chapter 1

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Meeting Mad Max
{ 33 Max Verstappen}
                                   Allies POV
"Allie you'll be Max's pr manager. We expect nothing but perfection, and believe me he's a handful." Christian Horner says to me. I smile at him.
"That shouldn't be an issue, sir, I can deal with some upset attitudes." I reply, keeping myself composed.
"Yup that's one word for his moods. My assistant, Madelyn, will take you to get your keycard and other such set up. Madelyn for godsakes get her into some work appropriate clothes." he says to her. This embarrasses me, and I look down at my business causal outfit. I thought I looked decent for my orientation.
She begins to walk out so I very quickly gather my things and follow behind her. "Don't take it personally, for anything else your outfit is good, but Christian keeps things pretty casual in the paddock." Madelyn says to me.
"That's perfect I don't want to upset my boss on the first day."
"You look like a medium, put these on and meet me where you came in, I have to take a call." she commented, giving me clothes without looking at me.

I can gladly say that's not an outfit I imagined wearing

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I can gladly say that's not an outfit I imagined wearing. It's very out of my comfort zone. I grab my other clothes and throw them in my bag and speed walk back to where I came in earlier. Without looking I feel myself crash into something and my feet fall from underneath me.
"Oh my god I am so sorry about that." I say.
Good god Allie. your first day and you can't even walk on your own two feet.
This is when I look up to see a honey badger smile looking at me.
"Don't apologize love, it happens." No other, than the Daniel Ricciardo himself replies to me.
"you're Daniel Ricciardo." I gape at him.
He chuckles, "Last I checked yes I am, however they tend to not tell me things so who knows"
"Sorry i'm new and I wasn't expecting to see a driver on my first day, I haven't even been in a paddock in years. My name is Allie." I ramble on, without even noticing he probably doesn't care.
"You look really familiar, have I seen you around the paddock before?" Daniel asks me.
I laugh, "not for several years now, and definitely not in a Red Bull paddock."
He makes a shocked face, "you're a Schumacher!"
"Was it my face that gave me away? It often is."
"It was your laugh actually, I haven't raced Micheal in years. He always had the biggest impact on me." Daniel explains to me.
"He's still kicking, to my knowledge Max is trying to beat his record?" I quiz, as if I don't know everything and everyone about formula 1.
"We'd all love to, but these past couple years Max has wanted it the most." Daniel responds.
"Well Lewis tied him, so one more and his reign is no more." I add, trying to make my knowledge seen.
"You know your shit. So what are you doing in a Red Bull paddock and not Ferrari?" Daniel asks me.
"A PR manager position opened up and working in this surroundings has always been a dream of mine." I smile, thinking about little me being held by my fathers PR manager, Sabine.
"Did you ever get into racing?" Daniel asks me. A lot of questions on his part.
"I'm not supposed to race but it's fun." I smile a cheesy grin. I love racing. Watching it, doing it, just being near it.
"Maybe we can race sometime. I have to get going but it was nice meeting you Allie." he smiles walking off.
I speed walk, actually watching this time towards where I came in, to find Madelyn and Max standing there impatiently waiting for my arrival.
"Are you always that late, or did you just choose today to flirt with other drivers." Max glares into my skull. I bite my tongue, trying to let my anger stay at bay.
"You must be Max. My name is Allie, i'll be your PR manager." I introduce. I come with a lot of attitude, but I assume my best bet is to keep it on the low for now.
"Yeah no shit i'm Max. Who else would I be?" he snarls. Yowza, what a bitch.
I decide to act dumb, "well i'm not sure what everyone looks like yet so I just wanted to make sure." I innocently smile.
"Come with me. I'll show you around. Then we can get you all your required things." Madelyn adds herself in.
"No need Madelyn. I'll handle it." Max cuts. I raise my eyebrows, his body language tells me i'm about to get the most maxplaining the world has ever seen. Does he think I took the job without any research?
"Well as long as i'm not any trouble. I just don't wanna get lost, this place is really big." We're not even in a paddock, we're at Red Bull Racing Headquarters in Milton Keynes.
"I'm not sure why they had you start now, we have two weeks still racing starts. I don't plan on doing any PR beforehand. they can try but they won't succeed." He bitches.
"In my meeting with Christian this morning he had mentioned you doing some youtube videos for the f1 channel, and some for red bull as well. you also have a video shoot coming up for the 2023 slow mos." I list off, thinking of the things I had recently put in my planner.
"Whatever. just stay out of my way." He grumbles sorta quietly. Mad Max, now I see where they get the name from. "You'll come with me to Grand Prixs to apparently make sure I don't say anything to get Red Bull in trouble." He adds.
As we walk to the factory room, I notice his grumble start to fade, maybe he thinks a girl is cute in here.
"So what do they do in this room?" I ask. Just to seem even more stupid.
"This is where they make the cars. is that not apparent from opening your eyes?" He tells me, sounding incredibly annoyed.
I hear the familiar FaceTime sound i've grown to know so well, thank God because I need someone else to talk to him.
It's Daniel, though i'm not sure why i'm surprised because they became close after Max started racing Red Bull his debut year in Formula 1.
"I see you've met miss Allie Schumacher herself." Daniel says, smiling at me.
Max turns around and looks at me, mouth slight agape. "Yes I did, I just met up with her a little bit ago. I'm showing her a tour of the factory." Max tells Daniel.
"I'll leave you guys to it, have a great day guys!" Daniel cheekily says, I can feel his smile from here.
"You're a SCHUMACHER?" Max says, sorta loudly.
"Yes I am. Michaels daughter herself." I proudly smile.
"so why aren't you Charles PR manager? I'm sure you could get his fired if you wanted her to be." He questions me.
I can't hold in my laughter, "I know Mia quite well, I wouldn't get her fired she's the only
one who can handle that boy."
"I don't imagine you're aware, but your dad was a Formula 1 legend. The kind people write books about. He set huge records." Max explains to me, being awfully handy about it. I never noticed people using their hands to speak until now.
"Really? Wow. Those are what those trophies are for? I'm really just a dumb blonde then. I had no idea." I sarcastically say with a dumb blonde giggle.
"As one of your superiors it is my job to educate you on these type of things. Did you seriously never ask your dad any questions?" he rhetorically asks. He turns around and begins walking away. Before I start moving I roll my eyes dramatically, and flip him off.
