Charles listened attentively, his heart breaking with each word she uttered. He wanted to take away her pain, to shield her from the world's judgments, and protect her from the relentless media intrusion. He couldn't bear to see her suffering like this.

It wasn't fair.

She deserved the world.

And the world didn't deserve her.

"Please, mon ange, don't talk about yourself like that." He sighed, stopped walking, and forced her to stand still beside him as he cupped her cheek with his hand gently, forcing her to look him in the eye. With a pang of guilt, she realized he looked close to tears.

"You are beautiful, and kind, and caring and practically perfect with the exception of one think too low of yourself. You are the most amazing person I have ever met Lexi, and you deserve all the happiness in the world."

Silently, she stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek, her face burning red. It took Charles every ounce of self control to not pull her in for a kiss, but he knew now wasn't the moment.

"When my Dad died, I started going to therapy." He admitted. "It really helped me. After you left...I started going again."

"Oh Charles-,"

"I started going again, because I knew you were in pain, and I wanted to be able to help you through it." He finished. "But Lex, I think you should speak to someone...I think it'll help." He whispered.

She nodded softly. "Okay," she murmured. "Okay." He replied, taking her hand as they began to walk again.

As they walked along the track, Charles subtly pulled out the snacks he had managed to grab from Max's trailer. He glanced at Lexi and saw her eyeing the breakfast bar with hesitation.

"Here, have this," Charles offered, holding out the small breakfast bar, gesturing to one he'd picked up for himself.

Lexi tried to shake her head and decline, but Charles gave her a stern look, speaking firmly but with concern in his voice.

"I'm not blind, Lexi. Everyone can see that you've stopped taking care of yourself. The first step to getting better is to eat," he said gently.

She looked torn, and he could see the battle raging inside her. She seemed nauseous at the idea of eating, but Charles gave her sad eyes, hoping to appeal to her emotions.

"Please, Lexi? Just a few bites for me?" he implored.

Lexi hesitated for a moment before giving in. She took the breakfast bar from his hand and after a few moments of an internal struggle, she took a few small bites, swallowing with effort.

Charles heart hurt as he watched her eyes fill with tears, as she fought back the urge to throw up. It felt wrong for her to eat, as if her body was working against her.

They walked in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Charles could see the internal struggle Lexi was facing, and it pained him to witness her battling with herself.

He reminded himself to talk to the others later, just to ensure that everyone is keeping an eye on her and making sure she eats.

Lexi's anger with herself was evident as she stopped eating the breakfast bar after finishing only half of it. Charles gently wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. He kissed her forehead affectionately, trying to reassure her.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself," Charles said soothingly. "Progress is progress, no matter how small. You took a step, and that's something to be proud of."

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