Chapter 14

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"You sound like you are having a lot of fun with Uncle Dillon", Olivia said, Spencer came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist to find Olivia laying on the bed wearing a robe. Layla knew of a small club that played 90s music which they were going to, "Mommy can we go for pizza and ice cream", Corey asked. It has been a while since Spencer teased Olivia, "who is going with you", Olivia asked, Spencer dropping his trowel and standing at the bottom of the bed with his hands behind his back, Olivia's eyes widened causing him to chuckle, "Darnell and Kia are taking Nate", Dillon replied. Spencer then reached over to check to see if Olivia was wearing anything under her robe, "you can go", Olivia said hiding a cheeky smile. Spencer kissed the inside of her thigh causing Olivia to gasp, "I have to go sweetheart", Olivia said, breathing shallowly. "Uncle Dilion can I call Daddy", Corey asked, Spencer shook his head, as he reach to undo Olivia's robe, Olivia quickly caught the soft fabric before it fell open, "I think that your Dad is busy", Dillon said and Olivia blushed. "We can call him in tomorrow", Dillon said, Olivia quickly said goodbye to Corey and ended the call, "Spencer James, your brother caught on", Olivia yelled. "I needed to make sure you are putting our son first", Spencer said, Olivia got onto her knees and crawled to where Spencer was standing her robe falling off, "you set me up to fail", Olivia said. "I wanted you to fail", Spencer said as their lips met and they fall back on the bed. "Thank you for helping me with everything", Layla said, Spencer noticed that Layla was looking happier than she has been in a while, "I can't believe that I'm leaving Clay behind me tomorrow". Jordan whispered something in Layla's ear and she giggled, "it's not only you two here", Coop said. "We decided to get married", Layla shouted, and everyone yelled congratulations. Spencer knew that Jordan and Layla spend the afternoon together when Clay turned up, "once my divorce is finalized". "I need to show Layla that I'm committed to our family ", Jordan said, Spencer knew that Jordan paid a high price for betraying Layla, "what about you two", Jamie asked, looking at Olivia and Spencer. "We kind of skipped the proposal", Olivia said, Spencer had every intention to propose to Olivia, "we getting married next spring". "I'm going to propose", Spencer said looking at Olivia, he was waiting for his contract to be up and he was they were living under one roof, "I was going to get Corey's permission first", Spencer said and Olivia smiled with tears in her eyes.

Spencer and Olivia had been on the dance floor with everyone for at least an hour when a singer took to the stage performer took to the stage to perform some 90's music. Olivia turned to the stage and Spencer wrapped his arms around Olivia's waist from behind, "it means so much that you are going to get Corey's permission", Olivia said, leaning her head onto Spencer's shoulder. "We know that our marriage is about us, but Corey can't feel excluded", Spencer said, this is why Olivia couldn't consider marrying anyone else, despite Olivia's love for Spencer, no other man would put Corey first in their relationship. "I just want to marry you", Olivia said,  turning around in Spencer's arms, Olivia never wanted to be Spencer's wife as much as she wants to be now, "what brought this on", Spencer said. When Spencer and Olivia got engaged at nineteen, other things became more important than a wedding, "I want the commitment", Olivia said. "So much has kept us apart in the last six years", Olivia said, she was afraid that something will prevent them from being together, "babe, we are almost there", Spencer said. Olivia heard a commotion coming from where they were sitting and Spencer and Olivia went over to see Alicia sitting in their place, "your husband has been with me long before you", Alicia said to Layla. "What's going on", Spencer said, Alicia looked as if she hasn't showered in days and she had a glazed look in his eyes, "she is high", Olivia said. "Clay could have given me something",  Alicia said, suddenly Olivia was aware of where she was and she realized that there could be drugs in the club, "Spence, get Liv out of here", Jordan said. Olivia grabbed her purse and follow Spencer to the exit, "you are going to pay for strings me along", Alicia yelled after them. "Are you okay", Spencer asked, as soon as the cool night air hit Olivia's face she felt her body relax, "I just needed to get out of there ", Olivia said. Spencer and Olivia decided to walk around a bit before going back to Layla's house and they were waiting for the Eiffel Tower to light up, "I texted Noah earlier", Olivia said. "I'm breaking up with him and resigning from my job", Olivia said, she wanted Spencer to know that she was serious about him, " I owe it to him to do it in person". "I'm going to be a freelance journalist again", Olivia said, she wanted to be there for Spencer and Corey but she needed an income, "I'm coming home so you can put your career first", Spencer said. "I know and I will once I get my education degree", Olivia said, her dream of journalism didn't turn out to be as great as she thought, "it is the right thing for me". "I want another baby and to be your wife first", Olivia said, for a while, she thought that having a future with Spencer would never be, "I love you so much", Spencer said. As the Eiffel Tower lit up, Spencer and Olivia kissed passionately, "I love you more", Olivia said.

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