I Love My Bodyguard

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Your parents decided to hire you a bodyguard. You don't know why as you felt you were strong enough to fight on your own but they wouldn't change their mind. Ever since you decided to live alone they've done more crazy things. Hiring this bodyguard was one of the many. Someone knocks on the door so you go answer

"Hello. Are you Y/N?" The person asks

"Yeah. Who are you?" You look the person up and down. 'He's kind of cute' you thought to yourself

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha. Apparently I'm your bodyguard" You rolled your eyes

"Come in I guess but I don't really need a bodyguard honestly. My parents are just overly worried about me. So you don't have to be around me all the time" You told Sasuke

"Whatever. They told me you would say that. Listen they're paying me to be here so I'm not leaving" Sasuke looked at you. Sasuke then sat down on the couch beside you. You guys start talking and getting to know each other

"Maybe this won't be so bad after all. You seem like good company to have around" You say while laughing

"Whatever. I'm only here because I'm getting paid" He reminded you

"Right..." It kind of hit you that he was acting fake towards you so he could get money. Which for some reason that upset you. You got up and walked to the door of your bedroom

"I'm going to bed. Leave" You say in a stern tone. Sasuke gets up then walks over to you

"I can't. I'm getting paid to watch over you tonight" Sasuke says with a blank look on his face. You didn't want him here anymore

"I said leave didn't I? It's my home" You pointed at the door

"Are you upset because I said I'm only hanging out with you because I'm paid to?" Sasuke caught on to your behavior. You were kind of hurt. You did think he was genuinely trying to be your friend. You didn't have too many friends in the village because a lot of people didn't like you. You don't know why

"I'm going to say one more time. Get out of my house!" You sounded more angry then any of the other times

"Whatever. If you get hurt don't blame me" He walks out of the door. You lock the door behind him, go into your room, you got changed, then laid down in your bed to go to sleep. That's when you heard glass shatter in your living room. You quickly got something to fight with then ran out there to see what had happened

"Who are you?!" You questioned the person who broke in

"My name isn't important to you. You're coming with me" You start to feel a bit scared. You wished you hadn't yelled at Sasuke. This person looked strong and ready to hurt you

"I'm not going anywhere with you! I don't know you! What do you want from me?!" You shouted. All you heard was the person laugh before they started charging you. You fought back. You couldn't do much though. The person easily beat you and tossed to the wall. You hit your head. You couldn't really get up to do anything

"I guess you are coming with me after all. You're so weak" The person started walking towards you after they laughed a bit but then a kunai flew by them from the window the person broke in through

"I suggest you leave" You heard Sasuke's voice. You felt relieved knowing he was here

"Is that so? And who are you to tell me to leave?" The person turns around to see Sasuke's red sharingon eyes

"It doesn't matter who I am. You need to leave. Now" The person started charging at Sasuke but Sasuke easily defends himself. He sends the person flying across the house. Just like what was previously done to you. Sasuke starts charging up his chidori

"I won't tell you again. Leave" Sasuke walks over to the now injured person

"Alright alright! I'll leave! I don't know why you had to come defend her. If you would have just minded your own business!" The person jumps out of the window that was broken from when they came in. Sasuke's chidori disappears while he looks at you

"Are you alright Y/N?" You look back at Sasuke

"I'm injured but I'm glad you're here. Thank you" Sasuke smiles a bit at you

"Appreciating me now?" He chuckled a bit. You roll you eyes

"Whatever. How did you know I was in trouble anyway?" Sasuke stops smiling and looks at you with a serious look

"You're going to find it creepy if I tell you" Sasuke says. You get confused

"Just tell me Sasuke" You start getting up. Sasuke walks over to you. He holds out his hand to help you get up

"I was staying outside your house. I wasn't looking in or anything but I was told not to leave you alone. When I heard the window break and you yelling I started trying to find which window was broken" Sasuke looked at you with a caring look on his face

"You did that for money? Wow. They really mean it when they say you do a lot for money huh?" You try laughing a bit

"No. I didn't do it all for the money" Sasuke said to you as you walked to get some band-aids

"Well why did you do it then?" You started putting a band-aid on

"I did it because I do care about you" You felt his gaze on you

"You do? But I thought you were only here for the money?" You got the band-aid on. You look at him in his eyes

"I didn't want to admit I cared for you. You're the first girl to treat me like I'm human and not some famous person" He looks at you and smiles a bit. You giggle

"Well would you like to sit down and talk then like we were earlier?" Sasuke nods yes. You both sit down and talk. This went on for months. You guys would both sit down sometime at night and talk with each other. You loved this. You felt close with Sasuke and you even started to like him. During these months there were a couple more times he stopped people from inflicting pain onto you

"Hey Sasuke! You want to sit down now and talk?" You smile at him. He nods yes

"Hey Y/N. I want to say I've had a good time being your bodyguard" Sasuke smiles a bit. You laugh

"That's good!" You smile. Then Sasuke grabs your hand

"However I might not be your bodyguard for much longer" Sasuke looks down. Your eyes widen. You feel sad like you want to cry

"What? Why? I like having you as a bodyguard!" You hug him

"Well I was thinking. Instead of being your bodyguard I could be your boyfriend?" Sasuke smiled at you as his cheeks became a light shade of pink

"R-Really? You mean it? Of course you can be!" You get excited once more as you turned the same shade of pink as Sasuke

"I don't need any payment either" Sasuke jokes with you. You both laugh. Then he grabs your face. He pulls you into a soft kiss. You kiss him back. You two pull away

"Wow Y/N. You're a good kisser" He chuckles

"Thank you. You're a great kisser too!" You weren't lying either. His kiss was one of the best ones you've experienced

Sasuke then pulls you closer to him and starts roughly kissing you over and over. You let him since you love when he kisses you

That's how you fell in love with your own bodyguard ❤️

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