"Hi Sebastian, O-Ominis." She walked close to us. 

"I should get going." Ominis said walking past Zorro not even acknowledging she was there. He walked out of the undercroft leaving me with her. 

"Why does he hate me all of a sudden?" She said with tears flowing from her eyes. "I thought he-" I poled her towards me, wrapping my arms around her. 

"I can't say much, but it has to do with his family." She gripped my sleeve and started crying. Even though Ominis hasn't told me what he's feelings are towards her. It was very clear what her feelings are towards him. Somehow she has fallen in love with him. 'Did she do this last year with Ominis? After I pushed her away. After all that she did for me. Did I push her into the arms of my best friend?' As much as it hurt my heart knowing that. I just wanted her to be happy.

As the days went by Zorro never left my side. She always looked like she had something on her mind. I've tried my best to keep her happy. One October day I was leading her out of the castle.

"Come on Zorro." I said, taking her hand and leading her out of the front door. 

"Sebastian, I need to study. I'm already behind on my Charms homework and I haven't even started on Divination." She said trying to turn back. 

"No. You study to much." I said, picking her up in my arms. Her face started turning bright red. "We need to get out of the castle and have some fun. Besides we don't have classes tomorrow. I'll help you study then." 

"O-Ok. F-Fine. Just put me down. People are looking." 

"No. I like caring you." She put her hands over her face. I loved seeing this side of her. 

I was looking at her when I tripped over a rock and started stumbling. Her arms quickly rapped around my neck. Her breathing got heavy, and I could feel it on my neck. It started making my heartbeat faster. 

"Put me down before we both get hurt."

"Fine." I said then I got a mischievous grin. "But first you'll have to let go of me." After saying that she quickly let go and I set her down. Then she pushed me away. I started laughing. "Come on." I took her hand and we went to Honeydukes. "Chose what you want. I'll get it for you." Her face lit up and she started acting like a kid. 

She got some jelly slugs and exploding bonbons. They were selling cupcakes today and I could see her eyeing them, but she didn't tell me she wanted one. I got some Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. 

"You picked out what you wanted." She shook her head and handed me her things. "You go to the Three Broom Sticks. I'll be right behind you." She said ok and left. Finally, without her knowing I got her a cupcake. 

I went to the three broom sticks. Zorro was talking to Sirona as she handed her two butter bears. She was sitting by a window and the sun that shined throw gave her a glowing look. When she smiled my heart skipped a beat. 

"It's good to see you two having a day of fun." Sirona said as I walked up to the table. "And I hope Sebastian is being a good gentleman to you." 

"I always am." I said putting the bag of Honeydukes on the table. "This candy isn't just for me." Zorro started giggling. 

"I'll let you love birds be them." As she said that Zorro's face got bright red again. Sirona gave a smile and left. 

"Here, I got this for you." I pulled out a box and handed it to her. When she opened it, a big smile went on her face. 

"Sebastian, you didn't have to do this." She said getting up and hugging me. 

"I know. It's been a while since we had a down day and with school getting harder, we need this." 

She took a bright and got a big smile on face. Then handed me it so I could take a bight. It was a really good cupcake. Zorro started laughing. 

"Sebastian, you have frosting on your nose." She put the cupcake down and with one of her fingers she wiped it off. I then grabbed her hand and licked it off her finger. Her face went bright red again. "W-Why are you doing this?" She pulled her hand back and looked at the place I licked her.

"Because today is your birthday." She looked at me with shock. "I had a feeling there was one reason why you like the fall. I confided it with professor Weasley. I know with last year we were just getting to know one another. I wanted today to be special for you." She scooted her chair closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder as she finished her cupcake. Without her saying anything I knew that she was thankful for me doing that.

That night we were in the library studying and she fell asleep on my shoulder. She gave a small wimped and tears filed the corners of her eyes. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. She stopped whimpering & a since of calm went on her face. Her hand gripped my sleeve. My head rested on hers while I kept working.

I let her sleep on me until I was done. "Zorro." I said shaking her shoulder. She opened her eyes. They were filed with lost and sand ness. She was still upset about Ominis. We walked back to our dorm, and I gave her one last hug before I went to bed.

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