Kook's pov

I walk down the aisle with appa, my breath becomes uneven when appa gives my hand to her who gladly takes my hand.Tears form in my eyes hearing my appa's words, appa's voice was a little shaky. But what surprised me was when she said that I was her, not her responsibility. It's enough for me to look at her with a content smile but wide my eyes when I saw her. She's gorgeous, her deep ocean eyes and also she's built making me look small in front of her. Also that electrified feeling when she hold my hand its feel like heaven.

End of kook's pov

Jungkook looked down when he heard a chuckle from her seeing him looking at her without blinking. His cheeks and ear turn red in embarrassment. Other side Taehyungie was look at him with soft eyes. Embarrassment turned to shyness for jungkook cause of the intense gaze he bit his lower lips to suppress a shy smile forming in his lips.

"Don't...don't bite them...."

Jungkook shiver a little hearing her deep voice and stop abusing his lips. They both were in their world but disturbed when priest clear his throat to bring them back.

Soon, it's comes to the important and memorable moment as the the priest said,

"Do you Park Taehyungie take kim Jungkook to be a lawfully  wedded partner,to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health until death do you apart"

"I Do..." Taehyungie said softly in her deep voice holding kook's hand in her while directly looking to his eyes. The assurence and the feeling of protection from Taehyungie, unknowingly tear flow out from kook's eyes. Knowing the emotion jungkook going through Taehyungie step closer to him and wipe his tear using her tumb amd lovingly caress his cheek who closed his eyes at the warmth. Taehyungie moved away from jungkook when she heard hooting and coo's from their parents and guests.

"Do you kim Jungkook take Park Taehyungie to be a lawfully  wedded partner,to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health until death do you apart"

"I Do..." jungkook said sweetly with a shy smile looking at Taehyungie who smiled back little making her parents surprised.

"You may exchange the rings." The priest said as yoomin and Minsoek came with the rings and gave it to Taehyungie and Jungkook.

They exchanged the rings and slips it on to each other's ring finger then the priest officially declare

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They exchanged the rings and slips it on to each other's ring finger then the priest officially declare.

"You have an oath in front of God, may the Lord in goodness bless with all strength and happiness fill in you both married life. And you may kiss now " said the priest 

Taehyungie slowly decreases the space between them and softly pulls Jungkook towards her by holding his tiny waist which perfectly fit in her arms. Jungkook holds on her arms with his shaky hand and tighten his hold when he saw her leaning towards him. He looks down closing his eyes tightly on having mixed feeling of shy and nervous. Using her right hand, she lifts his chin using her fore finger while other hand protectively wrapped around his waist.

"Look at me..." Taehyungie whispered enough to jungkook who slowly open his eyes to her face close to his. Their hot breath mixed with each other making Jungkook whimper softly but a shy smile form on his lips hearing.

"Just trust me, Angel...." Taehyungie said to jungkook who nodded taking a shaky breath. His breath hitched when he felt her lips on his mole under his lower lips. Jungkook holds on her shoulder to balance himself at the pure pleasure he feels with eyes closed. On the other hand Taehyungie decides to not let go of that tempting mole which instantly took her attention at first sight. she slightly suck on his mole only to hear.

"Ngh..." Jungkook moan which was only heard by her which made her smirk. Jungkook was surprised at the same time and happy when Taehyungie didn't kiss him on his lips cause he wanted them both to know each other completely and fall in love. Now they only know about each other what their parents told them so they have a long journey. Jungkook always dreams to have his first kiss like he read in books and movies, magical.

Finally Taehyungie decided to have mercy on that little bun, she pulled away from the kiss to see his face all red especially his lips which he was biting continuously. Taehyungie smiled and kissed his forehead making him shy and hide his face to her chest.

Loud cheers and claps echoed around while their parents smiling happily wiping their tears away as they are married, united as one. Park Taehyungie and Park Jungkook start their new journey hoping for the best cause it's yet to come.

Time skip

Finally it's time for the newly wedded to go to their home, their home. It's was really hard for Jungkook to leave his eomma and appa so cried his heart out hugging them tightly. Taehyungie's heart clenched seeing jungkook crying but she understand his emotion. Having parents protection almost half of his life suddenly  it's time to be apart from them, it's hurt like hell.

Jungkook fell asleep all exhausted thoroughly crying continuously not knowing he was hugging Taehyungie dearly but not that she complained that she was enjoying his warmth on her body . So she has to carry that sleeping bunny in her arms to their home and bedroom. She softly laid him on bed without disturbing his sleep who immediately snuggled up to the nearby pillow with a cute pout.
Taehyungie didn't notice that today she was smiling more to herself rather than her normal self . she chuckled  and look at jungkook who was unaware of what storm he create to Taehyungie making her whispered herself.

"Is it soon to say that, I'm starting to like you wifey ?"


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