v - [🌼] dye, dyeing, dead.

67 3 0

premise: isen needs help dyeing his hair, which causes remi to think.

characters: remi, blyke, isen, rei (heavily mentioned).

posted on ao3


idiot trio 🙌

↳ blyke, isennn, remi !!

2:14 AM

isennn: i need help

blyke: No

blyke: good fucking night

remi !!: with ?

isennn: dying my hair

isennn: i wont be able to get the back

isennn: pls help

remi !!: i'll come over

remi !!: why are you dying your hair though ?

remi !!: it looks fine

isennn: therapy

blyke: you guys are annoying

blyke: im omw


Remi half smiled as she put her phone down. Isen's midnight hair dye extravaganzas were fun, even if Blyke was the one who decided to take charge of the back of his head. Remi didn't mind, she didn't know much about hair dye. She didn't think Isen did, either. He always got the box dyes that stained everything. Blyke's mom was a hairdresser– he got so annoyed at Isen's shitty technique. He had black hair for a bit during his emo phase (Isen and Remi had found the photos and made fun of him for a week).

Remi had purple hair, once. Rei helped her dye her ends with Kool-Aid. She remembered it like yesterday. She had came home crying over some dumb thing a girl at school had said to her, and Rei's philosophy was "fuck them, let's dye your hair." She saw that in Isen, sometimes.

Their mom was understandably a bit mad, until Rei explained the situation. She almost went and electrocuted that mean girl.

Remi felt better after that. The next day at school, everyone thought her purple hair was super cool. It filled her little 9 year old heart with joy. The purple faded a few weeks later, and Remi had wanted to dye her hair again. Rei was busy with Wellston entry exams, though. He promised her he would help her dye it "eventually." Yeah, that didn't happen.

She did want to dye her hair, but it didn't feel right to do it with Rei gone. She would always help others, though. She would help with the back of Isen's head. She would help with dying Arlo's hair neon green after a failed bet. She would grab Seraphina's yellow-green dye when she was hiding from Spectre. She would help Elaine pick a color for her hair appointment next month.


It had been fifteen minutes since she said that she would go over to Isen's dorm.


idiot trio 🙌

↳ blyke, isennn, remi !!

2:31 AM

blyke: @remi !! where are you

blyke: i can't handle 3 am Isen on my own

isennn: rems can u bring ur cute cat scrunchie

isennn: i wanna tie my hair up with it

remi !!: sorry guys !! i almosy fell asleep

remi !!: i will bring the cat scrunchie

isennn: thanks ur th ebestest

blyke: this idiot is gonna get hair dye on his phone

remi !!: don't start w/o me :((

blyke: dw he's being too jittery anyway

blyke: apparently he chugged two energy drinks like an hour ago

blyke: or maybe it was vodka

blyke: who knows

isennn: blyk i am right here

remi !!: omw


Remi placed her phone in her pocket before grabbing a hair tie and putting her hair in a ponytail. She grabbed her favorite, slightly dirty hoodie and threw it on. She scoured her closet for at least five minutes before finding the iconic cat scrunchie. It was bright pink with cartoon cats printed all over. She slid it onto her wrist. She grabbed her sneakers and put them on. She turned the light off, then began to make her way to Isen's dorm.


Arlo, remi !!!

2:43 AM

remi !!: do you remember when you had that neon green hair for a week ?

remi !!: oh wait it's 3 am sorry arlo


Remi unlocked Isen's door with her "emergency" key. The three of them had gotten each other's dorm keys 3D printed at the beginning of the school year. Isen somehow managed to hack the school's 3D printer. Blyke and Remi didn't question it.

Remi walked into Isen's dorm, and was immediately hit by Paramore's Still Into You blasting at full volume. She quickly closed the door behind her. "Guys, what the hell?"


"Hi Isen," she greeted, walking into the bathroom. "Hi Blyke." She analyzed the countertops– box of dye, bowl, an applicator brush, and newspaper. Isen was sitting on a stool across from the sink, and Blyke was sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Remi took the cat scrunchie off of her wrist and threw it at Isen.

"Thanks." He tied the orange section of his hair into a bun. There were a few strands that were out of place. "I'm gonna dye my eyebrows, first."

Blyke stared at him. "You dye your eyebrows?"

"My eyebrows are orange."

Remi laughed. "I'm sure your natural eyebrows are beautiful."

"Yeah, whatever." Isen rolled his eyes. "I'll dig up an old photo and prove you wrong– Blyke, can you hand me my phone?"

Blyke smirked. "If you can catch it."

Remi decided to tune out the argument she knew was going to occur. She looked over at the hair dye box, and tried not to smile. Rei would've liked Blyke and Isen. Rei would've liked this whole thing. The dying hair at 3 in the morning. The blasting music. The cat scrunchie.


She glanced up to see Blyke looking at her. "Yeah?"

"I brought some purple dye– my sister's. She never got to using it and now she's over purple," he explained. "Do you wanna use some?"



The Kool-Aid. Purple. Rei. She smiled at the memory.



word count: 929

this was fun to write

the title is so out of pocket sorry

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