Chapter Seven

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Present day....

"He then killed him before my very eyes. He lied to me saying that he was on a business trip when in reality his was planning Wilson's demise." Connor explained with tears in his eyes.

It was hard for him to re-live that memory that haunted his being 24/7.

It hurt him deeply, knowing he just sat there in fear, watching as they sucked the life out of his beloved mate until he was lifeless.

He could have done something; however, he was too much of a coward to go up against his father and his men.

"They then threw his limp body into the Forbidden Forest. He did not want me near Wilson at all. He did not want me to pay my respects, saying that the Moon goddess made a mistake or I was just delusional when it came to the concept of love." He whispered in a low voice filled with defeat.

"I DID NOT MAKE A MISTAKE. WHAT I FELT FOR HIM WAS REAL!" He aggressively slammed his fist onto the bed in a fit of anger and a hint of sadness.

This made Mason jump.

Conner apologized for his sudden action.

He did not mean to scare Mason even further.

He wanted to re-ensure the white haired boy that he will do anything in his power not to harm to him.

He wanted to atone for his mistakes.

"Now that concludes the story on how I have become broken, slowly losing my way without a light to guide me out of the darkness that surrounds me." Conner stated while looking down, fidgeting with his hands in pure nerves.

He never told anyone this.

He kept it bottles up inside; as a result, he did something that was inhuman.

Something his father would have done, and he does not want to become like him.

It was one of his greatest fears.

When he claims the seat of Alpha he will earn people's respect and not force them to obey him.

He will get rid of useless traditions that only cause harm, and change the structure on how things will be run.

He will try his best to become A great leader unlike his father.

The story gave Mason chills as he processed the information that was given to him.

He now understood why Conner had shut him out of his life.

It was a long time mystery he always wondered the answer to and now it was solved.

It was his way of protecting Mason from his cruel father; who did not favor those who were born an Omega.

Mason did not realize how awful Conner's father could be.

He knew that he was a bad man, but killing your son's mate In front of him, now that is the definition of evil.

He analyzized everything in extreme detail, trying to comprehend all the pain Conner must have gone through all by himself.

He had bottled up his emotions, trying his best to get through the day without his mate, knowing what his father had done.

His father was the one who caused everyone's suffering.

He was a sick individual.

It amazed Mason that such thing could happen and that the man before him had not given up on life for the soul purpose of getting revenge.

'His father kind of deserves a horrible death.' One of the voices in Mason's head commented.

'I agree his father is a total dick. I hope Hades has fun destroying his soul for all the pain he caused. Who would kill someone's mate all because they are a different species, especially their son's. I am beyond flabbergast.' Bella expressed in a heated rant inside Mason's head.

'Deffently a low blow' A voice agreed.

Mason listened to them while gathering his own thoughts.

"I know my story is no excuse for what I did to you. I'm ashamed of my actions, and apologize for my ways." Conner expressed filled with regret.

Mason looked at Conner with pity, knowing that this man went through hell and back.

Even though it is hard to forgive him for what he had done, Mason believed in second chances.

Especially, when Conner was under the influence. He had no control over his actions, believing the delusions that filled his brain with hope.

He put his hand on Conner's Shoulder as a way to calm him down.

He looked at him dead in the eyes.

"Once again it is okay. People make mistakes and we learn from them. I will forgive you in due time; however, we should get dressed it is your big day after all.

"Happy 21st Birthday!" Mason said with a smile on his face, trying to change the mood.

- To be continued

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