chapter 2

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That Probably Wasn't Supposed To Happen
{shut up and drive}
January 25
                                 Allie's Pov
Work. Again. What I forgot about work is it is a reoccurring thing, and while during the racing season I won't have as much on my plate. I definitely will have a lot preseason. However, I like the rush. The rush got me interested in Formula 1.

I hope this outfit is suitable to Christians standards

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I hope this outfit is suitable to Christians standards. I Uber over to headquarters, and see Madelyn as I'm walking in.
"Hey Madelyn, it's Allie we met yesterday, I was just wondering what I should do on a day to day when I don't have interviews or press conferences for Max?" I question her, because why am I even here.
"Girl of course I remember you, I have to act pretty strong around higher ups to get taken seriously around here. What I do on a slow day is just follow Christian because he will have tasks for me to do." She informs me. I guess that makes sense. I'm not sure how much time around Max would be good for me however.
"Thank you so much! I'm so excited to be working here." I smile. She nods with a smile at me and goes to the parking lot. I walk in and clock in, then proceed to go to my office where I see a familiar smile waiting for me.
"Good morning Miss. Allie." My favorite honey badger smiles at me.
"Good morning Danny, how are you today." I smile back at him. I smile a lot here. I love it.
"I'm doing amazing, I got here early to talk to Christian." he explains to me.
"Oh! I need to give you our New York trip paper, I have our entire beginning of trip planned out." I pick the paper out of my drawers, and hand it to him. "please have your passport ready as well."
"Of course, this isn't our first rodeo out of the country." He tells me. Which I knew so I feel kind of dumb.
"Yes I just like to be prepared for anything and everything to go wrong." I add on. God i've been rambling to him to much. He makes me nervous.
"I have to get to work, but thank you for this Allie. I'll personally make sure nothing goes wrong. Max is in the factory by the way!" He sorta shouts as he jogs away from my office holding his papers.
Thank God I brought my jacket. It's cooler than all hell in my office. I grab my keycard and my phone then begin my journey to the factory to visit Max.
"Hello Max." I say to him, walking in to his area.
"Good morning Allie." he says, also with a grin. Wednesdays must be amazing at Red Bull factory because everyone's in a good mood.
"Why does the factory put you in such a good mood? Do you fancy a girl working in here?" I say looking around for a girl which isn't a lot, unfortunately.
"She doesn't work in the factory. It's the cars, you don't understand how much I love these cars Allie." He maxplains me.
"Whoever she is, i'm sure she's a very pretty woman." I tell him backing off a little bit. I want him to enjoy the cars without me being on his butt. It's important to me that he doesn't feel like i'm intruding his lifestyle.
"Allie come look at this." One of the engineers says to me. I walk over to where he is.
"How can I be of service?" I ask with a smile.
"I need to know what you did to Max. So we can all start doing it." He asks so seriously.
I giggle a little, "I just was myself and his kindness followed. It's important to me that I let him do his own thing, but not damage the company while he's at it." The engineer walks away from me. I think he thinks i'm lying. Hell, even I think i'm lying.
"Hi Love." He comes over, he put his race clothes on. Looking at him in that, God.
"Hello again Max." I smile.
"What's on our schedule for today?" He asks me.
"We're not doing much of anything today Max. Wherever you want to reasonably go, we will go."
He throws a cheshire grin, "Do you fancy a trip?"
"I don't know Max. Where are you taking me?" I sigh jokingly.
"Come on, it's a surprise. I'll drive. You didn't bring a car anyway." He so delightfully informs me.
"How did you know that." I question him, as we walk through headquarters.
"Daniel wasn't the only one waiting for you this morning." He seriously states.
"He wasn't waiting for-"
"Oh he definitely was Allie. He's got the hots for you." Max interrupts me.
"Who wouldn't." I say as we walk to my office to grab my things.
"Do you want to go race Allie? I have special clearance from Mercedes to go to Silverstone." He smiles.
"I don't have my race suit with me." I inform him.
"We will stop and get it, it can't be much of a long drive." He tells me, his accent coming out, very thick.
"Just about a 45 minute drive." I add on.
"Allie. You uber 45 minutes to work everyday? That's insane, and expensive. How do you afford that?" He asks me.
"I don't. My dad helps me." That makes me sound like a spoiled brat. He insist though.
"That seems like your dad. God I miss him." Max went on. As we're walking to the VIP parking away from fans and workers like me, He unlocks his car and I notice he just casually brings his Porsche to work. The one he bought after winning his debut race in Formula 1.
"Very classy." I smirk at him. He goes ahead of me, and opens the door for me.
I sit in the car and just admire it. It's so beautiful in here.
He notices my admiring and smirks, "she's a beauty isn't she? She's my victory car. I drive it when life is going really good." He explained to me.
"What's going on with life right now? Besides the fact you just won 2 world championships, you've got a killer girlfriend, an awesome new PR manager, and you're set to win more championships than your awesome PR managers dad." I joked.
"More or less about that PR manager, but life in United Kingdom is just good right now. Not so much in Monaco, but I love United Kingdom right now." He answers seriously.
"Has Kelly came and visited you?" I questioned him, as he begins to speed out of the parking lot.
"Nope. What did you think was making the UK so nice?" He laughs. Oh. Things aren't to well in the coop right now.
I smirk to myself, "Well i'm sorry to hear that. For what it's worth you guys were a cute couple."
"Don't try to hide that smirk from me. Kelly and I being rough brings a smile to your face."
"As your PR manager, as long as I don't have more press on my back about it you're free to do what you want." I giggle.
"So as long as I don't make you do the job you get paid to do, you don't care?" He jokes.
"That's exactly right." I tell him. He slows down to a red light.
"Allie, I'm thankful you're my PR manager." He gets serious again.
"Well it's gonna be an adventure. This year you're gonna be the world champion again. So it's gonna give us a great start as a team together." I nod at him.
"Hopefully this car makes me the world champion again. That's the most important thing in the world to my dad." He sighs. I rub his shoulder as he goes again.
"No matter the outcome I am team red bull. Most importantly I am team Max." I commented. He looks over and smiles. This isn't like his other half grins though. It feels genuine. I feel his vulnerability through the smile.
"You don't get paid enough. we're gonna win so we'll have a bunch to do." He predicts.
"That I wouldn't mind doing work for. I can see it now 'Red Bulls golden boy is unstoppable this season'" I exaggerate putting my hands up as I say the "title".
We sit in silence for a little bit. Which is weird, I always listen to music so I got awkward. When he pulled up to my apartment building.
"So you don't have a car, and you live an apartment?" He questions. stepping out of his car and hurrying to come open my door, he grabs my hand and helps me out.
"That's exactly what it is." We walk up onto the stairs and I put my key code in.
"Hi Jeremy." I smile to our front desk guy.
"Hi Allie you're home early." He replies to me with a shocked look.
"Just have to pick up something, this is Max." I say moving my hands to show him. Max just waves, then I lead him to the elevator.
"Do you at least live in a bigger apartment?" He asks.
"No. It's pretty small actually. I'm just not needing much space."
I unlock my door, and we walk in.
"Who is that." he points at my cat, Aspen.

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