Am I seriously going to deal with this man? He irks me so bad. God I feel for Kelly, his girlfriend, but she's a bitch so I guess that makes them fit pretty well.
"When are you taking me back to Madelyn? I need to get my keycard and such." I question as he begins to walk out to cars.
"We aren't going back to Madelyn for now. I'm taking you to Silverstone. we're testing if you live up to the Schumacher name because I highly doubt it." he smirks at me.
"Oh come on now. that's a half hour drive away. Christian isn't paying me to play racing games with you. We need to get you back inside to discuss your upcoming public events. I'm really afraid we will be underprepared." I sternly say to him.
"You are absolutely zero fun." he whines walking back towards the headquarters. He stops at the door and turns around and looks at me.
"It is cold will you just put your keycard in." I say shivering in the damn outfit Madelyn gave me. Seems intentional.
"What if I told you I lost mine." He shoot's back at me. I glare daggers into him. He's bitching and not taking me to get my damn keycard and he doesn't have one? How irresponsible can he be.
"Surely you can call Madelyn she's still here." I say. Trying to walk around for warmth.
"Why would I take my phone with us for a tour of headquarters?" He answers with a dumbfounded look.
"For things like this Max! We are getting you on a damn routine because this just won't fly with me my stress levels would be so high." I snap at him. Here comes the attitude I tried to hold off on.
"Kelly is a good manager for me. She understands me, you walk in bickering at me, and lying about who you are. You don't know a damn thing about me. You're just another dumb blonde." He spits out at me.
"What is going on out here. Allie, it's your first day and you're already making a ruckus. We run a very tight knit ship here. Getting along with the driver i'm paying you to help me promote would certainly help that." Well here comes my favorite person, Christian himself.
"I'm so sorry Christian I'm not quite sure where to go to get my keycard so this never happens again." I plead with him. I want a job in the Formula 1 world so desperately.
"Max, take her right away to go get her keycard. Oh, and Allie thanks for changing into some better clothes. I never want this place to feel like work." He was definitely trying to sweeten up to me after yelling at me because that wasn't normal.
"Shouldve just let you go with Madelyn. You'd be out of my hair." Max grumbles. Great we're standing in the lobby of his teams headquarters and he's fucking grumbling in front of staff and possible sponsors.
I grab his wrist, and pull him swiftly towards the elevator before pressing the button and getting in. "You may not like me, but I don't accept you causing a scene like that in your lobby. When people think redbull racing they think of you. So damn well act like it." I yell at him, using my finger because I was so fed up.
"So you think you're all cool. That you can start bossing me around since you're supposed to manage me? Well that's not gonna work I-" he begins with to whine.
"If you would just listen to me I wouldn't have to boss you around. I am here for your benefit, and i'm here because I want to be here. Formula 1 is my entire life." I finish for him.
"If Formula 1 is your life then why don't you work for Ferrari? Your dad would love it if you worked for Fred." Max tries to explain to me.
"I don't look good in all red so absolutely not." I laugh. He chuckles. Finally i'm getting some sort of emotion that isn't negative towards me. I just wanna connect with him.
"You and I have met before you know." He mentioned as we stepped out of the elevator.
"I think I'd remember that."
"No seriously I was 4 when you were born. 2002 right?" he questions.
I mouth gape at him. "Yeah, June 8th. How'd you know that?"
"Your dad won that weekend! That was the year my dad wasn't racing. Your dad is so cool he's my role model."
I laugh. It's not new news to me when someone says my dad is their role model. The only difference, they will always know a different side of him than I did. Everyone sees Micheal Schumacher the 7 time world champion in Formula 1. What I see is 5 minute Facetimes on a blurry screen because he's at a race and has to miss our birthdays. It's not his fault though.
"Mine too. Hes a really good guy." I say as he leads me to the keycard maker in one of the private offices, off limits to tours of course.
"Let me take a photo of you." he says, still not being serious.
"It better not look bad. I have to use this thing to clock in." I giggle. I pose goofy with my rock and roll expression first, then switch to my hands together at my sides after he laughs a little, and then smile at him normally.
"Something must be wrong with the camera your face doesn't look right." he jokes.
I roll my eyes playfully, "whatever like you could do any better." I take the camera from him and print my keycard after typing my info in. Then I hold it up to him. "say cheese!!" I exaggerate like a mom. He gives me a goofy grin then immediately goes back to serious for me to take the photo.
After he hears the click he comes over. "See I told you mine would be better."
I scoff, "As if. I'm too photogenic I used to model biotch!"
"Glad to see you two are getting on well." Daniel surprises me coming over, he stands next to me, and in the corner of my eye I can see Max glaring at him. I don't understand though because they are best friends?
"As much as we can. He was probably the one who dropped me on my head when I was a kid." I laugh. Daniel laughs with me, Max however only
"I'm telling you mate she's the perfect addition to the Red Bull team. We got her keycard together and everything. However, her and I need to go get my schedule for the next few weeks figured out so you'll have to excuse us." Max tells Daniel, grabbing my shoulders and leading me towards apparently my office.
"Have a wonderful first day Allie! Max don't be to rude." He calls out to us. I turn around to wave and smile at him.
Max grumbles, "Do you insist on being so friendly to everybody."
"It's part of my job. That's what I get paid so god awful to do."
"Daniel can be friendly enough for both of you." He sternly replies. I scoff slightly, but bite my lip and look away so I don't snap on him.
"So can we actually work on your schedule? Id be very happy if we did that. I need to get everything ready, and make sure your driver can take the two of us." I say in my actual work voice.
"Yeah my driver can take you, we will just have Kelly with us. Not very often though." He tells me. I take out my planner and mark off find a driver on my list. He motions me to sit down in my desk chair which I do. Incredibly comfy, no wonder I make such shitty pay.
"Let me get my stuff sorted and then we can get going." I smile at him. I've never had my own office let alone desk before.
"smile for the Red Bull news page Allie!" He grins.
I give him one of my pearly smiles and he takes the photo on his phone.

