Part 5

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Caleb couldn't sleep that night. His mind was reeling with all of the different scenarios that might happen on the day of the party. He kept thinking of all the possible things his classmates would say about his embarrassment-inducing performance:

Cassy would probably laugh. Bea would give me her usual sympathetic smiles. Ethan's just gonna go 'Whooo! Go Caleb!' like how he does with anyone performing in front of the class. Alex probably wouldn't care, he's quiet just like me. Maybe Anne will like it? She's been trying to find out what I'm good at besides being smart....

It went on and on, and Caleb couldn't shut it off. He was so scared, excited, embarrassed, nervous, and hopeful all at the same time. Why did Damian have to push it through? Couldn't it wait like... until forever? Caleb tossed and turned in his bed.

He let out an exasperated sigh. He was not gonna sleep anytime soon.

He sat up and grabbed his phone from the bedside table. He plugged in his earphones and played his favorite songs playlist. The songs that were in there always put Caleb in a relaxed and happier mood. He laid back down on his bed and listened with his eyes closed.

Whenever he was listening to music alone, or at least when no one was paying attention to him which was most of the time, he would close his eyes and really feel the music and the melodies dance around in his brain. If he wasn't singing, then deeply listening to music was another thing Caleb would do more than half the time when he's relaxing.

Sometimes even, when a really emotional song played and Caleb listened in closely with all his heart, he'd find that after the song, there would be some moisture in his eyes. That's how powerful some of the songs' emotions were when Caleb gave his whole heart to listening.

At last, when he was listening to a more calming song, Caleb finally dozed off on his bed. For that simple and short moment, Caleb forgot about all his worries and was at peace. When he dreamed, it was a dream full of hope and wonder and happiness. Caleb never wanted to leave that dream...


Caleb woke up to the sound of food sizzling loudly on a pan and the strong aroma practically lifted him out of bed. He sleepily made his way to the kitchen to find both his parents there, with his dad cooking the amazing smell. Caleb greeted both his parents and they greeted back. They ate their breakfast in silence with only the mention of the last day of school before they had their much awaited Christmas Break.

Caleb went through his morning routine after breakfast. He said goodbye to his parents as he exited through the front door. Then, just as he shut the door behind him, he remembered everything from yesterday's talk with Damian.

Oh shoot. I didn't give Chelsea my song. Caleb facepalmed himself and immediately started feeling all the negative thoughts and emotions from the previous night but this time more amplified since today was the day Caleb would humiliate himself because of his upperclassman Damian.

Caleb slowly walked through the streets towards school. He lived close by, so commuting there didn't even take ten minutes, but Caleb tried to walk as slowly as possible to prolong his arrival. It wasn't like he was the first one to perform during the party, but he made an effort anyway to take the longest route to school.

He checked his phone for the time. He had about seven minutes before school time officially started, which meant seven minutes before they started the programs and whatnot.

During the whole walk, Caleb was shaking and shivering with anxiety. No one he passed by paid attention to his shivering since it was a gloomy and cloudy morning. They probably thought he was just shivering from the cold December winds. But no, he felt alright on the surface. His inside was frozen stiff with what was about to come.

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