IV: Old wives' tales

Start from the beginning

"We ride dragons and have dreams about the future, but magic is where our family draws the line..." Visenya answered with a touch of irritation. It was a sentiment she often encountered from her family, and it puzzled her. Yes, Visenya, Aegon, and Rhaenys conquered the Seven Kingdoms with dragons, and yes, Daenys the Dreamer foresaw the Doom of Valyria, but magic as a heritage was often dismissed. As Visenya and Tyana explored the library's knowledge, they discovered the many types of witches and magic present in Westeros. Red Witches, Dothraki witches, the Faceless Men... These crafts were sacred mysteries, myths even, to the common folk, all documented in the library of Dragonstone.

"So this—" Rhaena gestured toward the countless books on the enormous library shelves. "Is what you've been up to these past few months?"

" 'This' is what I've been engaged with for the last three years or so. There are spells we know of but would not dare to use, and potions we cannot attempt, but they're all here. When I arrived here, I expected to learn more about the history of Valyrian magic. But, as Tyana showed me, there are actual spellbooks and grimoires you can use to practice magic." The princesses' eyes gleamed with passion, an aspect of her personality her cousins hadn't seen before.

Baela and Rhaena exchanged surprised looks. Rhaena took a seat beside her sister, clearly taken aback.

"Visenya Velaryon, you might be the maddest Targaryen we've ever known."

Visenya smiled at the girls, as if considering it a compliment. "Thank you very much," she said, closing one of the books and returning it to the shelf.




Later that day, Tyana suggested the girls visit the town to show the twins around. Rhaena hesitated at first, concerned that their silver locks would attract too much attention. Visenya laughed and pulled out a jar of unfamiliar liquid.

"Do you really think I hadn't thought of that before? We go almost every week!"

"And you use that for...?" Rhaena took the jar to inspect it. Before she could bring it close to her nose, Visenya dunked a piece of the substance onto Rhaena's head.

"VISENYA, would you stop patronizing us today! I swear this is the last time we're visiting!" Rhaena exclaimed. Visenya didn't respond. Instead, she continued to apply the dye evenly until Rhaena's silver locks turned brown.

Baela watched her twin in awe.

"I must say, Rhae, this color suits you."

Rhaena hurriedly found a mirror and examined herself in amazement.

"Is this another spell? Potion?"

Tyana smiled.

"It's just hair tint, your grace. Not permanent, it washes out in water."

Baela excitedly took Rhaena's place, and Visenya still held the dye jar in her hand.

"Do me now!"

Once they were finished, the four girls, now all with brown hair, ventured into the town, carrying baskets and bags of gold coins so they could blend in and enjoy the streets like common folk.

The town was alive with music and chatter. Children played, women bargained with shopkeepers, and Tyana bought a loaf of freshly baked bread from a pastry stand. She shared it with Visenya as they strolled along.

Baela and Rhaena had the same sparkle in their eyes. Their heads spun with the possibilities the town held. They explored stores, sampled pastries, and danced with the children to the street musicians' melodies. They tried on scarves and hats, and roamed the streets hand in hand.

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