Chapter 13

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"I just want all Monica's things that I can't replace", Layla said, the group of friends landed in Vegas earlier in the day and they were busy packing up Monica and Layla's belonging, "Layla is anxious", Spencer whispered to Jordan. Layla released a statement saying that she and Clay decided to get a divorce due to mutual differences, "Layla, Clay can't come near you", Coop said. "She has been through a lot in this house", Spencer said, he thought that Jordan was handling this better than he would if it was Olivia, "why can't we go public with the domestic abuse charges once the divorce is finalized", Olivia said. "My marriage was a mistake", Layla said, Spencer knew that Layla must have wanted to close this chapter of her life, "I need to move on with my life". Spencer knew that Olivia was only looking out for Layla, like everyone, but it was long overdue for Layla and Jordan to rebuild their family, "I seeing Doctor Spears and we are going to get Mika assessed", Layla said. "We don't have to stay here", Spencer said, during the week Layla suggested everyone stay at her house but Spencer was thinking that it was a bad idea, "it is okay, just don't leave me alone here", Layla said looking at Jordan. "I'm not going anywhere", Jordan said, kissing Layla's temple as if it was the most natural thing to do. Layla was planning to move into the Baker's house with Jordan, Spencer knew that Jordan had missed out on almost three years of his daughter's life. "What do you want to do with these", Asher said, coming from the living room with the exclusive photoshoot Layla and Clay did when Monica was born, "dump them", Layla said. "I have our family pictures", Jordan said, Spencer and Olivia organised a photographer for Monica's first Easter,  "this is my fault", Jordan said. "If I didn't cheat on you with Simone", Jordan said, Spencer knew that Jordan still carried a lot of guilt over the time of the accident, "none of us can change the past", Asher said. "We all made mistakes", Spencer said, he knew that many of their mistakes could have been prevented if Billy was alive. "Sky left me", Coop said, Spencer was there when they arrived at Coop's apartment after Corey's birthday and found the note, "she doesn't want to be a Mom". "It's fine, Bella and I are coming home", Coop said, Spencer knew that Coop wanted to come home for a while but Sky liked the New York lifestyle, "I spoke to Laura about a job". "Grace is going to look after Bella during the day", Coop said, with Spencer home and Olivia going back to school next fall, they won't be needing Grace as much to mind Corey, "we are also moving home, I'm the new head coach at Coastal", Asher said, grinning. "Are you kidding, I'm the new head coach at GAU", Spencer said smiling, Kenny called Spencer with the news before he left New York earlier today, "I'm going to be in the middle of everything again", Jordan said. "Some of my players are looking at both colleges", Jordan said laughing, for the last six years Jordan has been coaching at Crenshaw, "I know, I have my eye on some of your recruits", Spencer said and Asher rolled his eyes. "JJ is missing out on all this", Jordan said, JJ didn't want anything to do with Jordan after the accident because he felt guilty about Jordan's career being destroyed, "Jordan you listen to me and you went to Doctor Spears", Olivia said. Spencer left for New York when Olivia was five months pregnant to get Jordan's help before she followed Spencer, "when Corey was born you reach out to him". "But he refused", Spencer said, Jordan stayed in New York for a month helping Olivia and Spencer adjust to parenthood, "nothing we could have done would have helped JJ", Asher said.  "We are all in Vegas", Patience said, the last time everyone was in Vegas, it was Layla's wedding and Spencer knew that Layla was miserable on her wedding day, "we all are moving home and we need to celebrate".


"Princess don't do it", JP Keating said, It was an hour until Layla and Clay's wedding and Layla was looking miserable, "your mother will have understood". "I will tell Clay for you", Olivia said, she knew that Layla wanted Jordan to fight for her but Jordan thought he was making up for sleeping with Simone, "Jordan doesn't want me", Layla said with tears in her eyes. "He does", Olivia said, she knew that Jordan and Layla still loved each other and Jordan wanted to raise his unborn child with Layla, "he's just being stubborn", Laura said. "Sweetheart, call Jordan again", Laura said, Olivia was thankful that Grace went over to the Baker's house with Corey to keep an eye on Jordan. Olivia went to the backyard of the mansion Layla brought a year before to where the guests were arriving, "any luck", Spencer asked. "Layla is talking to Jordan", Olivia said, she could feel Spencer's eyes on her body in her slim-fitting lavender dress, "Jordan's mind is made up", Asher said. The group's attention was taken up when Jamie bought five-year-old Billy as he was the ring bearer, "I'm surprised that Clay is letting Billy in the wedding", Jamie said. Before Layla found out that she was pregnant, Asher and Spencer were supposed to be groomsmen. Both men were against it but Jordan told them to do it for Layla, "Jordan isn't allowed in the delivery room when Layla gives birth", Coop said. "This dude is insane", Spencer said, Olivia was thankful that Clay allowed her and Laura in the delivery room for support, "there's no way, Liv is giving birth without me". Everyone knew that Olivia and Spencer were still sleeping together but only last night did they mention having more children when Spencer's contract is over, "be careful what you say", Coop whispered. "I did their prenup and if Layla cheats again", Coop said, everyone also knew that Jordan and Layla had been sleeping together since Layla's engagement party, "she could lose her artists". "Mom did Layla get anywhere with Jordan", Olivia asked, when she saw her mother and JP coming downstairs but they shook their heads, "they still talking", Laura said. "Jordan said that Clay can give Layla a better life", JP said, Layla's father was furious when Jordan cheated on Layla with Simone but even he has forgiven Jordan, "my baby girl is so unhappy". "She always wanted a love like mine and her Mom's", JP said, Olivia knew how important a love like that was because she had it with Spencer, "Jordan and I had our differences but he is the man for Layla". "Promise me you won't marry anyone else", Spencer said, later that evening, when they were dancing, Layla went through with the wedding but Olivia knew that she wasn't happy, "I not stopping you from dating". "How can I look at another man", Olivia said, she knew that Alicia was in Spencer's life but she knew that his heart belong to her, "every time I look at Corey I see you". "Two years and we could be dancing at our wedding", Spencer said, pressing his lips into Olivia's forehead, Olivia couldn't help but think that they would have been married nine months if she didn't leave New York or three years if they got married when they finished college, "we should have already been married", Olivia said.

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