"I'll do you one better. We can model for you." He offers us up as if we don't have plans of our own after this.

She can tell we don't agree because of the clear disapproval on our faces. "You all don't have to, it's fine."

"What kind of photo shoot is it?"

"It's for a lingerie magazine. My friend and I are joining together for our graduation project, she's a business major. She has her own line of sexy nightwear and I get credit for the photos. We have a hairstylist, a makeup artist, and a caterer. It's supposed to be a ball but some drama happened behind the scenes so now we're down at least seven models."

"I'd be happy to help. Rue?" She looks over at me.

"I have to go see Shuri." I interject.

"She can come too." Anna smiles. I can see it's really important to her and they've put a lot of money into it from the sounds of it.

"Okay fine, text us the address. I might even be able to scrape up some more models." I say immediately texting Iris.

"I only need one male model. Sorry Kaleb, you're welcome to come." She smiles.

"I wasn't going to model even if you paid me." Kaleb laughs.

"Well, I'll see you all in two hours." She smiles before getting up from the table.

"This isn't going to go well for you Joe." I say once she's far off.

"Mmhmm, remember that at our wedding." Joe slyly smirks.

By the time I got to the venue I had gathered four other girls to join us, Iris, Morgan, and two girls that I know from around campus. When I got there I was shoved straight into a room for hair and makeup.

They worked in unison and had me ready within fourth five minutes. They had laid me out a sheer bright pink old Hollywood robe with feathers and a nude pink garter set with heels to match.

The kind hairstylist safely straightened my hair and styled it in a '90s flipped-ends look. I can see the vibe they were going for. I look great but I feel silly. There was a light knock at the door while I was still behind the changing curtain looking at myself in the mirror. "Come in." I called out. I did various little poses to try and feel more comfortable in this outfit.

"Angel?" I hear Shuri. I turn to see her silhouette on the other end of the curtain.

"Yeah, I'm in here. I'm coming out don't laugh." I bite my lips but remember the makeup artist just beat my face to perfection.

"I won't, at least I'll try not to." She sits down.

"Promise or I'm not coming out." I demanded.

"I'll make it up to you if I laugh. Just come out or I'm coming in. I want to see your face."

"Fine. Close your eyes." I huff. My legs move faster than my mind as I step to the brighter side of the curtain. My eyes don't leave her face.

"Open." I pose to make myself look less awkward.

When her eyes open I'm met with an immediate reaction. She leans forward with her elbows on her knees. "This is different." She smiles.

"I know, it's for a good cause though. You like it?" I spin showcasing the whole outfit.

"Of course, what kind of question was that?" She licks her lips. "Come here." She pats her lap.

I walk over to the small sofa she's sitting on and straddle her. She leans in for a kiss and I put a finger on her lips. "No, I haven't been shot yet." I giggle.

"Well that's no fun." She rolls her eyes.

"You'll be fine, just look for now. We need to talk before I lose the courage to say what I need to say." I smile down at her.

"Okay, I'm listening." She places her hands on my waist and leans back.

My heart starts beating ten times faster. I'm about to pour my soul out to this girl and promise to marry her. "I got you something." I reach over into my purse and pull out the two small jewelry boxes I purchased earlier this week.

"What is it?" She looks down at my hands.

"I've had time to think about everything that we talked about at the party. It's been all I've been thinking about since. I've tried picturing every scenario of my future. Each one where you're not in it hurts just even imagining that I can't be with you." I stop to contain my tears.

"Stop thinking about that." She whispers holding the side of my face gently. "What's in the boxes love?"

"You said you needed some sort of promise that we'll get married someday." I open the box with a gold band inside. "I got us these bands as a promise that I'll marry you, I just need time to figure me out. I just can't see myself without you." I smile placing the band on her finger. "I don't know if it'll be soon or later but I want us to be endgame. I want to wake up every day and see you, I want to have a family with you and grow old together. I want to celebrate every accomplishment with you, I-" I'm cut off by her kissing me anyway.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you Love."

"This doesn't mean we're back together but it should be enough to keep M'Baku off your trail."

"Even if it isn't, he'll have to deal with it. What are we going to do in the meantime." She says as I slip my band on.

"I broke up with India, even though she and I weren't ever together. Anyway, I'm focused on you without the pressure of a relationship. That way I don't get mad at you for every little thing, that way we both can have room for error. It's a foolproof plan. I don't expect you to stop talking to other women but the whole multiple people thing just isn't for me. Especially when I know it's always going to be you." I lock our fingers.

"You're always going to be my everything Korine Rue Sutton." She leans in to kiss me but I pull away.

"We've already messed my lipstick up enough. I love you Shuri." I smile at her.

"I love you, Rue."

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