chapter 5

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Madelyn pov
I was sitting with Madison in my dorm and we were repeating lines. I loved when we had scenes together, we could spend a lot of time together, I loved spending time with her. When we finished repeating the lines we laid down on the couch and just lay there. I figured I'd be the first to break the silence

"What about your girlfriend? She always came here and spent time with us, how about you and Mariah?"

"Oh, we're good, it's okay, we're just having a hard time, we had a little fight, but now it's okay, we love each other so we will be fine, I don't know what I would do without her, she is perfect" she said smiling, sounds so in love. They're so cute, I am rooting for them so bad.

"That's good because I was worried, I'm rooting for you guys, you're my favorite copule"

"thank you Mads, you are my favorite, I hope things work out for you too, you can always tell me if something goes wrong" Madison said. God, I was so grateful for her.

"I'm fine, I love Liam, I have great friends and Chase and I are on good terms again what I wanted most because I couldn't stand awkward situations between us, everything's going well I think, I feel fine myself too"

"That's good, Liam is a good guy stick with him and Chase and you would be on good terms anyway, I just know you both couldn't stand hating each other, not being friends with each other, everything would be fine anyway" she said and she was right, tears began to fill my eyes, I don't even know why

"You are right, I hated when we went from loving each other to not talking to each other and not liking each other, but that's what ex-couples should do especially when my boyfriend is jealous of him and Chase broke up with his girlfriend because she was so jealous that he spends time with me, because of me, it's sick but you're right"

"You see, I'm always right, everything will be fine, you don't have to cut off contact, but now we have to get up and go working" she said as we got up and went recording scenes

When we finished, we decided that we (Madison, Rudy, Johnatan, Chase and I) would all spend the night at the chateau as a group, just a little sleepover. We brought some alcohol and started talking and joking and just having fun like old times. We were all very drunk except for Chase who didn't drink, I don't know why but okay as he wants.
We all slept on the same couch so it was a bit uncomfortable. Chase lay first, next to him was Madison who was next to  me and then was Rudy. Jd chose to sleep in the armchair, it's kinda funny how he just slept there.

"I missed this, I missed you guys really" Madison said and we all smiled

"Missed you too, all of you, I love you guys" Rudy said so serious, It was funny because he was never that serious.

"I will miss it too when the series ends, I hope we won't lose contact, I don't want to lose you" I said as we were all in sad mood, I heard from Madison silent "we won't"

We all fell asleep right after this conversation. Unfortunately I woke up in the night and I couldn't sleep, it was so hot, I had a headache, I think I drank too much, I could still taste alcohol in my mouth. I decided that I would go for hammocks, it will be colder for sure. When I got to the hammocks, I noticed that someone was lying on one of them. Chase. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I don't want to talk to him right now, I hope he's asleep. Unfortunately he wasn't.

"You can't sleep? Me too" he said to me as soon as I came there and I lay down on the hammock next to his.

"It's too hot and my head hurts, too much alcohol, next time tell me not to drink so much" I said as looked at him
"what about you"

"I'm not that sleepy and Rudy snores too loud, I had to leave" he said kinda laughing

"Yeah right he snores so loud, even louder than you" I said as I laughed too

"That's not true, I am not that bad Mads"

I missed this. Just stupid laughing.
We laughed for a while and then there was silence. Not as uncomfortable as it used to be, it was even comfortable.

"How are you feeling after that breakup with olivia?" I don't know why I asked this question, but I just wanted to make sure everything was okay

"It's okay, I realized she was a bad person after this fight with you. I've come to terms with it, I'm happy on my own " he said sounding sad, "and what about you and your boyfriend, everything is good?" He asked, I didn't expect this question at all, I didn't even know he knew I had a boyfriend, they never really met, but someone could tell him

"Fine, we get along well, everything is perfect I think, I love him" As I finished the last part of that sentence, I saw him tense up or maybe I just imagined it, because I was so drunk "But he is not you" Fuck, why did I say that, I'm never drinking again, but that was the truth, I loved Liam but Chase is Chase.

"Mads you're drunk you won't remember it in the morning, but I'm glad it's okay even If it's not me, now just go to sleep" he said as I closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Chase"

"Goodnight Mads" he said and I started to fall asleep.

Tomorrow is a day off, at least that.

What do you think???
I feel like my writing is kinda boring and cringe but whatever😭😭😭😭

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