "I hope we have a house to go home to", Olivia said. "I miss Corey but I wouldn't change last night for anything", Olivia said as Spencer kissed her biting down on her bottom lip, "we haven't had a night like that in a while", Spencer said. "Every night is going to be like that soon", Olivia said, rolling onto her side while pulling the sheet up, Spencer couldn't wait to spend every night with Olivia, "until we have another baby", Spencer said. He noticed that Olivia was chewing the inside of her cheek, a sign that she was nervous, "can we try to get pregnant as soon as you come home", Olivia asked. "What happened about summer", Spencer asked, he didn't like having Corey without being married and he didn't want to bring another child into their family without them being husband and wife, "we can still get married next spring", Olivia said. "I'm going to be twenty-nine by the time we have the next baby", Olivia said, they didn't plan to have such a big age gap between their children, "we still want a third baby". Spencer pushed Olivia onto her back and he kissed her that left her breathless and he could feel her, "as long as we are married before the next baby is born", Spencer said as his lips travel to her neck as his leg move in between Olivia's. "I promise baby", Olivia said, Spencer wanted to complete their family once and for all, "I'm taking you on a honeymoon as well", Spencer said. "Where are we going", Olivia asked, everyone had their own plans for today and Spencer had his own plans with Olivia, "a psychic again", Olivia said giggling. "It gave us clarity last time we were here", Spencer said, he wanted to take Olivia for a walk down memory lane, "I thought we knew what we wanted", Olivia said. "Just come on", Spencer said pecking Olivia's lips, he had to admit it was nice to kiss Olivia without worrying about anyone seeing, "fine", Olivia said as Spencer slapped her backside. "You two have a strong connection", the physic said, Spencer assumed that she was referring to Corey, "it is an unbreakable bond". "We have a son", Olivia said but the psychic shook her head, and Olivia and Spencer exchanged looks, "no, it's much more power than a physical being", the physic said. "You were brought into this world for each other", the physic said, Spencer knew that their love was not normal love, other couples would have walked away a long time ago but Spencer and Olivia keep coming back to one another, "two males are guiding your love". Spencer noticed tears in Olivia's eyes, Spencer knew that the physic was referring to Billy and Corey, "you are not alone, these men are always with you". "Olivia wrapped her arms around Spencer's neck and buried her head in his neck, "I needed to hear from Dad", Olivia said. "You didn't think Billy wasn't watching over you", Spencer said, he knew that Billy would always come first in Olivia's heart and he was perfectly fine with it.

"Corey will love this", Olivia said, Spencer took Olivia on the High Roller, and she thoroughly enjoyed their day. After this morning's discussion about adding to their family and the sex that followed as well as the physic reading this day couldn't get any better, "we can bring him one day", Spencer said. Olivia couldn't resist but kiss Spencer passionately letting her tongue explore his mouth, "I'm so in love with you", Olivia said. "I love you too baby", Spencer said as Olivia lent again Spencer and he wrapped her arms around Olivia's waist, "even when we are married I want weekends like this", Olivia said. "I'm sure GG will love having her grandbabies", Spencer said, Olivia knew that she was caught up in the moment and getting away would be harder to get away with a family, "baby we will have it all". It was just before dinner when Spencer and Olivia went back to Layla's house, "what happened", Olivia said, when she saw Layla with a scared look on her face. "Clay was here", Jordan said. "I don't know how long he was here", Layla said, it didn't take a genius to work out what Layla and Jordan were doing, Layla was wearing a robe and Jordan had shorts and a T-shirt "I came down for water". "Clay saw Jordan's GAU gym bag", Layla said, Clay thought only Olivia was coming with Layla but they knew that Clay would have seen through that lie, "that is my bag, Layla", Spencer said. "My bag is upstairs", Jordan said, despite who owned the bag, Clay was breaking the restraining order, "he was going to slap me and I screamed", Layla said in tears. "I couldn't help hitting him", Jordan said, Olivia couldn't blame her brother, she knew Spencer would do the same, "he had it coming", Spencer said. "Clay will be a fool to press charges against Jordan", Coop said, Olivia knew that they had too much against Clay for him to press charges, "I will definitely go public with the domestic assault charges", Layla said. "It looked like he was on something", Jordan said, none of them hardly drank and nobody ever did drugs, "did you know that he was doing drugs", Asher asked. "I suspected when he was recording", Layla said, Olivia knew that Layla and Clay's communication skills were none existence, "a lot of producers do drugs while recording, I haven't". Olivia knows that Layla would never expose Monica to drugs, "it gets worse", Jordan said.  "Alicia come out of the downstairs bathroom", Layla said and Olivia exchanged looks with Spencer, Olivia knew that Spencer hasn't spoken to Alicia since Corey's birthday, "Alicia knows that Clay is married", Spencer said, Olivia wondered if Alicia was sleeping with Clay while she was with Spencer, "Clay was surprised that we knew Alicia", Layla said. "Wait, Alicia was at your engagement party", Olivia said, Layla and Clay had an engagement party in LA and everyone went, "she told us that Clay left". "She was flirting with you in me", Olivia said, she couldn't believe how boldly Alicia was coming onto Spencer in front of her, "Alicia was drinking that night", Spencer said.


