chapter 4

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Chase pov
After talking to Madelyn, all I wanted now was to be home. I was fed up with Olivia and her stupid actions, I was ashamed of what she had done. I'm tired of fighting all the time. I can't imagine how Mads felt at Olivia's words. I've always supported her, and now I don't even stand up for her. I feel stupid. I hate myself for how I treated her.

When I finally found Olivia, all I said was that we were going home. When we got into the Uber, neither of us spoke. Maybe it's better because we'd fight again. I was sad, I loved her, but we just don't match. I figured I'd talk to her when we got home.

As soon as we entered the room, I started talking,

"Liv, we have to talk, I can't be with you. Sorry, I just don't feel it between us. All we do is fight, I am fucking tired of your stupid actions like today. Why did you do that? I work with her. I need to be on good terms with Madelyn. I don't want me and her to hate each other.
I'm sorry but we are not good for each other."

"Chase, I was gonna say that first. We are over. I noticed that you don't care about me, only work, friends and that bitch. I've had enough of this shit. I'm breaking up with you, not you with me. Anyway, I'll find someone better than you, it won't be hard, you're not as great as you think." She screamed as she left the room.

Maybe she was right, maybe I'm not that great. As soon as she left I broke down crying in my bed. Fuck I am fucking weak. Everything always fucks up in my life. I lay in bed and just stared at the ceiling. I've had enough of everything, I don't want to see anyone. I just want to stay here. As I lay there, I finally fell asleep.

When I woke up, all I could think about was going back to sleep.I couldn't do anything not to think about yesterday's situation. I am going to work tomorrow. Finally, I can get my mind on something. On the other hand, I didn't want to see Madelyn, I was ashamed of how Olivia had treated her. I saw her crying as she came out of the restroom yesterday at the party. I hated when she cried, even more because of me, I thought about it as I fell asleep again.

The next morning at 6 am, I was at work. I am going to Madelyn's dorm because we have to practice for the scene. I was still afraid to see her, I thought she hated me. Well, I knew she didn't like me much because I was her ex, but now she probably hates me. When I entered her dorm, she was sitting in a chair repeating a script.



"Madelyn, I'm so sorry about Olivia  once again  and about me, too. She was terribly jealous and did some stupid actions like always. You don't deserve someone to talk to you like that." I said, well almost whispered

"She was?What? She suddenly isn't jealous anymore." She asked with a sarcastic smile

"No, she isn't because I broke up with her, I was tired of all this shit, I was tired of her. We were fighting all the time, and I didn't want my relationship to look like this. I'm sorry about that, I hope it never happens again, well, it won't." I said, and my voice started to crack. Fuck

"I'm sorry about your break up. You loved her. You don't have to apologize a thousand times. It's okay, really, " She said as she came up and hugged me. "I am sorry," I whispered in her ear as a tear started to run down my cheek. Fuck. The hug was quite long. I was glad that everything was okay between us, but I felt weak crying in front of her.
I was crying in front of her when it was my fault. When we pulled away, we immediately went back to work. It was even comfortable.

Madelyn pov
As he stood in front of me and apologized, I couldn't help but hug him. I couldn't watch him suffer. That's what touches me the most. After this conversation, we were on better terms. I feel more comfortable around him now.I hope he won't be as sad as when he was with Olivia. After all, he deserves a good girl, someone who understands him. With olivia, he was not too happy because she was too possessive, I understand that he is my ex, but she must understand that this is our job, we are professionals, we signed a contract.
Good thing she's not there anymore.

After finishing work, I finally went home to my boyfriend. When I saw him I immediately ran and jumped into his arms "I missed you so so so much" I whispered as I held onto him "I missed you more Maddie" he said as he kissed me. I missed him, those days have been exhausting and I don't know if I want to tell him about them. But I decided to tell him.

"Yeah and then she called me a bitch, fat and ugly bitch and Chase was standing there like nothing fucking happened. I was so mad at him that I wished you were there. I was mad at him for not telling his girlfriend to shut up, but he apologized a thousand times after this, so it's okay between us. Today, he told me that they broke up, which is good because she was terrible. So it's all what happened when we were apart" I told him and he was having this cute face saying "wow".

"Good thing he apologized or I would have kicked his ass, seriously. And that Olivia shut up she doesn't know what she's saying. You are the most beautiful woman on this whole fucking earth, I will not give you to anyone, you are mine" he said as he looked into my eyes

"Show me" I said challenging him and he immediately kissed me which turned into a make out, which turned into us having sex. I missed him so much.

After sex we laid on the bed, hugging each other. I had my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It was so peaceful.

"You see, you're mine, not any boys', not Chase's, mine" he whispered.

Why is he bringing Chase into this.

"Hey, me and Chase broke up a long time ago. Don't bring him into this. Chase and I are friends right now, zero feelings. I'm worried about him but that's because he's my friend. I'm just rooting for him to find a nice girl, not another Olivia."
I say slightly annoyed

"Okay honey, don't get mad, I am just saying" he said as he kissed me, "how could I?" I whispered back to him smiling.

After a while I fell asleep, thinking about how much I don't want to get up for work.

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