Part 9: Justice League

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Not long after Kara Danvers' plane arrived back in Metropolis, she, as well as her cousin, felt the relief of not being in the middle of a downpour like they were in Gotham. She separated from Clark and Jimmy when she got the call from (Y/N) that he was in front of the airport, ready to pick her up.

(Y/N): Hey, Kara! I saw your interview online.

(Kara): Really? What did you think of it?

(Y/N): It was good! I don't usually look at the business stuff, but you and Wayne had a great dialogue going. It felt like you two already knew each other.

(Kara): You think so? I was really happy with it.

(Y/N): And you should be. It was fantastic!

(Kara): Thanks, (Y/N). That means a lot coming from you.

(Y/N): No problem! Do you want to hang out when you get home or would tonight work for you?

(Kara): Probably tonight. I have some important stuff to take care of.

(Y/N): I get it. You mind telling me what the important stuff is?

(Kara): Believe me, I'd love to. I think it might not be a great time, though.

(Y/N): That's totally fair. Whenever you're ready to, feel free to fill me in.

(Kara): I definitely will. I actually have a couple things to tell you.

After that, (Y/N) drove Kara back to her apartment. After he left, she changed into her Supergirl uniform and flew off to the Justice League's earth-based headquarters; the Hall of Justice. Her induction into the League was still an hour away, but she couldn't help being so early. That was how excited she was.

After getting a tour of the Hall of Justice from Clark and Wonder Woman, Kara put a hoodie over her suit and waited for the proceedings to begin. A crowd was beginning to form in front of the Hall, and Kara noticed that (Y/N) was a part of it. Even though he didn't know that she was Supergirl, it still made Kara feel good to know he was there.

For the first few minutes, everything was going as the League had planned. Clark made a speech and made note, alongside Bruce and the Flash, that Kara was more than competent as a superhero. It was going as planned, up until both the League and crowd heard a loud scream. Though, screech would be a more accurate description. They all knew immediately that the event was being disrupted by none other than the first friend that Kara made on Earth. Siobhan Smythe, the Silver Banshee.

Kara and the League rushed to get everyone to safety as soon as they spotted her behind the crowd

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Kara and the League rushed to get everyone to safety as soon as they spotted her behind the crowd. Her screeches caused the pillars on the Hall of Justice to crack, but they thankfully didn't break. Kara, still with her hoodie on, held up one pillar with the assistance of Green Lantern. Clark and Hawkgirl flew towards Silver Banshee, only for the latter to be knocked back by her scream.

After a minute or so of holding up the pillar, Kara looked back to see (Y/N) below a building which was starting to crumble. He was, reasonably so, frozen from what was going on. Kara flew towards him as a piece of the building was about to fall, Flash also saw what was happening and ran towards the pair. Kara grabbed onto (Y/N), but was stopped from flying away by Flash, who vibrated the trio through the wall behind (Y/N).

That...didn't go as expected.

The trio looked up above them to see Metropolis, but it was different. Nothing was crumbling around them, there wasn't even a sign that any attack happened.

(Y/N): Wait, Kara?

(Kara): Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): What are you doing here?

(Kara): That's kind of what I wanted to tell you.

(Flash): Hey, you two might wanna get ready. There's somethin' coming towards us.

The group was met by someone who looked like Kara, but different. Her hair was shorter than Kara's, she was older and had...a few more noticable differences.

(not blonde because Kara isn't either here)

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(not blonde because Kara isn't either here)

(Kara): What?

(Y/N): Uh, Kara? What's going on?

(Kara): I have no idea.

(Woman): And who are you supposed to be?

Kara then did something (Y/N) wasn't expecting. She removed her hoodie and lifted off the ground to meet the woman's eye level. That surprised not only (Y/N), but also the woman confronting them.

(Kara): I'm Supergirl. Who the hell are you?

(Woman): We...need to talk.

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