Chapter 20 - Kingdom of the Elves

Start from the beginning

Upon reaching the royal palace, Hikari was received with honors and respect by the guards, who quickly escorted her to her parents. The elf guards solemnly led her to the imposing throne room. As she opened those massive doors, Hikari was greeted with a familiar, majestic, and breathtaking scene.

The throne room was grand, with walls adorned with beautiful and intricate designs, reflecting the rich history and culture of the elves. In the center, a majestic throne of carved stone was positioned, surrounded by elegant white marble columns. The sunlight, filtered through colorful stained glass, created a kaleidoscope of colors that danced across the room.

On the throne were Hikari's parents, the King and Queen of the Elves, whose gazes met her with pride and tenderness upon seeing their daughter. Both were dressed in royal attire adorned with symbols and patterns representing their connection to nature and magic.

Hikari began to run towards her parents, her heart racing and her eyes filled with tears. "Father, Mother! How is it possible that you are alive? When I fled, you were gravely injured, and the kingdom was completely destroyed... What happened? And where is Aphrodite?" she asked, her voice choked with a mix of emotions.

As she reached her parents' side, Hikari noticed something strange. They were motionless, as if they had been transformed into statues. The air around them seemed charged with magic, and the palace had turned into a mysterious and menacing place.

Suddenly, the massive doors behind Hikari slammed shut, and she heard a familiar and unforgettable voice echoing through the room: "Well, well, well, if it isn't the throne's successor." Hikari turned around quickly and found herself face to face with Aphrodite.

Aphrodite stood before her with an arrogant smile and a malicious glint in her eyes. She wore a dazzling dress adorned with shimmering jewels and mystical symbols. Her hair was long and golden, like rays of sunshine framing her angelic face.

Hikari couldn't contain her fury and sadness. With tears in her eyes, she attacked Aphrodite with all her might. "You! What have you done to the Kingdom of the Elves? What have you done to my parents?" she shouted, her voice filled with pain and anger.

Each of Hikari's blows was powerful and desperate, and her magic flowed like a furious torrent. She couldn't accept Aphrodite's lies and betrayals, especially when she learned that the goddess had played a role in King's death.

"Because of you, King is dead!" Hikari yelled, the despair echoing in every word. The pain of losing her loyal companion mixed with the fury burning inside her.

Aphrodite, even when provoked, maintained her arrogant and taunting composure. A tear slid unnoticed down her cheek as she responded, "The Kingdom of the Elves now belongs to me, as do you! I restored the kingdom, and your parents couldn't die. They are too useful to me!"

Aphrodite's words only fueled Hikari's fury. She felt like she was losing control of herself, giving in completely to her magic and emotions. With even more powerful and uncontrolled attacks, Hikari fought against Aphrodite, while the goddess only defended herself, as if she were toying with her opponent.

The power of their battle was impressive, and magical energies collided violently in the air, creating sparks and shaking the ground beneath their feet. Hikari wanted to defeat Aphrodite at any cost, but the goddess seemed to be one step ahead at all times.

Hikari's body was almost entirely transformed into ice, losing control of herself as she launched one last desperate magic. She created a huge, sharp ice spear and fired it towards Aphrodite with all her strength.

Aphrodite, realizing that Hikari had no more strength to continue, used an unknown ability to transport them to a space where Hikari was immobilized, and Aphrodite could talk to her.

"Hikari, I want you to listen carefully," Afrodite pleaded. But the young princess, restrained by anger and sadness, replied firmly, "I don't want to hear anything from you!"

Afrodite continued speaking, trying to explain her actions. She revealed that she had tried to join the Signs of Light to thwart their plans but needed someone with magical potential to help her. Upon finding Hikari and realizing her true potential, Afrodite decided to push her to the limit, creating situations for her to become strong enough to face future challenges.

"Their plan is to restore the 13th sign, the Demon King, to dominate the world," explained Afrodite. "Only three sign stones are left; one of them is mine, and the leader of the organization is in the central city called 'Nebula.' You need to stop him, Hikari, or else this world will be doomed."

Afrodite's words were a mix of sincerity and regret. She apologized for everything, especially for King's death. Hikari was in shock, processing all the information revealed by the goddess.

"When we return to the palace, the spear you created will pierce me," said Afrodite, preparing to leave. "Until then, Hikari."

While all this was happening, Hiro and Ace had already awakened and managed to break free from Hikari's ice magic. Using his ability to turn his sword into fire, Hiro melted the ice that held them. Determined, he knew he needed to arrive in time to help his friend.

Guided by Ace's keen sense of smell, Hiro followed to the city and then to the castle, where he knew he would find Hikari. Upon reaching the castle's door, the guards tried to stop them from entering, but Hiro used his invisibility ability on himself and Ace, allowing them to pass unnoticed.

Upon entering the throne room, Hiro had no time to react before Aphrodite's magic that enveloped her and Hikari dissipated. The spear that Hikari had created with such fury hit Aphrodite's heart directly, and she fell to the ground in agony.

Hikari looked shocked at the scene before her, realizing what she had just done. The pain of losing King and the fury she felt towards Aphrodite had become a weapon against herself.

Aphrodite, still breathing with difficulty, looked at Hikari and said sincerely in her weak voice, "I deserve this... I'm so sorry for everything I did, for all the lives I destroyed... I just wanted... to protect the world too..." Tears streamed from the goddess's eyes, revealing a side of her that Hikari had never seen before.

Hikari fell to her knees on the ground, feeling lost and overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. Tears ran down her face as she tried to process everything that had happened. Hiro, seeing the scene, approached her carefully, enveloping her in a warm hug. He whispered comforting words in her ear, offering support and solace.

"It's over now... You can rest..." Hiro said softly, stroking Hikari's hair. He knew that his words wouldn't be able to heal all her wounds, but he wanted to be there for her, as an unwavering support amidst the storm of emotions.

Hikari clung to the embrace, seeking comfort in Hiro's presence. His words were a balm for her tormented soul. She still felt overwhelmed by pain and sorrow, but Hiro's support was like a light in the darkness.

They remained there, holding each other, finding solace in one another. Hiro knew he couldn't erase Hikari's pain, but he was determined to be the safe harbor she needed. He promised himself that he would stand by her side, facing every challenge, sharing the burden, and finding hope even in the darkest situations.

What will our heroes do with the information provided by Aphrodite?

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