"I hope Jordan will be left alone", Spencer said, he and Olivia were getting ready for Layla and Clay's engagement party, "Mom will check in with him", Olivia said. Spencer knew that this last year had been hard on all of them but it has been extremely difficult for Jordan. It was nice to spend the summer in LA with everyone, although JJ refused to come home and Layla was in between Vegas and LA. Being home has done wonders for Olivia and Spencer's relationship, "you looking hot tonight", Spencer said, Olivia was wearing a strapless cocktail dress. "We are child-free tonight", Olivia said, Grace and D'Angelo insisted on minding Corey for the whole night, "you better not be planning on sleeping tonight", Olivia said, coming around the bed and kissing Olivia with an explosion of passion. They hired an s two bedroom house by the beach for the summer while they were building a house, "all I want is you out of that dress", Spencer said. "Layla looks happy but not blissfully happy", Jamie said, Spencer remembered how Layla was glowing after she and Jordan got engaged, "we all know why", Coop said. "Thank you for all of you for coming", Layla said, when she and Clay made their way over to their table, "we are family, Layla", Olivia said smiling. Spencer knew that Olivia and Layla's friendship has become distant. Olivia was busy with Corey and being a freelance journalist and Layla was building her company, "nothing will change that", Jamie said. "Well you three standing up with me", Layla said, Spencer knew that Olivia was Layla's maid of honour and Jamie and Patience were her bridesmaids, "you already chosen your bridesmaids", Clay said. "Layla has been planning her wedding since we were kids", Olivia said, before Olivia got pregnant, she and Layla were planning their weddings together, "she is going to be the best Mom". "We have at least ten years before kids", Clay said, Spencer and Olivia were planning to establish their careers before having children but Layla and Jordan wanted to start a family straight away, "I thought a year at the most", Layla said. "We decided not to get married straight away so we can build our empires", Clay said, Spencer thought that Clay was treating his marriage to Layla like a business deal, "kids are the least of our concerns". Clay left Layla sitting with the only people who seemed to know her, "do you want this", Olivia asked. "I do love Clay", Layla said, Spencer knew that if Layla could see how much Jordan has changed, she would give him another chance, "but he is totally career focus". "It was supposed to be a causal relationship", Layla confessed, Spencer didn't know the details of how Layla and Clay's relationship only that Olivia said that it was a mistake, "but then he proposes in front of millions of people". Layla and Clay were at an awards ceremony at Madison Square Gardens when Clay proposed, "call me next week, we need to discuss Monica Records", Coop said and Layla nodded before walking away. "You have a few back-to-back away games", Olivia said as they were dancing to a slow song Spencer didn't want to discuss his football schedule he was enjoying having Olivia in his arms, "would you mind if I take Corey to Vegas for a couple of weeks". "I need to see how Layla is", Olivia said, Spencer thought it would be good for Olivia to spend time with Layla, "it's a mistake for her to marry Clay", Spencer said and Olivia nodded. The party was in full swing and Spencer was having fun with his friends dancing, "have you seen Clay, I've been looking for him for an hour", Layla asked. "We will look", Spencer said, trying to catch everyone's attention he took Olivia's hand, "we have to look for Clay", Olivia told the group. "Spencer James I haven't seen you in years", Spencer heard Alicia's voice, he hadn't seen Alicia since she walked out of the beach house, in freshman year of college, "dance with me". Spencer could tell that Alicia had been drinking, "we just looking for Clay", Spencer said. "Clay left", Alicia said giggling, Spencer looked at Olivia, he needed Olivia to talk Layla out of the wedding sooner than later, "I need to find Layla", Olivia said. "Here is my number", Alicia whispered as she put a piece of paper down the front of Spencer's pants touching his groin on purpose, "Alicia, I'm wearing Spencer's ring and the mother of his son", Olivia said. "Do you know where Layla went", Spencer asked, Olivia and Spencer were driving home, and after Olivia told Layla that Clay left, Layla disappeared, "she is with Jordan", Layla said. Spencer had a feeling that Layla would go running to Jordan, "baby, I'm sorry about Alicia", Spencer said. "Babe, I'm not jealous of Alicia", Olivia said, Spencer assumed that Olivia was mad at him because of the scene Alicia made, "Layla can't marry Clay". "Layla is with the love of her life tonight, she will end her engagement soon", Spencer said, he knew that Jordan and Layla had a lot to work out but Spencer knew that Jordan won't let Layla slip away, "in that case, can the love of my life get me out of this dress", Olivia said smiling.

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