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SUBWAY GIRL | t. chalamet
chapter two

the subway


"Shit, shit, SHIT!" Taylor yelled at her shoe. For the third time this week she was late for the subway.

Taylor quickly grabbed her backpack and ran out the door, locking it behind her.

Her breathing was heavy as she walked into the packed subway. At least she wasn't late for the train itself. She pulled out her phone to text Kora, her best friend, that she just barely made it to the station in time. Kora obviously laughed at her lateness. Just as soon as Taylor slipped her phone back into the back of her jean pocket the dark gray train made its arrival. She hopped on the train just like everyone else.

Taking a seat next to someone, she pulled her bag on the ground and her phone into her hands. Sitting there on her phone waiting for the train to get into Lower Manhattan, where she can get to work.

From where Taylor was sitting, it looked like the guy across from her kept looking up at her from his phone. It was a little strange, but in New York there's a lot of weird and strange stuff so it didn't bother her that much.

As the train landed in Lower Manhattan, Taylor jumped off her seat ready to run to work, since she was a little late. Once off the train and running through the tunnel up onto the sidewalk Taylor bolted towards her work. The guy that sat in front of her on the train had gotten off as the same time as her, and he looked a little concerned. Taylor didn't care as she kept running while receiving many looks.

Finally making it to work, her boss wasn't the happiest with her.

"Taylor. You're late." Frakine, her boss, said standing behind the counter.

"I know, I'm sorry. I couldn't find my shoe." Taylor said, putting her hands up. Frankie chuckled at her and motioned for her to put her stuff in the back and get to work.

After putting her stuff in the back, Taylor walked out getting ready to be cashier and barista because two teenage girls couldn't stop talking.

The subway boy walked through the door. Oh. Has he been following her?

"Hello! Welcome to Mar's Cafe, what can I get started for you?" Taylor talked in her very fake work voice.

"Hello," he replied, "Can I get an American latte, please?"

"Of course! Anything else?"

"That's it." he said, bringing his hand to swipe away one of the curls that was in his face.

"Alrighty, that will be $3.37 today. And a name?" Taylor said, while putting everything into the computer.

"Timothee," he spoke, handing her a five dollar bill, "keep the change."

"Thank you! Your drink will be ready soon." Timothee nodded, walking over to a table.

Starting to work on the drink, she yawned a bit. Taylor must've been tired. Finishing the drink, Karoline - one of the teenagers - walked out of the break room, she squealed and walked over to Timothee.

"Timothee Chalamet!" she said with her high pitched voice.

He looked up from his book at her, "Oh, Hi. Would you like a picture?" Karoline nodded, pulling her phone out. She took the picture, thanked him, then walked back around the counter. She glared at Taylor for no reason, but she just shrugged it off.

"Timothee!" Taylor said to the three people sitting. He looked up, and went to grab his drink.

"Have a good day!"

"Thanks, you too." he responded, sitting back down.

timothee chalamet

chapter 2 done! i definitely had to
rewrite this, and i'm so glad i did

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 | timothée chalametWhere stories live. Discover now