part 3 Chapter 2

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Months apon months of waiting, I was numb to everyone, Ava, Janson, and even Teresa. I didn't speak much and I didn't fight, I just figured what's the point, I assumed the worst, I had convinced myself that everyone who wasn't taken by wicked was dead. One day Teresa came in with an empty wheelchair, "come on, you're seeing Minho," the news was the only gleam of happiness I had felt in a while. Teresa helped me into the wheelchair and pushed me to a room where he was sat with handcuffs. He saw me and I saw a small smile appear on his distroyed face, I returned it but I couldn't help but notice how tortured the boy looked. Teresa pushed me in the room and left then closed the door and locked it, its not like we could be secretive because the room was pretty much all windows, there was a table inbetween us but that didnt' stop me from reaching for his hand which he held happily. "Hey," I said quietly not having much strength. "Hey, Y/n," he replied his voice weaker than mine. "Oh, Min, what did they do to you," I wanted to cry but I was too weak. "Torture, have you not been?" he asked. I shook my head 'no' trying to ignore the overwhelming guilt. "She's latched to you, isn't she?" I nodded, he gave her a death glare through the glass. "I don't know if I will ever be able to trust her again," I say and he gave my hand a squeese. "Y/n, promise me, that it's you and me, together, I doubt the others are alive, I have you and you have me?" My other hand went to his other hand. "You and I together, for the rest of our lives," I saw a small hint of a smile from him which made me smile wider. I was pulled away and ripped out of his grasp, "no, wait!" I yelled, "MINHO!" I was being forcfully wheeled away. "Y/N!" He yelled back followed by the sound of a taser, I covered my mouth to stop my cry.

<<<<<Time skip>>>>>
I was looking out the window, something about tonight felt... Odd? I've never once believed that they were out there so why was I so invested in looking outside? Just then Teresa walked in and started to check my body like she does every evening, "You're a little weaker than yesterday, " she observed, "did you enjoy seeing Minho today?" I just nodded, "You know I need to check how strong your voice is," I know that's a lie and she knows that's a lie but I speak anyway. "Not as weak as Minho's," she sighed and kneeled down infront of me. "Please try to understand that this is for the greater good," I just continued to look out the window.

A small glint of hope filled me as I looked at the opposite building, I could almost imagine someone waving at me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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