1. do you get deja vu?

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the trip she took back to rhode Island was silent,  strangely meg felt selfish that sometimes late at night when she was sixteen she would sit at the edge of her bed and look out the window and wish on a shooting star that peter would die someday, but now that he was what would she do now? She wasn't that sad enough to actually care about him being dead

that familiar feeling creeped up on her when she pulled up into the driveway to the house of the people she used to call family

As she stepped out of the car the front door to the house swung open as her mother came rushing out of the house as she hugged meg tightly as soon as that happened her mother pulled her head back to take a good look at her  "goodness your hair has grown out!!" lois said as meg pushed away much to her surprise

next thing meg knows she's sitting on the depressing purple couch in her mother's living room as lois began to speak "so basically, you're father was murdered by some woman named miya...i think it was quagmire's cousin? t-that's what he said. they haven't even caught the son of a bitch yet!" lois cried as she looked at meg with tears in her eyes

"oh uh- where's stewie and chris?" meg quickly tried to change the subject clearly not caring that much about peter, "oh, their at school. did i mention that stewie got a honor roll?!" lois quickly started rambling on about her 'perfect' child of the family As meg sighed and rolled her eyes until a knock sounded on the front door as lois shot up and practically sprinted over to the door and opened it to see quagmire holding  flowers specifically roses

how could this day get any weirder?

Sitting at the dinner table now meg felt akward and out of place seeing chris and stewie even including Brian the dog(who could awkwardly talk) chatting with each other like normal, usually when she was around all those months ago they never dared to speak much around her. Maybe they were right? Things would be better without her in their life and she was glad about that because she didn't want them in her life

Her thoughts we're quickly interrupted by quagmire "so, what are you studying at Harvard?" He asked, "I'm studying writing..." she replied clearly not interested, quagmire was always a pervert towards any woman he looked at including meg even when she was barely 18 he tried to have sex with her, that was probably the only time in her life she was grateful peter had stopped quagmire from going any further then taking her clothes off meanwhile lois couldn't give two cents about it. now that she thinks about it, if quagmire wanted to date her when she was barely eighteen does that mean he found her attractive when she was a teenager since he knew her all these years? gross...

making a disgusting face at her thoughts she chewed her food and looked down at plate and that's when she realized it was salisbury steak a since of deja vu hit her back to when she left this rundown town a year ago and back to that rainy night at this exact dinner table.

"is something wrong with the food?" lois asked and meg looked up "no, I'm just really full its delicious!" She quickly said  before getting up abruptly as even more deja vu hit her as she looked around as she felt nauseous as she stumbled and looked at the coat hanger peter's coat was still hanging she quickly grabbed her coat and slipped it on, as she looked back at them they all looked worried "i-I'm gonna go to my hotel room I booked" she said before practically running out of the house slamming the front door

she jumped into her blue volkswagen and speeding off to god knows where, as she pulled into the quahog hotel she quickly rushed up the flight of stairs and used her keycard to get into the dingy run-down hotel room she booked that probably had hidden cameras everywhere and no wifi

She sat on the bed at let out the biggest sigh until she felt something crawling on her arm as she looked down she saw a cockroach and practically jumped into the air as the insect scurried elsewhere into the room as she sobbed, why did she ever have to come to quahog? she would give up peter for free if he was alive, so why would she stay here just for the bastards funeral service!

Rushing into the bathroom she threw up into the toilet that already had feces and pee in it already that she didn't do, she should've stayed at her dorm and be cuddled into her bedsheets and not the bedbug flea infested bed here at this dingy hotel room

looking over at the bathtub there were roach feces and eggs in it and weird green mold that made her even more sick

as she set down her own blanket that she bought on the floor she sat down and sighed, she prayed that son of a bitch left something in his will or meg would go to the afterlife itself 'there isn't one where he's going' and proceed to bodyslam the obese man and do other unspeakable things

turning on the tv meg just put on the news before her phone pinged again with a unknown number text message giving her even more deja vu

slowly unlocking her phone she was bewildered with the video the unknown number had sent her

There were moans groans, and slapping sounds and she caught a glimpse of ginger hair and familiar voice's, and that's when it clicked in her head

It was a fucking sex tape of lois and quagmire.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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