Red Bull Racing: Welcome to the Red Bull Racing family, Allie, we are so glad to have you here!Allie will be serving as Max's PR manager ahead of the 2023 racing season

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Red Bull Racing: Welcome to the Red Bull Racing family, Allie, we are so glad to have you here!
Allie will be serving as Max's PR manager ahead of the 2023 racing season. She has a bachelors degree in journalism from the University of Oxford.
"Max this is singing my praises to much. I don't think Christian is actually happy for me to be here."
"No it's not. it's minimal. It doesn't even talk about you being Micheals daughter." he scuffs.
"Let's just get to work, I need to get this figured out so I don't have to work at home." I try to grasp to him.
"Don't work on this place at home, it's not worth it." he informs me. However, knowing me I will do all my work tonight so him and i can work on new stuff tomorrow.
"Max it's just important to me to be on time. We need to make sure you have everything ready for the car launch. that's my first big test." I put my hands on my head with stress. this is gonna be to much. Why did I choose this for my career.
"Love, we will do amazing at the car launch. i'll be on my best behavior because my actions determine how you do." He calm and collectively says. I sigh and let my hands off my head.
"We have 10 days. Christian is requesting you, Daniel, Checo, and I leave on Sunday, we will get to New York early in the morning. This will give you guys the day to get sleep schedules together. Then we have some promotions to do over there, but we won't find those out till we got off the plane. They are all scheduled to be the 3 of you to make my life a little easier." I list off my planner. I'm also writing it down on another page to give to him, so that Max knows what's going on, but i'm also making a copy for Daniel and Checo.
"How early we will leave for New York?" he asks me. I cringe at the grammar lack.
"We leave Sunday morning at 3 a.m. I'm going to get you guys picked up at 2.15 so we make it to the airport on time. We're flying private." I list off to him.
"Let's call it a day. It's getting time for your day to end." Max tells me.
"Thank you for your cooperation, Max, I hope to see more of this in the future." I smile and blush at him, as we both stand up.
"I'm looking forward to our collaboration. Miss Schumacher." He winks before heading back toward the factory. That man is going to be trouble. I can just tell.
January 24th END

So that's my first chapter!
I'm very excited for this series and I'm hoping you guys do too! 🫶🏼

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