Chapter Four

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A sense of guilt overwhelmed Conner as he realized what he had done to the one person he wished to never hurt.

He took advantage of his childhood friend, when he was at the lowest point of his life.

It was no excuse to do what he had done, but since it was the anniversary of Wilson's death his mind was not in the right place.

Wilson was his mate after all, and he has been long gone from this world, leaving both Conner and his wolf behind to face the cruelty of the world.

losing your mate was like losing a part of yourself, and you could never be the same no matter how many pieces of the puzzle you find and put back together.

You will forever remain a broken version of your past self.

Conner regretted the decisions he had made that followed numerous consequences all because he wanted an escape from the harshness of reality that surrounded him wherever he went.

The escape that he so desperately wanted, resulted in a terrible ending from the delusions that his brain conjured up from the Wolfs Vein that toyed with his emotions ten fold.

Conner's brown orbs traveled towards the mark that was placed upon Mason's neck in the shape of a crescent moon.

The same mark that would have been placed on Wilson's neck if he was still alive and breathing right beside him.

The way he felt in that moment of time, knowing that his actions caused great harm, was like waves from the open sea crashing upon his broken body with all the emotions of the world ruthlessly, punishing him for the deeds that he had committed.

It was a mistake on his part that he wished that he could take back.

He would sell his soul to the devil if it would undue last night's ordeal from happening.

He could never take back what he done, and the gods where not on his side.

They wanted him to suffer; as a result, he hurt the one person he never wanted to hurt in all his years of living.

He had taken advantage of him, and he felt like mere trash for doing such a thing.

He did not deserve to have the glorious life style of being an Alpha of one of the main three packs.

He did not deserve to be breathing the same air of those who resemble pure innocence.

He deserved to be punished by Hades himself.

He was a terrible man, and a leader to do such a thing.

He had failed himself, and Wilson's memory.

Connor's actions had no plausible excuse for what he had done.

He was at his lowest but that didn't mean he could take something that did not belong to him.

There was no forgiveness in the desisions he had made while under the influence of a drug that alters reality.

His mind was deluded with thoughts of Wilson that clouded his judgment to where he did the unthinkable.

The mark placed upon Mason was created because of his actions; therefore, ruining Mason's chance for a happy ever after.

He hated himself for doing what he did to his ex-childhood friend that held a special place in his heart even though his father condoned their friendship to where he was forced to part ways, setting a harsh reality between the two.

Connor sat up from the comfort of his own bed feeling the aftermath of yesterday.

His body felt sore all around; due to the wolf's vein side affects after it had left his body.

He could feel that Mason was already up from the way he was shooting daggers at Conor.

Connor did not want to look Mason in the eye.

He was too ashamed to look at the man that he took a future from.

Mason could have had a loving mate if it was not for him.

He could be in the arms of his destined pair, sharing endless kisses, something Conner had no pleasure partaking anymore since his mate was six-feet in the ground because of his father.

Conner felt the same way he did on that day where he lost a part of himself.

He felt awful to where he dreaded being alive.

They both sat in silence not knowing how to break the tension that was in the air.

They both did not know what to say to each other or how to act because of the ordeal that happened a few moments ago it seemed.

When in reality it happend last night, fresh in both of their minds.

Conner was playing with his hands, trying to come up with the words to apologize.

His lips parted ways, begging to speak but no words escaped as his mind went blank.

He could not form any words that could make the situation that they where in any better. His eyes glanced at mason after getting the courage to do so, only to regret it.

Mason's eyes looked lifeless like all the emotion was zapped away, and locked in a box for all of eternity.

He looked like a broken doll, begging to be repaired by it's maker.

He was not the same Mason Conner knew in their youth. He had broken him, and it was his fault.

Conner turned completely towards Mason who was surrounded in his own thoughts.

Conner placed both hands on Mason's soft pale face, forcing Mason to look Conner in the eyes.

The voices in Mason's head rage on, wishing a thousand deaths upon Conner; however, Mason did not agree with them when he glanced into Conner's eyes.

He saw that both of them where the same.

They were both where broken beyond repair.

He did not understand what made Conner become the way he is now, and it sadden him.

Conner was his childhood friend that was bright and cheerful in his youth.

Something had happened to where the Conner he used to know is long gone, only existing in his memories.

He wanted to find out what happened, despite the situation that they where currently in.

"It is okay," Mason whispered in Conner's grasp.

"It saves me the trouble of being rejected from my real mate. I know that you were not in the right mind. All I ask is that you treat me with care until we both parish from this hellish Earth." Mason asked in a soft tone.

"In due time I will learn how to forgive you." He added, a small smile stitched upon his pinkish lips, gazing into Connor's eyes.

Conner was shocked as he hung on Mason's words.

How could such a person accept this awful fate with an open mind, and be worried about him when he ruined something with his tainted hands.

Conner did not deserve this; yet, he broke down into tears, knowing that there was a person he could vent to about the troubles of the world that seemed to be getting too heavy to bear.

Even though he did not deserve it.

~ To be continued

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