Lewis' engineer, Bono, couldn't resist teasing as he approached them, a playful grin on his face. "Ah, look who's back! Toto's been extra moody without you around, Lexi," he joked, earning chuckles from the group.

Bono then hugged Lexi warmly, welcoming her back into the team. "We've all missed you," he said sincerely. "It's good to have you back in the garage."

Lexi was taken aback by the warm reception, feeling touched by their genuine care. She replied with a smile, "Thank you, Bono. It's good to be back."

As the conversation continued, Bono playfully mentioned the bets the Mercedes team had placed on her future. "You know, you need to get back out there." He grinned as she frowned in confusion. "We've all placed bets on whether you'll formally join F1 next season," he said mischievously.

Lexi's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting this revelation. She glanced at Toto, who was sporting a confident grin. "Wait, really?" she asked, slightly bewildered.

Bono nodded and pointed at Toto, confirming the rumor. "Oh, yes! Toto here has even put £20,000 on it!" he said, the amusement evident in his voice.

Lexi raised an eyebrow, turning to Toto with an amused expression. "Seriously, 20k?" she asked playfully.

Toto chuckled, shrugging nonchalantly. "Don't look at me like that, 20k is nothing to me," he replied with a lighthearted grin.

With a small smile, Alexandra nudged him playfully, watching on screen as Valtteri and Lewis got into their cars. Bono was about to radio to Lewis when Toto stopped him, motioning for Alexandra to speak instead. She looked confused for a moment as they handed her a headset.

"Will they both hear me?" She asked. Toto nodded.

She grinned and placed the headset on, watching as Bono and Valtteri's engineer pressed some buttons. "You can talk to them both right now, but once the race starts it's direct comms only." She nodded in understanding.

"Are you ready boys?" She asked.

There was a moment of confusion before both Lewis and Valtteri replied.


"Oh no, who gave you a radio?" Valtteri teased.

"I'm taking over today fellas," she joked. "So get out there and kick some ass. Lewis, keep an eye on your back tyres, you have a habit of not looking after them, and Val? Good luck sweetie, Tiffany's gonna be proud when you get that podium." She grinned.

Toto and the others in the garage laughed at her words. Lewis's reply came quickly. "Why didn't you tell Val to watch his tyres?" Lewis asked.

"You're about as sensible and intelligent as a four-year-old, Lew...Kidding...love you," Lexi replied.

"Love you, Lex," he replied with a laugh. They heard Valtteri groan over the radio.

"I know you've become kinda like my little sister Lex, but can you give the radio back to the engineers, please? I'd rather not DNF on the first corner today."

Lexi pulled a face and mock pouted, "Way to ruin my fun," she sighed. "Good luck boys, I'm rooting for you."

From the Mercedes garage, Lexi's heart raced in tandem with the engines as she closely followed the unfolding race. Her eyes were glued to the track, focusing on the intense battle between Charles, Lewis, and Valtteri.

As the lights went out, Charles took an early lead, and Lexi couldn't help but cheer him on. She knew how much this victory would mean to him. But she also had a soft spot for Lewis and Valtteri, her teammates and friends, and her heart swayed with each passing lap.

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