Lose Weight, Then

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Picking on characters


Things to keep in mind

Me talking



Henry's POV

Sometimes, I wish I was skinnier. Like every "fat" teen, I ate a lot. And got body shamed for it. I want to fight back, but I bite my tongue before I do. I'll explain this later.

"Hey, freak! Save me a burger." A guy yells.

I sigh and keep my head down. Why bother trying to have a comeback? They all would say the same thing. What would they say, exactly? They would say "Lose weight, then."

3rd POV

Henry walked down the halls, heading to Music. He then runs into Drew and Liam. They are some of Henry's friends. They quickly exchange a "hi" and leave for their classes.

Henry makes it to music in time, but barely. The teacher begins to teach the class by talking about medieval music.

After a heck of a boring lesson, the bell rings. Everyone rushes out the door, some saying "Bye Mr. LaCroux."

The bell rings and Henry sleeps right after doing homework.

The next day, he's tormented by the threesome. What happens, exactly? Well, let's just say he ended up vomiting and not eating his lunch.

So, everything right after lunch is just one big blur of embarrassment.

Next class for Henry is History. This is one of his least favorite class, since one of the wingmen bullying Henry earlier is in History as well.

The only good news is that Liam's in this class. He's friends with a mix of outcasts and popular kids, but all the girls hate him.

 The weird thing is, he never got bullied with Liam around. Heck, they never bully Henry when a jomie is around, whether it's Liam or Drew or Jake. That is something Henry would say is fucking unfair.

Henry sits down in a desk, somewhat towards the back. He's zoned out, but Liam wants to know why.

Liam keeps watching Henry, glancing for one second and then looking away. It became very distracting to him, since he couldn't focus on taking notes. So, when the teacher gets called to the office, Liam finds a perfect opportunity to ask.

Liam's POV

I'm really concerned. Honest. I mean, what's with Henry? He looks so...drained. And empty. Did his parents divorce? No, wait, screw that. His parents may argue, but they aren't divorced.

"Mr. Ford please report to the office. This is not an emergency. Mr. Ford, please report to the office."

"I expect you to be on your best behavior." Mr. Ford said in his gentle voice.

Although, his gentle voice always meant that if you misbehave, he'll  send you to your grave.

"Juanita, will you please watch over the class?" Mr. Ford asks.

"Yes, sir." Juanita replies, in her serious tone.

"Miss brown noser is at it again."

"Ass kisser."

"I can't believe guys like her. She's so fucking annoying."

These are things people are whispering about Juanita. Mr. Ford leaves and once that happens, everyone whips out their phone, whether it's watching TikTok, or texting, or games.

I then realize I can ask Henry, but I have no courage to speak. So, I come up with an idea.

I get a piece of paper and write. I then give my best throw, hoping it lands on Henry's desk. The note says:

R u okay? U aren't acting normal and u look kinda empty.


3rd POV

Henry gets a note, but ignores it. Mainly because he thought it was another of those boys saying he was a fatass. But he can't resist. The note is too tempting.

He slowly opens the note and scans it. Henry was...well, confused. How should he answer?

Henry writes:

dw im good

It's somewhat false, but Henry chucks it to Liam. Henry then stares at Liam, wanting to see his reaction. Liam sighs a relief, but still looks unsatisfied, almost as if...he knows he's lying. Liam starts to get up and walk towards Henry's direction, which made Henry panic.

"Okay, class. Let's get back to learning." Mr. Ford blurts.

Everyone puts their phones away and smile to act innocent.

"Liam, sit down." Mr. Ford says.

Liam sits back down.

Drew's POV

Ugh. I never thought health could ever be so boring.

"Body odor is very important, as it can affect your social life and your health. This is because..."

Oh my lord.

I look at the class and see that like half the people are asleep. Makes sense.

Finally the bell rings, and everyone rushes out as if there was a zombie in the school.

It's lunch. I hang with the jomies, and Jake.

"Oh, hi princess." Jake says in his charming way.

I sigh. It's a long story(read in Love, Drew).

A blush appears on my face and I respond by saying "Hi and I ain't a princess."

He tries to put his arm around me, but I refuse.


I slap my forehead. He may be charming, but he has a brain the size of a seed.

"Hey, guys!" Henry calls out.

He's also another friend of mine. But, he's annoying. All he does is rant about lettuce and MHA. Then his friend Liam also joins in, but talks about girls.

Personally, I don't know why I hang out with him, but, I guess it was cause they never acted like this until sophomore.

"Got to go! Music club." Jake somewhat yells while running.

The music club. Great. Ever since those freaks were in Jake's life, he's been doing nothing but hanging out with them. Sometimes, I think he doesn't like me. But he won't leave, right?...

A/N:So, cliffhanger once again cause yes. This oneshot was requested by Tatty1UwU.

Fun fact:This oneshot a 3 part oneshot and the only 3 part oneshot

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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