Where am I?

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Smut warning or 🤷‍♀️

You woke up with a relly bad headache. When you looked aroung you see that your not even in your room.

When you decided to get up you feel something around your waist.

The moment you turnd your head to see what is not letting you get up.

"Ummm" You groan as you felt you head gonna explode.

An idea popd in your mind to look around so mybe you remember something.

You raised you head and pull the cover off yourself. What was there you wasen't ready for.

"Ohh.......my god" This slipped out your mouth when you see that your whole body is coverd in purple spots.

So you get up and when you realized what is on the ground you wanted to just disappear.

3 used condom a vibrator and a handcuff.
Plus some clothing there too.

You wanted to make your way to a beathroom but the moment you stepd on you leg you fell.

"Ooooo fuck" You wishperd as quiet as possible. So you give walking anther chance and it worked. Between the cloths on the ground you tried to find your phone so you coud check waht time is it and what day.

"There you hideing" You whisperd and grabed your phone but when you turnd it on your phone was dead." You gotta be kidding me"

As you looked at the cloths you recognized a miniskirt and a bra. And you usually wear these when you wanna have a bit of a fun at nights.

"I can't belive this"

And while saying this a memorie got in your mind.

You were sitting next to the bartender's counter while loocking around to find a handsome guy you coud fuck with tonight.

You sitted there for like 20 minitues and getting bored of  no one found interesting in you. So you drinked you wiskey and before you coud stend up a guy sit down next to you and started to speak.

"Two wiskey please" He said and looked at you.

"Why is someone beautiful like you is sitting alone?"  He asked while pulling his mask up so he can take a sip of his drink.

"Well Im not alone enymore" You tell while bitting your bottom lip.

He said something but the only thing you coud focus on right now is his massive body.
Big arms massive thighs and a pretty big .....
you know what Im thinking of.

"You listening?" He asked  and he realired that you already eye fucked him lime 2 times.

"You'r or my pleace?" You asked
"My" He whisperd with now a hard dick.

"I cant belive I said that" You said in a low voice while dressing up.
Before you even put the bra on you felt like someone is staring at you from behind.

For sure you turned around if his acually awake and of course not putting your bra on first.

"Guten Morgen y/n"He said

You just stare in his eyes realizeing you dont have a bra on.

"Hi" You whisler in a shy voice turning around and lutting your bra on.

"Last night was amazing" And when he finishd his words everything was clear now.

"Oh god please dont stop" You moan out.
" Never thought about that" He say while speeding up a bit.

You were a moaning mess under him. But you wanted more.

"You won't satisfy any woman with this slow pace" You say  and dig you nails deeper in his back
"Your moans say something else"
"If you can't speed up Im going home"You moan.

"Be careful what you wish for" He moan and speed up the pace.

Ohhhhh my gooooood. I can't belive I did this

"Look can you take me home please?" You ask
"Of course"
"Thank you" 

After he dressed up he waited for you while you were i  his bethroom doing you hair and makeul.

"You good in there?" He asks"Yes just one more minitue" You say geting out of there.

Before you get out of the house he stopes you for a sec.

"What happend last nigh-" He started bht you cut him off. "It was nothing" yoh say faster then ever."I wanted to say that i want to repeat it with you"  He says while you stend there like a kid who done something bad."But before that I wan to ask you if you want to go on a date with me?" He say in a shy whisper.

"Yeah thats not a bad idea dear..." Fuck whats his name???Come on y/n think.

"König" he say " König" You repeat.

"Alright see you on the date König" You say while walking into you house............


Hope you liked it!

See ya in the next one!❤👋🏻

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