Ch.29 No smoke without fire

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Chapter 29

As Seth poured the wine, Mila couldn't help but steal glances at her phone. She wondered if Archer's meeting was still dragging on, imagining him sitting there, possibly bored out of his mind. The only reason she had agreed to dinner with Seth was to use it as a cover to go into town and surprise Archer afterward.

With excitement bubbling inside her, Mila had prepared a small picnic basket filled with all of Archer's favorite treats. She even made sure to pack his beloved cherries, knowing how much he adored them. Every time she checked her phone for any messages or updates, her heart fluttered a bit quicker, making her feel jittery and anxious. A bright smile played on her lips as she thought about seeing Archer's surprised expression when she showed up with the picnic basket. 

As Seth chatted about something, Mila tried her best to stay engaged, but her mind kept drifting to Archer. She found herself daydreaming about their beach picnic, the sound of waves crashing against the shore, and the warmth of the setting sun painting the sky with hues of pink and orange. Unable to contain her excitement any longer, Mila discreetly checked the time. She felt a surge of anticipation, eager to surprise him.

"And then we stayed at an AirB&B," Seth chattered, dragging Mila's attention back against her will. "It was crazy. The house was insane."

"Wow, really?" Mila asked. "Sounds amazing."

"It was," Seth laughed. "The pool had slides and the game room was out of this world. There was a huge library too. I think you would have liked that."

"I always wanted a private library full of books," Mila smiled. "Just walls and walls full of my favorite titl-"

From the corner of her eyes, Mila caught a glimpse of a very familiar figure, and her heart skipped a beat. She shifted her gaze, and there he was.... Archer, looking incredibly handsome.

He sat at the bar with an effortless charm, his tie slightly loose around his neck, giving him an alluring, relaxed appearance. His dark, tousled hair seemed to add an air of mystery as if he had just emerged from some intriguing adventure. The playful grin on his face was enough to make Mila's heart race, and she couldn't help but admire how attractive he looked.

Archer's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as he picked up his drink and took a small sip, exuding a sense of confidence and allure that drew Mila in like a magnet. At that moment, everything around her seemed to fade away, leaving only him in her sight.

As she continued to gaze at him, Mila couldn't deny the surge of emotion that washed over her. He looked so handsome that it almost hurt to look at him. It was as if his very presence illuminated the room, making it hard for anyone not to notice him.

His captivating features, combined with his genuine smile, made him irresistible. Mila found herself drawn to him, unable to tear her eyes away. She felt her heart flutter with a mixture of excitement and admiration.

As their eyes finally met, Mila felt a rush of warmth fill her chest. Archer's magnetic presence had a way of making her heart skip a beat, and at that moment, she knew that there was something truly special about him.

Mila's warm smile lit up her face, and for a moment, Archer's heart skipped a beat. But as their eyes locked, his demeanor shifted. A hint of irritation flashed across his expression. Archer furrowed his brows and quickly looked away as if Mila's smile had somehow managed to unsettle him.

Mila felt her heart sink to the pit of her stomach as if someone had splashed cold water on her. Her hands turned ice cold and her stomach churned. She couldn't look away from Archer as he shifted his attention to the girl sitting before him.

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