Part Thirteen

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After hours having spent at the station; making sure Negan was safe and as comfortable as can be, you decide to head to his house to update his wife about him after your shift ended.

Taking a deep breath, you brace yourself and knock on the front door. After a few seconds, it opens and your greeted by a very stressed-out looking Lucille.

"Y/N...?" she stares at you in concern.

"Has something happened to Negan?"

"Coach's fine, Mrs. Smith. Thought that I should make a turn and give you an update on him" you explain your visit.

Lucille exhales in relief.

"That's very kind of you. Please come inside."

You faintly smile at as you enter the home and take a seat.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Lucille offers.

"No, thank you Mrs. Smith" you politely decline.

"I won't be too long, so it's not necessary."

"Ok" Lucille responds, taking a seat as well.

"Where do I begin..." you sigh out mostly to yourself.

"Coach has been booked for assault and battery and will remain detained until he comes before a judge Monday morning" you inform Lucille.

"Oh-my-God..." Lucille stares open-mouthed at your information.

"Is it really that bad?"

"Honestly, it may end up even worse..." you sigh out.

Lucille frowns at your remark in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

Running your palm across your face for a moment, you then look her in the eyes.

"Depending on what the damage is on the man he assaulted, the DA might go for attempted murder charges."

"Oh-my-God..." Lucille groans out, resting her face in the palm of her hands.

"All this because of some asshole..."

"What exactly happened?" you enquire.

"The guy was being obnoxiously loud and became an asshole towards me when I asked him to quiet down a bit" she explains.

"Was that all?" you frown in confusion.

"Negan asked him to apologize, and the guy became an even bigger asshole. He kept running his mouth and Negan finally snapped."

"Ok, I'm getting the picture now" you nod.

"The fact that he was provoked could help in Coach's favor. There were witnesses, so they'll hopefully come forward. But to be on the safe side, I'd suggest you come in tomorrow and make a statement about everything that occurred up until the fight broke out."

"Thank you, I'll do just that" Lucille nods in agreement.

"I made sure that Coach was safe and comfortable while detained" you inform her.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Lucille gasps out, jumping up and hugging you in gratitude.

"Don't mention it" you give her a faint smile.

"There is one thing that I need from you both though."

"Anything!" Lucille nods in agreement.

"Neither of you can mention that I was here and that I helped in any way... it could mean trouble for me."

"Of-course!" Lucille nods.

"Thank you for helping this far."

"It's the least I could do for my old Coach" you comment.


You barely slept a wink the entire weekend; worry for Negan and the guilt of having to pretend with his wife had kept you up.

Knowing that Negan was to come forth for arraignment this morning was making you nervous. The charges against him serious and you knew that the DA was a bit of an asshole, he would most definitely make sure that Negan got the harshest punishment possible. You hoped and prayed that Negan had a damn good lawyer because he desperately needed it with that man.

"Here..." your partner gets into the car, handing you a cup of coffee.

"You look like shit."

"Why, aren't you a bouquet of sunshine and roses..." you drawl out in response.

"You worried about your old Coach being arraigned today?" he then remarks.

"Kinda..." you sigh out, blowing on your coffee to cool it a bit.

Taking a sip, you then explain.

"He's really a nice guy. That guy was an asshole towards his wife, provoked him and he snapped."

Your partner arches a brow at your remark.

"How'd you come by that information?"

"His wife told me" you confess.

"Jesus, Y/N!" you partner scowls at you.

"Tell me, you did not discuss the case with her?"

"I didn't!" you quickly lie in response.

"I just went to put her mind at ease about him being detained, to let her know that he was safe and comfortable."

"I hope that's all you did..." your partner utters frowning.

"Swear, that's all I did" you state.

"Good" your partner nods and the topic was soon dropped.

You realized then how absolutely right your partner was; you couldn't be connected to Negan in any matter where this case was concerned.

If they were to delve too deep, the truth about your relationship with Negan would come out and you could lose your job because of it.

The only solution was to keep a distance from Negan while the case ran its course and hope to God that none of your dirty laundry got aired during it.

Only problem was, getting Negan to play the game. 

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