Chapter 15: Sickness

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Is The Dark All Dark?

Chapter 15

Harry was silent as he sat next to the lake, his knees drawn to his chest as he stared at the water lost in thought. He released a sigh before he leaned back, stretching his legs out as he looked up towards the sky. There was only a few weeks left before the Yule ball and while he was more comfortable actually dancing, he still hadn't gotten the nerve to ask Daphne to go as his date. The young male suddenly jerked, his magic flaring out to alert him of someone attempting to sneak up behind him. He jerked his wand from the holster strapped to his arm as a spell hit him in the back, sending him tumbling into the water. He attempted to stand up, slipping on the wet rocks, nearly sending him crashing back into the water. He reached up to push his bangs out of his face as he frantically looked around for any signs of whoever had hit him with the spell.

"What the hell?!" he whispered when he saw no one, slowly slipping his wand back into the holster. He managed to drag himself out of the water, letting himself drop onto the cold, hard ground with a groan. His wet robes stuck to his body as he laid there, taking several deep breaths in an attempt to calm his magic. After several cold, agonizing moments he managed to push himself to his feet, rubbing his arms in an attempt to warm them as he walked towards the tent.

"How was your-" Remus started, glancing up from his chess game against Sirius when Harry stepped into the tent. He stopped, staring at his godson wide eyed as he stood in the entry way dripping wet.

"Pup what the hell happened to you? It's cold as fuck out there and you decided to go for a swim?" Sirius gasped, standing up. He summoned a towel as he walked towards Harry, feeling bad as a violent shiver nearly sent him tumbling to the ground.

"Come on. Let's get you out of those wet clothes before you catch your death." Sirius muttered as he pulled the young boy along. Remus shared a concerned look with Tonks before watching the two wizards slip into Harry's room in the tent.

"I was lying by the lake when my magic flared out. I'd barely managed to pull my wand when someone hit me with a spell that caught me off guard. I fell into the water on accident." Harry muttered as he sat on his bed, letting Sirius towel dry his hair. He closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling, another shiver going through his body. They sat in silence for several minutes as he attempted to get warm.

"You ok? You got really pale all of the sudden." Sirius suddenly questioned, looking down at Harry as moved to grab the blanket that rested folded on the end of the bed. Izzy frowned as she snapped her fingers, magically adding more wood to the small stove that was used to heat up the cold room. She was worried for her small master, feeling his magic in the air, signaling something was wrong. It frustrated her to no end that he refused to wear his lord rings when he was outside the tent, worried about someone saying something or it ending up in the paper.

"I don't feel so good. I think...I just want to sleep." Harry muttered, shifting to lie down. His godfather only nodded as he covered him, waving his wand to lower the flame on the lantern. Harry gave a small hum as he curled up on his side, closing his eyes.

" and dad know...I'm going to be late?" he muttered as he drifted to sleep, his voice a low whisper. Sirius couldn't help the sad smile that appeared on his face for a moment before he silently slipped back into the main part of the tent.

"He say what he was thinking swimming in the lake during the middle of winter?" Tonks questioned with a frown on her face.

"He said that he was hit with some type of spell and he lost his balance. He's sleeping right now but said he was supposed to be meeting with Lucius and Narcissa. Figured one of you could send a Patronus or something to let them know he's going to be late? Figured let him sleep for a bit, then let him see if he thinks he'll be able to sit through their visit." Sirius questioned, sitting at the table. He frowned, not missing the look the two shared as he glared at the chess board. Remus sighed as he shook his head after Tonks had slipped out of the tent.

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