chapter 6

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Chase pov
I could not sleep. I kept thinking about what Madelyn said. "He's not you". Does she still have feelings for me? Do I feel something for her?
Of course feelings don't disappear overnight, especially after such love. When we broke up, I believed that I would never find someone like her, that I would never love anyone. And maybe I wasn't wrong. I don't know If I could love somebody like I loved her or care of somebody like I cared of her. I knew we wouldn't be together anymore, I've come to terms with it. I have my life, Maddie has hers, but I know I'll never forget us. Everything reminded me of us, of her. Songs, ice creams,series we watched together, even my favorite tea that we always drank together. Everything was a reminder of her. I thought about everything until finally I felt sleepy. I looked at Madelyn again before going to bed. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. She was lying on her back in a top and shorts, she didn't have to try and she was still the most beautiful girl in the world. I smiled to myself, seeing her slightly open mouth , cute. I suddenly realized how creepy it is to watch someone sleep. I lay down and soon fall asleep.

Madelyn pov
I woke up because the sun was shining in my face. Everyone was still asleep because it was so quiet. After a while I realized in the hammock next to me, Chase was sleeping. "I hope I didn't do or say something stupid yesterday because I don't remember anything" I thought to myself as I stand up and went to the toliet. When I got back, Chase was already awake, I'll have to talk to him cool.
"Hi, it's do early, we should go back to sleep I think" I said as I climbed on the hammock.

"Good morning, yeah I think that too, how are you feeling, because yesterday was a bit bad?" he said as he laughed.

" I feel amazing, maybe my head hutts a little bit but it's nothing, did I do something yesterday I don't remember anything?" I asked panicking.

"Nothing terrible don't worry, everyone was drunk"

"Thank god" I said as I closed my eyes
" I am going to sleep, you should too Chase"

"Yeah I going too, goodnight Mads, don't snore like yesterday"

"I didn't snore, don't lie" I said kinda laughing

"Yeah, yeah keep lying yourself baby" he said and I kinda froze. "Baby". He didn't call me that since we broke up. But we're friends right?

"Fuck, I am sorry I shouldn't have said that, you have a boyfriend" he said guilty

"Hey Chase it's okay we're friends remember? I don't want it to be awkward." I said "Now let's go sleep, I am exhausted".

"Yeah I remember but I am still sorry, goodnight Mads" he said as I fell asleep again.

When I woke up, Chase was not there. I heard a noise from the Chateau, probably everyone was there except me. I quickly got up and entered to the chateau.

"Look who it is, sleeping beauty" Rudy said and I showed him middle finger. I loved fighting with him.

"Hi everyone what are we doing?" I said yawning.

"We can talk for a while and then leave and go home, because I'm about to die, my head hurts so much" Madison said and I laughed

"yeah fine, we were supposed to come back in the evening but I didn't think the party would go like this" Jd said and we all agreed. At least I'll surprise my boyfriend, he'll be so happy that we spend the evening together.

I honestly didn't want to say goodbye, I know I'll see them tomorrow at work but I knew I'd miss them. I have so much fun with them, I forget about all my problems. But time has come, maybe I'm being a little dramatic but someone has to. When we said goodbye, I hugged everyone. I'm glad that hugging with Chase and talking to him isn't as awkward as it used to be. We're getting along. As I got into the car, I waved and drove away. I am so happy to see my boyfriend.

When I got out of the car outside the apartment, I quickly went upstairs, hoping Liam was home. When I opened the door, I saw something I never wanted to see, something that broke my heart into a million pieces again. It tore it. Liam was fucking some girl on our bed. I was so stupid.

"What the fuck?" I screamed as they moved away from each other a little.

"You were supposed to be home in the evening."

"I was but I am now you fucking liar how dare you be jealous when you're the one  fucking some girl on the side. We are over, get your stuff and get the fuck out with your chick" I screamed, I was so angry that I didn't even shed a single tear. There will be time for that later.

When they left, I laid down on the bed, crying. How could he do this to me, I thought we loved each other. Maybe there's really something wrong with me, maybe Olivia was right, maybe my personality isn't perfect either. It felt like someone had taken my heart out and shit on it. I didn't even know what was happening to me. I feel like I'm empty inside. As if a piece of me was missing. Like I was lost. How could he be jealous of me when he cheated on me all the time. screw them. I had to call Madison. I had to hug her. I felt like a problem again but I had to. I picked up the phone and just called, hoping she would pick up .

"Madelyn? Hi, what's going on?" I heard her voice and immediately smiled.

"Hi, can you come to me, please." I said crying

"Mads are you crying? Is everything okay?

"Nothing is okay, Liam cheated on me"
I said as my voice started to crack

"I am coming, don't cry he is an asshole, fuck him." She said and I whispered "thank you"

When she arrived, she immediately hugged me. We got on the bed and just cuddled. I figured I'd be the first to break the silence.

"Is something wrong with me, why did he do that"?

"No, you're all right, you're beautiful, smart, cool, there's something wrong with him fucking dick. I know you loved him, this can be hard but you have to
get over him, he don't deserve you" She said and I knew she was right, but I was too tired to say something, so I just nodded my head. I fell asleep right after.
Madi slept next to me all night, I felt safe  and wanted somewhere. And tomorrow we go to work, great. All in all, it's even good, when I will be working, I won't be thinking about Liam.

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