Glorious Masquerade, Noble Bell College

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Do you hear the bells ringing?

Sonorous as the mighty thunder, dainty as a quiet whisper.

Before you are the "Bells of Salvation",

Now listen closely as I tell you the story of a monster living deep within the City of Flowers.

(Night Raven College, Assembly Hall)

"Grr, stinkin' headmage, callin' us first thing in the mornin'... what's all this baloney about an "important discussion", anyway", Grim asked, not too happy about the assembly.

"We'll just have to wait and see", Evelyn said.

"He's summoned all the freshmen, and sophomores and juniors too", Ace stated, "it's never good news when he calls a mass assembly like this",

"Shhh, the headmage is here", Deuce said as Crowley walked onto the stage.

"Good morning, my wonderous students", Crowley announced, "what a lovely day this is shaping up to be",

"Well, isn't he all smiles, it's creepin' me out", Grim muttered.

"I have good news for you all", Crowley stated, "there will be an arcane academy social one month from today", everyone erupted in murmurs until Crowley clapped his hands, "quiet down, it shall be the first Promising Young Mages' Social, one of the other magical institutions came up with the notion, specifically, Noble Bell College, in Fleur City, and they will be hosting it as well; much like our own campus, Noble Bell College is usually closed to outsiders except on special occasions, so it was quite a surprise to hear them of all people propose a meeting of arcane academies, I considered declining and telling them not to put our esteemed academy on the same level as the others... but they were most insistent when they reached out; I believe they said, "there is no arcane academy more exceptional than Night Raven College, please, you must take part", how could I say no in the face of such an honest appraisal of our school, which has flourished under my tenure as headmage",

"And yet, I'm stopping overblots while you sit back", Evelyn muttered to herself.

"Looks like everybody hates the idea...", Grim stated.

"I can understand why... what about you, Grim", Evelyn asked.

"I'm with them, sounds like a total snoozefest", Grim said, "the school's tiny, right, it's probably just all beige walls and stuff, nothin' exciting",

"Are you certain that's the stance you want to take", Crowley asked, "the social is a chance to speak with other students and broaden your horizons, it's not some challenging course... and after the social, there will be a ball where you can dance, eat, chat, and enjoy all the festivities",

"Practically what I do outside of school", Evelyn mumbled to herself.

"And since you're students of the prestigious Night Raven College... I'm sure the other attendees will fawn over you", Crowley stated, "I can see it now, "wow", "Can I have your autograph",

"For real", Grim said in shock.

"And more to the point, this is a special time of year in Fleur City", Crowley reminded, "they're holding their famous festival, it only happens once a year; for two nights and three days, you'll take in beautiful sights, see delightful entertainment, shop for unique souvenirs, and of course... enjoy a myriad of delectable vittles, with all expenses paid by the host",

"I WANNA GO", Grim shouted, "me, mememe, I wanna go to Flowertown or whatever, I want delectable vittles",

"Grim, quiet down", Evelyn reminded, "I've been to that festival numerous times, it's always fun",

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